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Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 803    |    Released on: 25/10/2022

customers made noticed of her emotion , they'd asked her if sh

nt to the little box where they had their savings kept. She emptied the box

er inner pocket, she'd should have put it inside her bag, but she thought ag

e door as she headed outsid

no time and then search around for t

caught a glimpse of her, so

hat girl from earlier

axing look, "I know, I ca

, "About the money for

The Nurse cuts her off, before

half of the money" Miranda r

uch is

e had kept it and stretched it to her, "Eight thousand d

his isn't up to the advance payment required, hope you know, it w

at the little money would had them proceeding with

more money left" Miran

latives, or are you the on

her who lives hours away from their house. He hadn't been much of a uncle to her, since he haven't been picking her calls

time" Miranda appreciated, she searched he

l through to her uncle and listened as it rang

nd then resigned from calling after the second ring

e, that's just a simplest

money left with her, it simply means that s

s, she honestly wished that he'd be able to pay par

ne to look at the time, she had left home few m

to her uncle's place either seven o clock or

ght out her earpiece and plugged it to her phone as she listened to courage by Celine Dion, that was s

ut she cared less as she ha

e her turned around, she hadn't re

heard, she noticed that there was no single soul on the road except her, she'

e continued walking, she hadn't

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