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Chapter 2 Brushing past him

Word Count: 1170    |    Released on: 13/09/2022

for a cup of coffee. She'd had always loved children, perhaps it was mainly because she was never fortunate enough

d the excitement in the little boy's

little boy a hug, she was glad that

to be very rich, so she can be of good help to ma

engage from the hug, customers were like fiv

you later!" She winked at the young bo

waiting" she apologized and then

inished high school, she had struggled to put up with college and had dropped out when the pressure was all on her grandmo

a ghastly helicopter scratch when she was just two years. Therefore, she was made an orphan at a very young a

tomers, she bade them goodbye and then hurried

answer. When she received none, she

ot stucked in her throat as she too

e yelled, running t

was gushing out from her grandmother mou

confused if she should run to the neighbo

r phone. Immediately her hand made contact with her ph

he'd had gotten to the hospital just minutes ago and lucki

n alright that morning and then all of a sudden they were in the hospital, it was more like

ddenly opened, she quickly jumped to her feet. Searching frantical

I suppose that

ah, she's my grandmother ac

her before she recover, the nurse would tell you further information, I'm sorry, bu

had told her that the surgery shouldn't take

surgery and had patted her assuringly that the gr

word the whole time, she inwardly had be

presented her with, her heart sank deeply, she f

as now dashed right before her eyes. That wasn't even more her bother, she thought on where the hell she was going to get the rest of t

l to her, she had face with various hardsh

or go back to the coffee shop of she'd make any more sales on addition for the surgery bills

he door, she cared less that her face was te

come in, as she raised her brow up. She noticed another was coming in, if it was any normal day, she'

rumpled his suit and stepped on his shoes. She didn't care to apo

arrived at the hospital when someone brushed past him,

ady who did such a thing, but he had called them

and was brought back to reality when her

p it all that he had easily let her off the hook, he was sure that he'd would had made life

s finger, he star

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