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The Best Match

Chapter 4 The NY Proposal

Word Count: 2485    |    Released on: 12/07/2021

taching the media with the conference call. We’re having a grand project launch on the ensuing Monday and the last past week had been a total pain in the

t about the lab test

am in developing department. I just ma

and laughed, “I am forgetting things quickly these days. I think I a

time, it ended up. I arched my back, pressing my hand on lower reign and closed my eyes shut when the pain shot up to my spine. I hoisted a few pillows and propped them under my back. I yawned and skidd

airs and I scratched the back


and every nook ached. ESV was not ready to lend a hand as well. ‘How many times have I remin

lated in my friends circle and I used to receive a lot of teasing regarding having a boyish pet name. What I failed to contemplate

rt of my measly existence. Despite everything, I liked it when mom an

of coffee beans - probably being crushed in the coffee machine - hit my nostrils. I no

eezer. It was a leftover of the last night when Siya bought ice creams for us, of course! From the

upboard for it.” Mom handed me the coffee mug and I nodded. I scooped a huge globe of ice cream and

f the things in other places.” She spun to me and rebuffed. “Butu! How many times have

icted, having a large swig of it and closed my eyes r

u are not a

‘Yes. Grow up and flaunt your sexy moves to make guys bre

sy. Tonight, we shall do

nts.” I mocked, defiantly ignoring her

ts but that doesn’t mean kids start being childish for their own lose.”

.” She blurted and I spurted the c

e ag

u, so I surmise.” She inserted smoothly and I widened my eyes. “I think I w

t on purpose.” I

pport her because she h

on one. Abhimanyu is a good guy. I have met him in Aditi’s weddin

e with someone who is meeting for the first time and I think this is not sufficient to provide him the character certificate.” I wiped the


hat I am not re

wenty when I got married and I used to think that I am n

ally, “And, dad was always in your support. You continued your studies after marriage and dad never

rm on her believe. “As far as age is concerned, your dad is not going to get you married tomorrow. We wil

l lineage? Why do you need to d

irst time only?” Mom said as a matter of fact and I blew air out of defeat. “Mom I said t

ything will go smooth. We will have you to have the final call and trust me, when you will get married you will be happy. I was of you

d, ‘Let’s

raised you on ethics, so you’ll be n

e a meek attempt to prot

ur kids, you’ll thank me for g

tured my chu

w the happiness of gett

if I’ll marry and she’s concoc

, ‘Typical

r mind and tramped out of the kitchen for innocenc


liftman, I stepped in and punched for the seventeenth floor button. Within five minutes, elevator deported me on the said flo

side my cabin when I was peeling off the jacket from my shoulder and was arranging my stuff, simultane

has strictly asked to send you in his cabin.” She shrugged her sho

etting my termination letter today.” I rambled, pooh puffing my appearance and swept the creases

which ended in the entrance of his cabin, were the most crucial minutes of my life. I revised the t

t even after receiving his permission and noticed him looking at me through his file. As I entered and occupied my

tor was slow.” ESV discarded her nose bloated tissue. ‘It is of no use. He is going to throw you out of the company. To hell with th

ow! I yelled wit

I casted a glance at the thick file contemplatively and tentatively touched the sheaf. ESV put

d me and smacked a kiss on m

nce, you will k

f the Apex Holdings because the delegates from our collaborative company were impressed with my performance. I was surprised because many pe

ice was the reflection of the sur

n.” He notified. “I had suggested you name for the promotion but they asked me to consider it again and proposed

rmed on the end of my eyebrow. I didn’t expect him to shift me in research department based on my

ed to influence me for the best. I blew a sigh and nodded, sliding the stac

u s

with convenience, “I want to have

tracted another file and presented before me, “It consists of all that is informa

and nodded, standing apprehensively. “Sure, s

on the metal knob as he called out, “Ms. Jaisingh, mark my words, it’s t

o groom up the career but not a great opportunity to grow and learn. I wasn’t in software industry to be stuck up in computer lab, I was here because it provided me solace to code and finish

desk beside my computer. I raked my fingers through my hair a

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