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CEO's Secret Wife: Fall Into Your Love Tricks

CEO's Secret Wife: Fall Into Your Love Tricks



When her life came to a dead end, she met him, the bossy CEO. To save her uncle, she signed the marriage contract and became his wife. The day she gave birth to his child, they would have a divorce. However, everything was different from her expectation. When her ex-boyfriend came to her, he taught him a lesson. When his ex-girlfriend came to him, he showered her with endless adoration. Facing his jealousy and gentleness, she got more and more confused.

Chapter 1 Shame On You

"Let it go, let it go! You'll never see me cry!" Anne Mo lay in the bathtub with her eyes closed. She was applying a facial mask while singing a song. It felt so good to be at home alone.

After singing, she removed the facial mask, got up from the bathtub, and dried her body and hair with a clean towel. She then applied lotion to her body evenly and carefully.

She was done with her nightly beauty regimen and was ready to sleep. Since she was alone at home, she could sleep in the big bed any way she liked.

Anne was in a good mood as she opened the bathroom door naked. However, she was startled by what she saw.

"George? What the..." Anne muttered incoherently. Her eyes widened in shock, staring at the man who was sitting quietly on the sofa.

George Liang raised his eyebrows when he heard the sound. His eyes then fell on Anne's naked body.

"Oh, honey, such a big gift. I'm really flattered," George said in a hoarse voice as he stood up from the sofa and approached her step by step.

"Hey, hey, hey! Aren't you on a business trip? How come you came back all of a sudden?" Anne was so scared that she stepped back. "George, you are a businessman. You should give importance to honesty. Today is Wednesday. It is Wednesday!"

Anne couldn't retreat anymore, but George was still approaching her. Left with no choice, she just leaned against the wall, stared at him with her eyes in horror, and covered herself tightly with her hands.

George looked at Anne up and down, scanning her from head to toe with his deep eyes. It made her tremble with fear.

He then looked into her eyes and asked in a hoarse voice, "You are afraid of me, aren't you?"

Anne cursed inwardly, 'Bullshit!' After their wedding night, she was not able to get out of bed for three days. She even had to apply an ointment for a month. 'If you were me, wouldn't you be afraid? I doubt anyone wouldn't be!'

Anne gritted her teeth with hatred, looked into his deep eyes that were like whirlpools, and said gingerly, "Yes, a little bit."

George pressed his thin lips into a straight line and stared at her pretty face for a long time. He then went into the bathroom without saying a word.

Anne breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the bathroom door closed. She then rushed to the wardrobe in full speed, took out her pajamas, and put them on.

She didn't want to be alone with George, so while he was taking a shower, she took a hairdryer, dried her hair hastily, and jumped onto the bed. She then pulled the quilt and covered herself tightly.

'Go to sleep, Anne. He won't do anything when you are asleep, ' she told herself.

However, she underestimated George's eroticism.

Even if she had successfully fallen asleep, George still woke her up mercilessly.

Half asleep and half awake, Anne opened her eyes. And the first thing she saw was George's handsome face.

She grabbed the quilt that he pulled away, covered her chest, and reminded him again, "Today is Wednesday. You said that we will only have sex on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays."

"It's already past twelve midnight so it's Thursday now," George said in a low voice with an adamant look.

Anne subconsciously raised her eyes and looked at the wall clock. Indeed, it was two past twelve.

Her face flushed as rage surged up in her heart. She lost her tongue for a moment. After a while, she snapped, "You are breaking the rule!"

"How can that be?" George asked calmly, slowly unbuttoning her pajamas.

"In this case, I won't be able to have a good sleep every night," Anne complained. Her eyes widened in fear, and she looked aggrieved after thinking about it carefully.

"When you signed the agreement, it wasn't stated there that I couldn't sleep with you in the small hours, right? So which rule did I break? Anyway, you'll still have Sunday for yourself," George said seriously.

'Damn it!' Anne was now boiling with rage.

Glaring at him, she yelled through clenched teeth, "George Liang, you old man! Shame on you!"

George's face darkened at Anne's words. He pulled the quilt away from her and pressed his body against hers.

"Old man, huh? Let's see," George whispered in her ear angrily while gritting his teeth and pressing her hard on the bed.

Anne knew that no matter what, she would still suffer in the end. So this time, she didn't want to hold back her anger anymore.

"Of course you are an old man! You are almost forty years old. Do you think you can deny it by showing your strength in bed? Taking too much aphrodisiac will overdraw your physical strength. What's more, it has side effects. You may become impotent soon or endanger your life. Stop doing that. Cherish your life, okay?"

Anne was usually timid and didn't dare to speak aloud because she was afraid of getting into trouble. But this time, she was really driven mad by George that she shouted at him regardless of anything.

After venting, she stole a glance at George's expression. She thought, 'Oh, my God! He is livid with rage. It seems that I hit the nail on the head, and my words hurt him."

As a kind-hearted woman in nature, Anne felt sorry for George when she noticed that he didn't say anything for a long time. So she comforted him awkwardly, "Actually, you are not too old. Don't they say that life begins at forty? You're still a man with full potential now. However, human beings cannot compete with the laws of nature. We are all the same. Just face it. After all, you have been young before, and you've experienced many things. When you were already in high school, I wasn't even born yet, right? No one can escape aging. So take it easy and enjoy your time. Don't you agree?"

The expression on George's face couldn't be more terrible. He stared at Anne's beautiful and fair face and said word by word angrily, "When I was in high school, you weren't born yet? Are you sure about that? Anne Mo, how old do you think I am?"

Anne was intimidated by his angry look. She said gingerly, "Well, you are more than ten years older than me."

George was even more furious. He pressed his lips against her face, gritted his teeth, and said, "You're twenty-four, and I'm thirty-three. How can I be more than ten years older than you? Do you even know how to count? Was your Math subject at school taught by a PE teacher?"

Anne's eyes widened. She was about to argue, but George kissed her passionately.

"Hmm..." Anne protested by waving her hands and feet fiercely. George whispered in her ear, "I'll let you see if my physical strength can compete with the laws of nature."

How imposing George was! Well, he was the CEO of C Group and a man of his word. So Anne would undoubtedly suffer a tragic end.

She had to pay a high price for her impulsivity.

She couldn't help but feel regretful. She thought, 'Humph! They say that one should not yield in the face of power. It's a lie!' It turned out that when the opponent was really powerful, one had to yield.

The next day, Anne had dark circles under her eyes. She only got up from the bed when the alarm clock rang for the last time. After washing her face and rinsing her mouth, she dressed up for work in a daze.

Only women could deeply understand the pain of sleep deprivation. No matter how many essence lotions she tried to use, it couldn't cover the dark circles under her eyes.

Anne felt more disheartened when she saw George having breakfast in high spirits.

She felt so wronged. 'Damn it! He was the one who exerted so much strength. But why was it me who suffered?'

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