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Beyond the Contract

Beyond the Contract



A nobody, Lucas Relish is the epitome of an ordinary student. He has a crush on the most popular girl in school, Blythe Spinster, an idol trainee. Then one day, Blythe Spinster proposes that they start a fake relationship! Can Blythe and Lucas pull off their complicated fake relationship and start dating for real?

Chapter 1 Starting today, you're my boyfriend

"Ohh it's Blythe Spinster!" someone shouted, "she's coming, she's coming!" students make a loud noise.

Blythe Spinster. The most famous in junior. Despite the tough competition, she was chosen as a trainee for one of the biggest entertainment agencies and...

There are an endless number of stories about her good deeds.

She's the type that doesn't follow what's trendy. She makes her own trend. She's true celebrity.

And another idol trainee at the same entertainment agency, Naomi.

And the girl who likes playing online games, Farrah. A real story of pretty girls and more pretty girls.

"Hey Lucas!" shouted by James. "Come on, James" said by Lucas. "Wow! are you watching Blythe again this morning?!" asked by James.

"She just happened to walk by when I glanced out the window" he answered immediately.

Lucas has a crush on Blythe, and always watching Blythe in the morning.

Blythe boyfriend is the number 7 batter, Oliver Nash.

"No matter how you look at it, your not good on Blythe. You two live in two different worlds." said to Lucas while laughing.

While Blythe is walking with Farrah and Naomi. Oliver suddenly appeared, he borrowed Blythe first to Farrah and Naomi.

"Can we talk?" Oliver asked Blythe. "What happened yesterday?" said by Blythe with dissapointed face.

"I was practicing, and I was on a roll all of a sudden. I was all hyped up and missed the time. You could have waited for a couple more hours. I would have shown up eventually." answer by Oliver.

Blythe is quick-tempered right now. "Hey, Oliver. You must have forgotten the fact that I'm Blythe Spinster. You might be confused because I'm dating you, but do I look like a pushover to you?" Blythe said with a bare face.

Oliver immediately reply "No, you're too pretty for me to think anything else about you. Even though it's late, how about today? Your birthday party that we missed yesterday."

"I can't go on anymore." Blythe reply to Oliver.

"Are you forgiving me right now?" asked by Oliver. "No, I'm breaking up with you." she said.

Oliver doesn't want to break up with Blythe.

"Take that back" said by Oliver.

"I won't take it back" she response. "Why not? Give me a reason, why can't you take it back." asked by Oliver.

Blythe was thinking of an excuse to stop Oliver. " I...already have a new boyfriend." excuse of Blythe.

Oliver giggles. "Really? Who is he? I asked who is he?" he asked.

Blythe was looking around to find a boyfriend. And suddenly Lucas was on a chart on there side.

"Him" Blythe said it to Oliver. "Lucas Relish?" Oliver giggles. "Yeah...so, he's your new boyfriend now, right?" Oliver asked.

"Huh? Yeah, Lucas Relish on broadcast club" Blythe answered.

"Introduced me to him, the I'll accept that we're broken up" Oliver said.

"That's easy' she response. "How about tomorrow?" Oliver asked. "Great! Tomorrow." Blythe said.

"Blythe! What happened?" Farrah shouted.

"Help me find Lucas Relish." Blythe said with pout face.

They searched for Lucas in the university.

"Oh.. it's not him." Farrah said to James.

"Did by any chance, did my friend do something bad?ohh, then let me apologized for him" James said.

"Friend? Do you know him?" Farrah asked. "Yes" James immediately reply.

James rush into broadcast room. And shouted "Hey!! Do you know who is looking for you right now?!" James asked with shocked face.

"Who?" Lucas asked. " Lucas Relish? I have favor to ask you." Blythe said.

"To me?" Lucas asked with shocked face. "I need you to be my boyfriend." she said...

He couldn't understand what was happening, because that's why Blythe chose him.

"Yes, you probably wonder what you've just heard. It's not just anybody. I'm Blythe Spinster." she said.

Lucas immediately answer "I know, why would Blythe Spinster ask me...".

"Do you have girlfriend?" Blythe asked. "No" he replied. "That's good" she said.

They talked, Blythe explained what was going on. She said all the reason why he was chosen. She said that "It's like a contractual relationship in dramas.".

"So can we do a contractual relationship?" Blythe asked. "Well...I don't think so." he answered. "What?!" she said with a shocked face.

Blythe tell it to Farrah and Naomi. And they shocked about it. Like who would do that to goddess Blythe.

"What should we do then? You promised Oliver that you will introduce him tomorrow." Farrah said.

In the classroom "I mean...This doesn't make sense at all. How dare you dump Blythe? The most beautiful and famous, Blythe in our school?! It is because of your mother? The promise?" James said with dissapointed face.

Lucas promise to his mother before she died. Don't lie, and of course what they will do is pretend that they are in a relationship. So he was hesitant

"Yes" Lucas answered...

In the locker "What is this? Who took mine? My bracelet. I left it here. Nothing is working out well today." said by Blythe.

Suddenly Oliver appeared again "You will introduce me to your new boyfriend later. You didn't forget about it, right? Why? Did something happen that you couldn't introduce him to me today?" asked by Oliver.

"Nope, I will show him to you" she replied.

Blythe go to Lucas classroom and took him to cafeteria, to talk about the contract again.

"Sorry but even if you make my heart fluttering...I won't change my mind." Lucas said. "It has to be you. The contractual relationship." Blythe immediately said.

Blythe give a contractual relationship paper to Lucas. They talked about the rules they need to follow while doing contract period.

Oliver, Farrah, and Naomi are in the schoolyard waiting for Blythe and Lucas.

"Blythe is here." Farrah said. "Why are you alone? Where is your new boyfriend?" Oliver asked. "He will come" she said.

"If your new boyfriend didn't not show up in a minute, we will be together again." Oliver said to Blythe.

Lucas walks into schoolyard with cool looks. "Blythe..." Lucas said. And he put he's hand on Blythe's shoulders.

"Hello, this is Blythe's boyfriend, Lucas Relish." he said with nervous feelings.

All the students are watching them.

Blythe is shocked, cause she never thought that Lucas will come.

"See? My boyfriend. Let's go, we're on a date." Blythe said with smile on her face.

Oliver was embrassed.

In the cafeteria... "ohh seat's are empty" Farrah said with jolly voice.

"You are so annoying Lucas, get out of my way." said by Naomi.

"Ohh should I have bought kimchi dumplings?" Blythe said.

Lucas ran away to buy 3 packs of kimchi dumplings. "Here, Blythe.." he said.

Blythe thank him. And she eat all the packs of kimchi dumplings.

Lucas was called for the broadcast club. And he walked towards while trembling.

It is late in the evening. Lucas was waiting for Blythe in the school gate.

And then Blythe is going home. "Blythe!" said by Lucas. Blythe was surprised by that sound...

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