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S**y Wife Ceo

S**y Wife Ceo

Black Love


Richard asked Viona to be his second wife not because he wanted to have children after years of marriage to his first wife, Queensha, nor loving viona's childhood friend. he forced Viona to sign a secret marriage contract into her second wife in order to care for queensha, who had been in a coma for years at her home. Richard only married Viona for her own safety. The offer of a contract marriage will end if Queensha wakes up from her coma, Viona has no choice but to take advantage of Richard. If they get married, his father will be free from prison and get millions of dollars in damages. Will their story be good? The story is full of puzzles and endless adrenaline tests.

Chapter 1 Part 1

At quiet midnight in London city, I drove my car at high speed thinking about queensha's safety at home. I'd just finished my job at the office, a company that ran my own mining company that I started for years and was named rich company.

At 28 years old I had a perfectly good life, money, and a woman in my house. But is it possible that I could still think of a perfect life when a loved one was lying unconscious, living on air on a ventilator and breathing tube? Yeah, my wife's in a coma because of my mistake.

The rocking of the job makes me even dizzier, plus my body was already getting tired of the problems. Many times I swore a vow after getting the phone call that a woman in a coma in my house suddenly had a heart attack from her nurse injecting a dangerous drug instead of the doctor, to trigger a heart attack.

"Damn! Damn it! Why is it happening again? All of them are poorly looking after my Queen," I shouted as I drove. I'm freaking out right now for her safety, for her life, for what I can do without her. My wife's name is Queensha Arora. The woman I married seven years ago because my grandfather set us up.

This is not the first time. Sean, my archenemy, has been trying to teach me a lesson through those closest to me, our enmity started when I was in college, a mistake so terrible that my enemy still hates me.

I'm in a very bad mood, a murderous mood makes me want to kill anyone in front of me right now, I'm having again failed to guard Queensha. My security detail at the queen's house is completely useless.

It'll take a few minutes to get home. I walked quickly into the mansion, the palace my grandfather had built in his first business.

The city of London has found many mansions and paltry, but nothing compares to the mansion that belongs to me and Queen, until anyone who sees it will know that this is Mr. Rich's house.

When I stepped inside the house right in the living room. Profanity kept pouring out of my mouth into an emotional outlet.

The sound of a warning shot on the floor made everyone in the house afraid to hear it, "should I spend my money on some worthless employee like you?" I shouted. Shoots a kick on my bodyguard until they drop down on the floor. Before seeing it satisfied, I looked back to kick his belly so they winced the pain while holding onto his stomach.

"I want to put a bullet in your head but I don't want to mess up the floor where queen's gonna step on it. How dare you test my patience!" you threaten them.

Ahhhh! I am a hot-tempered and angry young man. there's no excuse for the slightest mistake.

The look in their eyes with red eyes made them shudder and dare not look at me again, I know they were all afraid to make the mistake of Queensha but this was their unforgivable mistake even though they begged for mercy until they fell at my feet. Because of their carelessness, my queen's life was nearly lost.

"Mr. Rich, please forgive us for not being able to look after the miss. Please, have mercy!" One of my badly beaten and tortured bodyguard leaders crawled and fell under my feet.

Mr. Rich's nickname has been earned since I started helping to manage grandpa's business, no one has the guts to call me Richard, only my central family can call me that. Richard nelson... My name is so sacred when spoken directly, I would not hesitate to beat up anyone who calls me Richard directly. I just want to be called Mr. Rich. I don't know, I love that name so much, it signifies power, power, and endless wealth.

They don't all know why I just want to be called that. Because, I keep it a secret, which is why everyone should call me Mr. Rich.

"There is no forgiveness in my life. Dave, torture them all in the basement and exile them from the country!" my voice echoed through the room. Dave, my notoriously cruel and heartless personal assistant, follows my orders. No one would dare cross me.

