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Breaking Bonds

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 899    |    Released on: 13/07/2018

supermarket. Kevin laughed and joked around with his friends, it took them

rough the streets, headin

ghest floor and heading to the door at

veral times on the floor in his drunken state b

artment silent and dark, Justin w

. Everything was tidy as usual, Kevin thought that Alicia the

ven bother to undress, dropping his bag on the floor and fall

ng feeling groggy, his

got undressed and had a quick shower before having his breakfast. Justin was still not here, Kevin glanced up towards the top of the stair

, and afterwards, he met with Anastasia

d to him, and so Kevin had

amed, 'it's so g


and grab a coff

tea' Kevin

iggled, before straightenin

nfidently and without hesitation. 'Thi

athed, flush

nding a small table by the window and sitting. Kevin ordered

, looking over towards the cou

tina working behind the counter, d

ng back to Anastasia ca

er or something?' An

led confidently, leaning with his elbo

lot you know…and I thought…?' she looked down at her drink. 'What is she doi

has to work a lot of hours to earn money…between school

amed. 'It must be great to

ater. She thanked him, telling him she had a wonderful time, bef

her through the door, befor

ain outside the school gates. They stood together

him' s

ed, seeing

you s

's the guy that's been

him, walking at a stride, his

d as Kevin ap


rom an o

d him, just before Kevin swung a fist,

, falling to the grou

ister what had happened, tur

n of a

ise to his feet. He grabbed the man then, turning his face towards Jes

iciously, speaking directly into his ear, still hold

lawing at his face. He rose swiftly, throwing Kevin off hi

the spectacle, some even drifti

y for that' the ma

riled up now. 'You hurt som

ing towards Kevin without a seco

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