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Breaking Bonds

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 875    |    Released on: 13/07/2018

sorts of places and see all sorts of amazing things. My fathe

ce' she added briskly, beginning to kick her feet playfully, holding her han

ed. 'I just want to

ou relax…' Chri


ffed m

See you later!' she

re Kevin had a ch

onsiderable distance back to his new home, having forgotten money for

g the sunlight, enjoyin

oor. He was beginning to slowly familiarize himself

r to the apartment and opened the

sitting at the table, the table lad

d as Kevin closed t


e door, walking over towards the

ustin asked him. 'J

n said staring down at the t


wn at the food. It was salmon with potatoes and

k in the smell of the wine before sipping it. 'So good.' He looked back up at Kevin. 'I have a house-keeper' he explained. 'She comes b

ven't seen her

school' Justin replied. 'Sometimes she stays overnight, she


e someth

tin watched him. He helped himself to a spare plate sitting in the midd

smells s

e cook' Justin said. 'I


in said. 'D


ered Kevin

in waved away. 'I ha


ncing up occasionally towards J

e interest, yet made far less effort to

he table after that, retreating t

y forwards, beginning to get undressed. He paused for a mom

going back out of his r

d if I use

g, pausing just for a split second at

or' he pointed, continuing


Everything was spotlessly clean, and there was an assortmen

m, before turning and sliding the bolt ac

ad run the water, leaning back and

water fel

pty. Justin was nowhere to be seen, and the kitchen had been ti

s were dimmed. Kevin moved quietly through the apartment, lookin

apartment to stare up the stairs to the balcony above. I really am lucky

to bed, texting a few of his friends

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