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Kiss of Destiny

Kiss of Destiny

May Day


When Flora's father passed away, her own husband and sister took advantage of her grief and planned to murder her. And during the lowest point of her life, Louis appeared and saved her from despair. Her Father's company was being taken away, and Flora was now backed into a corner. Louis helped her take back everything that rightfully belonged to her. What could be the reason he offered to help her? It turned out that his purpose wasn't as simple as Flora thought. Louis wanted her body, and he wanted her to bear a child for him. With all his heart and soul, Louis loved Flora and gave her the most unforgettable kind of love. What secrets could he be hiding? Could Flora be able to forgive him once she found out the truth? What end would their love meet?

Chapter 1 The Funeral

Flora Evans stood quietly, looking forlorn and grim as she stared at her father's tombstone. Tears fell from her glistening eyes.

Somehow, she still hoped that her father was just in a deep sleep. But the cold, harsh nightmare seemingly never ended.

The thought that her father was gone forever had left a gnawing void in her chest. However, she had to endure. She couldn't afford to fall apart.

Beside her were her father's best friends, relatives, and colleagues. All of them were staring at his grave. After the service was finished, they all began to leave one after another. But she stayed, for she wished to spend as much time with her father as she could.

As the hours passed by, it began to rain. The butler came to Flora, in hopes of convincing her to come home.

She hadn't had a moment of respite throughout the whole day, and now, she had a splitting migraine. Feeling that she was about to burn out, Flora bowed to her father's grave, turned around, and left.

The moment she got home, she went upstairs to the second floor. There, she heard the faint sound of panting and moaning coming from one of the rooms. Flora's sleepy eyes popped open. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was going on inside the room.

She wanted to open the door and find out who was so bold as to do something like this. Just then, she heard a familiar voice from inside the room. Her heart skipped a beat, and she froze from where she stood.

"Baby, I've missed you so much these days," said a man, breathing heavily.

Flora's eyes were filled with disbelief and the blood from her face drained.

"I really missed you, too, honey," said a sultry woman's voice. The way they spoke to each other made Flora's heart sink. "What time will Flora get home?" asked the woman.

"Oh, don't worry about her. She's still at the cemetery. I'm sure she's too busy to notice us. Damn, baby, you look so hot in your dress. You want me to fuck your brains out, don't you?" The way he spoke sounded like he was raring to fuck her.

The sound of their moaning voices were like a pitter-patter of harrowing sounds to Flora's eardrums.

Her eyes flared up with angers as she tried to open the door, only to find that it was locked from inside.

Annoyed, she repeatedly kicked the door down until it opened up.

Upon hearing the sudden noise, the two people inside the room quickly turned their attention to the door.

Dante Lowell, Flora's husband, panicked when he saw her standing at the door, looking like she wanted to devour them whole. "Flora? What are you doing here?"

Compared to Dane, Renee was surprisingly calm. She just sat up leisurely while staring at Flora. Moreover, she was naked, and seemingly had no intention of getting dressed.

"Oh, you're already here, Flora? What a surprise." Renee put on a smile.

Flora saw everything clearly as she stood frozen at the door. Her beloved husband, and her sister betrayed her. She clenched her fists, struggling to control her body from shaking, and suppressing the pain in her heart.

"Dante, she's my sister! Why did you have sex with her?" she roared with eyes blazing with ire.

Dante put on his trousers and walked towards her.

"Flora, it was an accident! Renee and I are just…" He then tried to hold her hand.

However, Flora raised her hand and slapped him across the face.

"Do you think I'm stupid, Dante? Didn't it ever cross your mind that you have a wife?" Flora glared at him, her nostrils flaring with fury.

The smile on Dante's face disappeared, and he looked somewhat apathetic.

Renee went to his side, leaning against his chest intimately.

"Flora, you can't satisfy Dante, so I took the liberty of doing it for you," she explained.

"Renee, you bitch! I've always treated you like my own sister all these years. All this time, I was thinking that you were depressed over what happened, so I told Dante to send you home. I never expected you'd fuck my husband!" Flora slapped her as well with hands trembling with anger. "You're going to pay for this!"

Having said that, she rushed towards them, ready to attack again.

Upon seeing her reaction, Renee quickly hid herself behind Dante.

He grabbed Flora's hand, and threw her to the wall.

The pain of hitting her head against the wall made her struggle to get up as tears streamed down her eyes.

"Dante, you and I are done, you hear me! We're getting a divorce. And as for you, Renee, you are no longer welcome in this family!" With that, Flora turned around and walked towards the door.

Before she could even reach the door, she felt a sharp pain coming from her nape, and she soon collapsed. Struggling to keep her eyes open, she saw Dante and Renee standing side by side. A devious smile appeared on Renee's lips as she held a syringe in hand.

Slowly, Flora's eyes closed, and soon, she lost consciousness.

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