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The CEO Contract Marriage

The CEO Contract Marriage



I got off the taxi and began walking towards the door when I felt my whole body immobilized and my head bump into a hard chest. I backed away and said with anger "Hey don't you watch where you're  going."  I raised my head just in time to see a devilicious god standing in front of me. Gosh! those blue eyes mesmerized me in an instant but the moment, he opened his enticing mouth I was promptly awakened from the shock. He said, "Maybe you should make yourself more visible next time."   "Bastard! Are you trying to say that I'm not worth your time, Pig, Ho I'm leaving, I shouldn't waste my time on a vermin like you"

Chapter 1 First encounter

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing and I'm quite sure that it's Rissa. She really knows how to annoy the hell out of me. With my eyes still shut I reach out to the bedside table and grab my phone.

"Ava, are you still in bed? It's already 10 in the morning, aren't you supposed to be getting ready to drop off your applications at various companies?"

"Shit, I totally forgot! Thanks, Rissa, I'm hanging up now"

"No! Wait Ava I have something to tell you"

"What is it"

" Carter Ltd is taking applications for a new secretary.”

" Really wow I highly doubt, I will get in but why not try"

I got off my phone and headed to the washroom to take a shower. I got out of the shower, dressed up in professional wear, and went to have breakfast.

"Morning Hunny you're finally awake, your breakfast is on the kitchen counter"

"Thanks, Mom" I ate my breakfast and left the house, took a taxi, and went straight to Carter Ltd

I got off the taxi and walked towards the door when I felt my whole body immobilized and my head bumped into a hard chest. I backed away and said with anger

" Hey, don't you watch where you're going?"

I lifted my head just to see a devilicious god standing in front of me. Gosh! those blue eyes mesmerized me in an instant but the moment, he opened his enticing mouth I was promptly awakened from the shock.

He said, "Maybe you should make yourself more visible next time."

"Bastard! Are you trying to say that I'm not worth your time, Pig, Ho I'm leaving, I shouldn't waste my time on a vermin like you"

I held my folder and brought it inside the company, still mad at that man before. Not because he is handsome means he has the right.

I'm in my office, on a conference call when my assistant comes into my office reminding me of my next meeting which starts in 20 minutes. These old geezers keep yapping about useless things so I hang up and rush out of my office. At the entrance of the building, someone bumps into me. She feels as soft as cotton candy. Looking up I caught sight of those beautiful large black orbs, filled with anger which almost appeared like it contained an orange flame. Holy Shit! With one sight of her, my heart began to palpitate.

Those black eyes and luscious pink lips, Gosh! That goddess with a guitar-shaped body. But with such a nasty demeanor, How dare she call me a bastard, pig, and even a vermin to my face! Who the fuck does she think she is! If I didn't have a meeting to attend I'd strangle her right now. The aura around me immediately turned ten times colder as I snorted, and rushed to the awaiting car. She better pray we never bump into each other again.

Entering the company, for the first time and if the exterior of this building wasn't luxurious enough, you should see the interior. Rushing to the front desk, an attractive freckle-faced young clerk looked toward me.

" How may I help you"

"Yes, I heard that the CEO needs a new secretary, so I'd like to drop my application".

“Place it over there, I’ll send it to his office soon.”

"Thank you very much"

I turned around and left. Exiting the building, I heard my mobile phone ringing. Looking at the caller ID I realize it's Rissa. Connecting the call I heard Rissa inviting me to a cafe. I replied. " send me the address."I hopped into a taxi and gave the driver the address. Arriving at the cafe, I spotted Rissa with a good-looking guy but I must say not as good-looking as that vermin.

Rissa stood up and invited me to have a seat opposite her and that hunk. We ordered coffee and Rissa introduced me to the fling of the day. I rolled my eyes at her for changing boyfriends as much as she changed clothes. We stayed for about an hour before we went our separate ways.

I continued my journey distributing my application to various companies before I headed home.

I'm in the middle of the meeting and I can't seem to get my mind off that woman. I couldn't seem to focus at all so I decided to postpone the meeting and I called my best friend Nathan out for a drink at Royals Bar. I get into the driver's seat and drive to the location. Here I am walking into the bar and all those carnivores have their eyes on me. Yes, I said it, carnivores these hungry-looking women that can't wait for an opportunity to try to get a bite of my cash. Snort, Disgusting I entered the V.I.P. section sat near the bar, and ordered a couple of shots of Stroh 80. On my third shot, Nathan walks into the V.I.P. section and I must say if this guy hasn't gotten an STD then he will never get one again.

This so-called best friend of mine sleeps with countless women every day. Nathan takes a seat next to me and starts to chatter about some women who are nearby. Anyway, I'm too caught up with the incessant thinking about that woman. I still can't figure out why I can't seem to forget about her.

"Bro, are you even listening to me? What's wrong, I have never seen you so preoccupied before"

"Sigh, I bumped into a big-mouth beauty at the entrance of my company earlier on and I can't seem to get her off of my mind"

"Bro if I didn't know better I'd think you have feelings for that woman. But ever since we've known each other you have never had any interest in women. I even thought you would die as a lonely virgin. There was even that rumor going around that you are impotent or homosexual"

"What did you say?! What rumor?! Fuck off!"

There was suddenly, a suffocating aura around Mason, Nathan felt a chill down his spine. He quickly engaged in a conversation with the bartender.

Mason suppressed his feelings and engaged in a meaningful conversation about business with Nathan.

They chatted for a while before Mason felt fatigued and decided to head home. He took 3 steps forward and suddenly stopped, turned around and said

"Oh shit, before I forget, My company anniversary is coming up and I'm planning a bonfire in 6 months so I will send u an invitation"

"Oh ok I will be there"

Mason left after those final words to Nathan.

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