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The Best Match

Chapter 5 The Hot Mess

Word Count: 2302    |    Released on: 12/07/2021

me by jumping inside my cabin and

before proceeding to work on the given task. She swiveled on the chair and

swung the

n time and opened it. A few minutes of silence

king deep in my chair, “I mean I am confus

since we shared seats in class ninth. There was no doubt that she was very much unlike me and it was established that we both were poles apart in our appearance and approaches towards life yet it was true that we were inseparable. We had been ea

ked and I swatted her hand, she burst into laughter and I twitched my lip

matter now?” She a

research assistant.” I rubbed the back of my neck and protracted,

to stay there for the

ien country without no support and supplie

d research assistant is not that bad of a job.” She en

come w

being late but if we both have coffee together at the dawn of t

pocket, “Alright then. I am going to get s

ria and leaned against the cou

sh voice, I was greeted by the deep smooth voi

My eyes were narrowing as he was appearing from under the counter and stood at a staggering height of six two, many inches above from my eyelevel. I sunk

and I blinked twice before clearing my throat and g

he hot stuff, ‘They’re appointing eye candies

ourteously. “I am not a waiter for sure but I’ll fe


ed paving across the counter and took the mug for mysel

.I thought to make myself a cup of tea.” He enlightened me and at the info, I couldn’t

mind at

ed my hand for him

clasped my palm fir

ed around for his cup and he twitched hi

se, would you lik

parently, dada had taken a liberty to spend more than an hour in the loo and we ma

seen you before.” I lic

t.” He chose the decency of wiping his lips with the tissues, m

s statement. “Am, um,

blew out the impending sigh. ESV gasped, ‘He’s too youn


es in right path, we would end up being buddies. I grinned at the thought and finished my coffee, getting up. “Alr

e raced away as I started working on the files and projects in my hands. My aching muscles and hammering head reminded me that I was


f some of my retarded relatives. I plodded inside and wiggled my eyebrows at Siya who was serving snacks to the said relative, when she lo

e to come closer. I followed and notic

ite being too tired to even sit up straight. I threw my bag

bit back my smile. I so wanted to ask her whether she sent the proposal of child

w are uncle and ever

hy by god grace

fe, prying for my attention. I took my duffle bag and

xcuse me.” I smiled at her an

y ears as soon as I picked up the call. “I wait

xit the office premises with her as she had someth

your tongue?” She

ck and rubbed my forehead. “I didn’t have the str

he grouched and I rolled my eyes,

every day. “Don’t forget that we’re meeting for the shopping tomorrow. I

at and I’ve even app

fee for you. You know how magical my culinary skills are!” She boosted and I gagged, “Yea

hed my lips. “It means I didn’t. Well, I met this guy named Akshat, he’s the

a hot catch there.” Sh

ght distance with my hand knowing well that she can’t see

ladder is going to burst if I didn’t run to the washroom at this instant. So, see


aid while chopping veggies and I was helping her in the kitchen. I


ing. “Mom, do one thing. I will help you in maki

er and the jug towards me. I smiled at her and fixed the mu

oo Dum over the dinner table and I smiled, “Thank you aunt but I have

vice towards the culinary skills but it didn’t hinder me from m

ingly supported me and caressed my hair. “I can understand Prerna! When Misti and Rohini went to their homes, I felt the same but what we can do.

Butu will marry but I will be r

dialogue and tore t

cries thousand deaths. Each container, every utensil, vegetables and even kitchen walls beg for her mercy.”

e.” Siya protested, her fi

g egg scramble?” Mom knitted her fingers and teased Siya. Siya held

akes like that on my fing

e tea?” Shikha aunt wa

n I can make tea and coffee and noodles, sal

over to kiss her cheek. “I know yo

ear to ear and I pinched her

hing seriously because Butu or her dad will alway

omething that is probably not her league. Besides, I am doing a favor on you and your kitchen as you’ve confessed that she martyred

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