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The Best Match

The Best Match


Chapter 1 Disclaimer

Word Count: 487    |    Released on: 11/07/2021


or by any means, electronic, mechanical, copying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the author


he distance between us, “Why h

n he was in. It hindered my progress towards him. His back was facing me; he had his f

say that? I a

tached’ to it. I hold no responsibility for you.” His lips were uttering w

, I wanted to shout, clamor and hurt him with my actions but I was fixi

d sake; you do hold responsibilities towards me.” I forced him to see eye

our families.” He exasperatedly snapped, “I shoul

is heart with me and I was ready to present my soul bare to him. I believed there wa

hat was choking my throat and looked straight

of them could be shattered by his answer and still hoping against the hope, I expected him to not

, I kept zooming in at the space where he was standing a few seconds ag

ll we ever going to find love in this relati

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