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Chapter 1 Sex Monster

Word Count: 1054    |    Released on: 12/09/2022

ling me! Pull out already" that was the moan o

here it is" Ryan scoffed, pushing his whole length i

im, he had scoffed cause he knew that once he'd have her right where he wanted her, she would be pleading for

o his ears. Sex was like a routine to him

ex freak who is globally recognized and therefore is always honored by Presidents, G

ere all tripping just to spend five minutes and experience the most

cuses for an appointment with him and atla

'No String Attached' was amongst the rule he had drawn. He n

roughly to his desk as he rammed faster into her wet cunt, while he

e lady, but he care less, it was what

rom running away. He pushed his whole length inside of her without caring to know if he

hed satisfactorily, pushing her

faded from screaming so loudly, if his office wasn't sound proof, Ry

emarked cruedly scoffing so loudly, as he turned away fr

breath from his hardcore brutal sex, she tried to counter on his w

o recover and that two minute wasn't eno

he'd had always heard rumors about his insatiable thirst for sex and had made a bet to get him down, from her experience with

ek in the hospital and she wasn't sure that she'd be having enough money for

ng fresh and clean. Ryan stepped out from the room,

gaze rested on her, he had told

office?" He barked, disgust written all over

lady struggled to stand up, then f

ng back home, that won't back the rest of them off despite the rumors, still, they still would come to his office trying to seduce him, both new and

orted into a frown as he spoke with disgust. "Now get the hell out from my office the same way yo

had made such a bet over him and g

move away from his hot stare th

hone broke the long stretched

d away from her as he walked back to

is arm on the desk, it was his se

ugh his hair, his eyes met with the lady and then with di

lty, he wasn't just a sex mon

side the office, they both bowed to him, like he doesn't

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