Abundant wealth and large enterprises not only in London but also own oil companies in Saudi Arabia. The last time I wiped out two lives involved in planning the queensha murder. And now it's happening again, Sean is testing my patience. I will return the favor someday.

I left the living room and entered a room upstairs. A sudden, cold sweat ran over my body and my feet, almost paralyzing me every time I entered the room.

A doctor who was examining Queensha was surprised to see me come into my wife who had been in a coma for years in bed.

"How is she now?" I asked worriedly. I held his hand and gave him a quick kiss on the back of his hand and then moved on to queensha's forehead, my life wouldn't be good if he'd left me. Queensha coma because of what I did, the guilt has been haunting me since he was found in a coma five years ago.

My past mistakes have become my karma. Had I quickly realized that we might not have had an argument over the car and had an accident.

My capricious behavior can sometimes be difficult for others, cold and cruel but kind to queensha. My eyes would fill with tears to see my wife as a statue, if I were alone in this room, I would weep with extreme guilt.

Honestly, my life is colored because of Queensha. Since her coma I felt lonely, I couldn't bow to anyone but her, she was the nicest woman in the world after my mother. Everyone knows this woman is very special.

"Don't worry! He's stable now. I was lucky to arrive in time to help her. If I may be so bold, you'd better tighten miss's guard. I felt that each day her condition worsened. Once this happens again we may not be able to save her," the doctor said.

"For how long will you endure it, it's been five years, did you feel bad to see miss survive only because of this computer aid." Again, Dr. Willson was careful to speak while looking down at me, afraid not to look at me, if I'm not sure he'd be offended.

Despite a long term of work as grandpa nelson's physician.

He knew perfectly well how this house looked so beautiful but inside it was nothing but vengeance and rage.

My life is not as easy as anyone would imagine, since I was seven, I had to take a bitter pill, losing my mother, whose name is Madellin, cancer of cancer eating away at her body because of the guilt my father had a sex maniac, and he infected her with a deadly disease I was hurt when I found out that my mother had been suffering because my father was a sex maniac for women, and Medellin's death made me hate Tomas so much that it only brought madellin pain throughout their marriage.

Tomas must have remembered a long time ago, and I kept blaming him for my mother's death and throwing stones at him at madellin's funeral. My soul shook and became tempestuous, my grandfather nelson cast out Thomas and raised me alone. Tomas is a useless man who can only spend money to pay any woman to satisfy him. I hate it in my bone marrow.

Long-suffering no longer attracted me to all women, no time to deal with any women including Queensha. At first, I hated him and didn't care for his presence near me.

Queensha was the most beautiful woman I'd ever met, her face shining white. As she laughs her cheeks and teeth are the centers of attention. I've seen a lot of pretty faces, but unlike Queensha, his face is rarely found as an angel. He has his appeal, only I was too stupid to realize it too late.

I'm grateful to grandpa nelson for setting me up with him.

This woman has changed my twisted mind and my black life for the better. How patient my wife has been with me all these years.

"You have no right to advise me, I keep her alive and wait for her to wake up. After all, no one can take his life, including god. He's mine, you better do your job, I didn't invite you here to advise me." Time and again I ingrained his nonsense. My mouth is as poisonous as a snake, and it will certainly Pierce his heart.

Dr. Willson won't say anything, but he probably won't say anything. I am a man but I dare defy gods will not take the life of my wife. Even my abundant wealth will be spent on his recovery.

After finishing the job, the doctor finally went home, and I left the room, and Dave was waiting inside to talk to me about something very important.

"Find me a solution to this problem, Dave. I was sick of that dirty Sean who kept wanting to kill Queen through someone else," I told him when I got to the room. I was flopping over the sofa right next to Dave while massaging my sick temple thinking about my problems.

"I have a Monsieur solution for you. You should get a second wife to look after Miss." Dave said thoughtlessly. Hearing that my eyes glared, unable to believe what Dave was saying.

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