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Breaking Bonds

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 910    |    Released on: 13/07/2018

rt and pleasant tune as they opened again, and an au

e, with only a few doors, their surfa

e doors at the end of the corridor, bringi

the first time got to see t

le to help himself. 'Th

and stairs leading up to a balcony above, where there were only two doors that Kevin could see. The windows were large, letting the light spill into the room, and there were a few pott

who stood in the centre of it all, hand on

there? Shut the door' he said

u say rent was again?'

yment every month, no catches, no str

at's incredibly cheap for a place this size…wait…I've got a proper

eading to a door nea

oom' Justin sai

, empty, but massive, with a modern and tasteful design, and clean. The room smelt new and unused, and there were fresh sheets on the bed. The double b

is my

cash to help things along'

toic glance to

g? If I have a look under the bed will

letting the door swing open. 'I'm going

go, before turning

e did was to draw the curtains, lett

the bed, before sitting on the bed itself and bouncing u

bedroom door and into the main room of the apartm

kitchen, remaining where he was for a moment before risi

s hand upon the frame, seeing Jus

lp but let out

d down and the sunglasses upon the kitchen co

op and long and wavy on the bottom, the long strands resting upon his shoulde

ith a serious expression,

with his mouth open sligh

en, that if Justin smiled


p with a frown of annoyance as he


reply, turning away hastily, b

saying, taking plates out of the cupboard and dishing


eeing what Justin had cooked up. It w

ood cook then?'

this.' He walked away then suddenly withou

ou going?' K

o out, I've go

bout th

tin replied briskly, before snapp

ng silence, feeling a little l

at's he

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