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Little Miss Bitch

Chapter 5 NO.5

Word Count: 1073    |    Released on: 02/03/2018


oung man!" Andrea growls and I

on something other than the insane headache I have. I hear footst

ohol, you wouldn't be having a headache right no

ds. My mom glares at me and walks over to the cabinet and grabs out some tablets for me. She wal

nd I shout as we glare at my mom. My mom sm

back at the both of us. I let out a groan and jump off the

r a filthy glare. I stare at my mom and she points at the se

your mind when you decided to drink all the

ass beside me and the bitch he brought here to bang

ar if it wasn't for my mom having black hair and And

." Cole replies and

grab some food, did you mean a girl?" I ask, my own eyebr

now?" Cole asks and An

or you." Andrea replies,

ds and I turn my head so that

" I growl angrily and

e thought of

sn't mean I don't get any sleep. I have school in t

ys and I groan, resting

om." I say and

ar you say that tonight." My mom says

e to mean?" I ask, m

e house, washing both of our cars, p

ht. Like I said before, I would love sleep so sorry Cole, your on your own." I say, tapping his back before j

nally ruin your life." I say and as I turn aroun

ay and before I can walk into my room as planned

re trying to do, right?" Co

I say and C

ut us. They were saying how you need a boyfriend bec

ow them how stressed out I really am. Cole nods and I think

I need to change and settle down w

happen." I say

t us alone today. Oh and I think they purposely knew that we would get

thought she would ground

se to get us alone again because they want

ing then, Cole?" I

nod, the grin still on my lips. Cole let's go of my

say and my mom ra

t Cole before nodding. My mom grin

e leave the house, I can't help bu

are so

te soon though, I know I will. Did you like the chapter? What do you think of

w what




ry much and hopefull


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