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Dearly Beloved: You're All My Life Needs

Dearly Beloved: You're All My Life Needs

Zhen Xiang


At her wedding ceremony, he suddenly appeared and shouted, "I object!" Under the watchful eyes of the public, he destroyed the wedding and took her away domineeringly! Six years ago, he gave up on her because of his study and finally broke up with her. The first thing he did after coming back was to get her in his arms again. "Olivia, if you want to get married, you can only choose me!" It was said that love would weaken or even disappear with time. But in his heart, love never subsided but grew stronger.

Chapter 1 Returning Home

William Wei suffered the heartache constantly for these past six years. The name, Olivia Sha, hidden in his heart had been a torture, yet he kept her there, waiting for her. But his heart shattered into pieces when he learned today was her wedding day.

She was getting married to another man. He didn't even know her spouse's identity, appearance or personality. He didn't have any clue if this man had been with other women in the past.

William Wei let out a sigh before hopping into the cab absentmindedly. The cab driver turned down the meter, then glanced at him through the rearview mirror. "Sir, where do you want to go?"

William Wei came back to his senses. He blinked and looked at the time on his refined watch. It was almost ten o'clock. The wedding was about to begin. He was wearing a tailored sophisticated suit to attain the ceremony.

He was about to give the driver the address when his phone rang. He took the phone out of his pocket and read the name flashing on the screen. It was Kaylee.

She must have called to inform that the wedding had begun. Was he already late to attain the party?

He panicked and quickly received the call. "Hello, Aunt Kaylee."

Kaylee's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone. "William, hurry to the Ivy Psychiatric Hospital."

William Wei was startled at the way Kaylee was talking. It was evident how anxious she was. What happened? Why was she in such a hurry? Hospital? What was she talking about? Did something happen to Olivia Sha? But if she had an accident, she would be sent to a normal hospital, not a psychiatric hospital.

William Wei couldn't make a head or tail out of her words, but he decided to go to the psychiatric hospital. He hung up the call and asked the driver to take him to the Ivy Psychiatric Hospital.

The driver didn't waste any time after getting his direction. Once the engine came to life, William Wei turned his eyes and looked outside the window. H City had changed a lot from the last time he remembered. It was an undeniable fact that people would change. Then it was too obvious for a city to change as well.

About half an hour later, the car came to a stop in front of the hospital. The driver turned around and said, "Sir, we have arrived at the hospital."

William's eyes darted towards the hospital. The Ivy Psychiatric Hospital was not a small one.

William Wei paid the cab fare and got out of the car before turning to the hospital. Passing his wallet back into his suit pocket, he observed the hospital. Suddenly, a tremor ran down his spine for an unknown reason. He grimaced imagining the possibilities. What if he'd see Olivia in the hospital?

It must be Olivia, or Kaylee wouldn't be so nervous.

With this thought in his mind, he gulped in panic. He rushed into the hospital while taking out his phone and calling Kaylee. He didn't know the exact ward number, so, he'd have to ask her.

But after a few steps, he stopped walking. William saw Olivia Sha in her wedding dress. She was sitting on a bench in the garden of the hospital. She looked more mature compared to her past self. She wasn't as childish and unruly as she was a few years ago.

Maybe time could really change a person. He had thought that her arrogant and willful personality would never change for a lifetime, but now it seemed that he was wrong. Six years ago, he probably would have accepted that she would always rely on him and act like a spoiled child in front of him, but it wasn't the truth anymore.

He took a deep to calm his nerves before walking towards her.

Meanwhile, Olivia Sha's mind was on her father who was currently tied up in the ward. She told herself to not cry. Now that her father had become invalid, she would have to be more vigorous and stronger.

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