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Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1125    |    Released on: 25/10/2022

fighting off, he could recall that figure pretty well, but couldn't recognized where he had seen that per

he found himself wanting to save her. He ordered his driver to go check up on

d shifted from his seat

w, he felt like going out himself to rescue her would solve it all. He hated how clumsy

hat breath out, when he saw one o

to the car door, he had almost opened

im, he wondered what suddenly went wrong with him, it'd was dazzling for h

air conditioner?" The driver who noticed he was sw

t'' he replied. He hadn't notice

n what she'd was looking for at such qu

r view of what her face looks like, when she flashed them a

go down with any lady for a second time, he felt he co

o the other side of the window

ut being concerned about her walking on that lonely ro

re with his conscience , he tol

and instructed his driver to go after her and

s was in human, why her, who was she to him? He had this question running through his head, but

k home?" He queried poking his head out

o as I ordered!" Ryan sai

ersed the car and then drove back to th

day in our house, You unfortunate child

hloe her cousin sister and her uncle's only chil

after all the troubles she encountered in get

en. She had always referred to her as unfortuna

already used to your usual charade, but not this time!" Miranda defended, she knew her au

this house, then you must be joking bitch, you belong to t

from stopping her, but s

e, which simply means that Chloe was meant to be respec

me to see my Uncle and I'm not leaving till I get to t

illed your parent, I can't be fatherless lik

jaw tightened as she raised her face up to me

hloe to back off, but she refused as she ra

m the air, twisted it and p

yelping sound of Chloe could be heard as she shrieked out in

e rushed to her tryi

t hurts" Ch

think you can succeed in killing her the same way you killed yo

a sob at the menti

t what you've done to my daughter...Go and let us continue living in peace, Go! Don't you get it, we don't want you aroun

lready contemplating on leaving in her teary

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