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Breaking Bonds

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 919    |    Released on: 13/07/2018

ell…' he said, 'he's sort of intense

him with an unconvinced expre

uncomfortable or anything

led, 'but I don't want to

you could never

ng out of. His friend Christina had come over to h

to make my own way in this world and crashing with friends for free

its only


him, here glossy blonde hai

's ok to ask people for he

wearily, 'I just…want to do


y managed to fit all the stuff he wanted to take with him into two large boxes, carrying one

home any time' his mo

s he held her back, 'but

said, extending a hand to Kevin for him to s

leaving the house with C

way from him now

ne, don't get sad. I'

Your family are so sweet…they're going to miss you s

rned to

nd. She had gotten a job, working hard when she wasn't in school so she could afford a place of her own, a dream which eventually

f yours' she gleamed at him. 'I love

with a cardboard box in their hands, 'the place is pretty nice. The guys rich and rent is cheap…he

evermore beautiful. 'Never allow a good oppor

you don't want to take a bus? It's a bit of a long w

Christina beamed at

d turning away.

itting on a low wall by the road outside. Kevin had been left the gu

a small bottle of water each an

ed excitedly as she sat besid

in a playful voic

aking out one of the sandwich pieces and feeding it to him. Kev

giggled, using a napki

the napkin from her as she

loved this town, even in the busy streets with the traffic and the noise and the people, he f

e there is nothing to do…nothing expecte

rying about

ltime…spread my wings….and….' he fell silent then, bringing his feet up and hugging his knees to his chest. 'I just

distance off, the rumble of a motorb

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