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The Best Match

Chapter 3 The Beginning

Word Count: 2477    |    Released on: 12/07/2021

ss, nothing is gonna match up to the bliss of basking in the cool water, isn’t it? So, pick up your cell phone, dial the number 233390 and let me know the first weird thought that you get after noticing the weather and win a chance to get stretch out in the Marine Life water pa

e safest option to be fit without any consideration of having an uncoordinated stretch of limbs that could end up in ailing.

ite the windowpanes, I could feel the glaring of sunbeams that made me thankful of the air conditioner without which

snatched up my clothes from the cupboard and bunched up my hair in a messy bun, the frizzy locks bounced on my shoulders. I neatly folded the mattress and slid it unde

le set sofa installed in the living, “Coffee!” I switched on the television

worked as a menial in our home served me the coffee shortly. He was here to assist us since the day dad got his transfer in Jaipur. Being a high official in the department of customs, dad had several privileges and Shankar

iya. I could hear her scoffing as she reached closer with the toast clipped between h

do you

furrowed my eyebrows together while she was at peace, destroying mine. My eyes wandered from her to Shashi who was mopp

ay. Siya casted a glance at me and shook her head

and she snickered, covering her mouth. “I strongly suggest against it be

estless for the whole d

ad is not in the town, you will have to wait until dad is back which will ta

e in acceding that I was always the guinea pig for her given the fact that she was younger to me by five years. She would help me in providing the news around and I would pay her for that that was supposedly contributing her in ra

. She bit her lip, pondering and threw the remote on the ta

my face at her demand and nibbled on the toast, crumbs of it fell over m

grinned inwardly, knowing it very well tha

I tended to break her more. “One th

ile after, “One thousand rupees and the new perfume bott

bargain on that. You’ve already gifted yourself with my Dolce

re important to you than a perfume bottle. It is related to your future. Besides, you’

ant to was

going to waste if you spend a little. Consider the fact that mom dad are immaculately saving money for us. So why do

eason to spend mon

is pertaining to your future.” She wi

ne. What

tanding root against her. ‘This evil witch is b

me with the badass, savage replies for anything and plenty of quirks irrespective of the probability

eded, “Not here, idiot! Come with me.” I pulled her on her feet and sprinted ups

s a mike. “So, the news is that the most eligible bachelor of our society has sought your hand. For the wedlock, of course! What I g

ebrows reached to the hairline in surprise and I blinked

u d

e turned twenty three?” I had so many cousins who were of nuptial ag

libate? Count me out if that’s what you’re

s his

ror which only compelled me to roll my eyes. “Who

t’s sister’s cousin’s son. All that I’ve managed to pull together involves that he is directing his father’s company as CEO and

cking the puzzle. Roma aunt’s sister’s cousin’s son!! Isn’t it a bit too complicated? Well, we had this happy go lucky big

inspected them, “Perhaps, Mr. Groom himself has selected yo


ped on her stomach and rested her chin

es closer to my chest and cinche

ed, nonchalantly that it made me giggle. I swatted her a


She banged her head on the b

ed on my lower lip, furrowing my e

She was more excited than me. Her eyes twinkled and I huffed, “A

ould feel tingles when it co

n great details?” I inquired, popping my fingers. It was when I noticed tha

pped?” She punctuated i

did w

ar it and I thought it was something interesting to know and then, I

sed at her for her crudeness. ESV pondered it to be a good manner to i

not becaus

at me and I gave her a hard glare. “D

purpose. I was really not intending to hear it but mom was speaking so loud on her cel

This is wrong, di. I did a favor to you by informing you

your ally. Intended or not, it is still a felony and I must te

nd got up, “You should say thanks to me but I think you are

y mind as I tamed my hair, “I

” She accused me, “I

orld and whined. “Di, please. Don’t play now, I know you are lying.” And

g. I skated down on my feet and took out my clutch from my reticule. Counting a thousand rupee, I thrust in

pped, mocking me silently sipping her coffee and I nodded my head having the same mind because it was making holes in my wallet. Satisfied, Siya sq

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