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Again, Clarissa was annoyed at her mother who wanted to set her up with her friend's son who was a successful businessman. Clarissa didn't want to pay attention because she saw that her mother and father's marriage did not last and made Clarissa a broken home girl. She grew up to be an arrogant, self-righteous girl, and always wanted to be the centre of attention. Love came into Clarissa's life. She fell in love with her handsome and kind lecturer, Mr. Diaz Wardhana. Missing affection, Clarissa pursued her idol lecturer. Her love unrequited, making Clarissa live out of control. Adimasta, Clarissa's friend, loved her sincerely. His patience finally made Clarissa melt, slowly turning her messy life into fun and knowing directions.

Chapter 1 Is It an Arrange Married, Again

"You are handsome and attractive, Mr. Rudi. I'm sure a lot of women are eager to be by your side." Clarissa looked at the handsome man sitting in front of her. With a charming smile, a beautiful aura manifested itself on Clarissa's oval face.

Clarissa's words made Rudi smile widely. It seemed Clarissa is attracted to him. Her attitude was a little stiff and arrogant, but Clarissa was beautiful, smart, and classy. It was fitting that his parents introduced him to Clarissa.

"It's a shame, you are not my type. Too old-fashioned, look like a father to me. And for sure, I don't like it the most, if I have to get married because of an ar-range-mar-ried." Clarissa's gaze turned sharp and cynical towards Rudi.

Rudi's happy face immediately disappeared. He was surprised that Clarissa was so sharp with words, even though they had only met this time.

"Maybe because you are not very social, so you need help just to find a date. Sorry, I can't stay long, even this dinner menu is not my taste." Clarissa stood up, grabbed her bag which was lying next to the chair, then walked away from the fancy restaurant.

Rudi was offended and angry. He hasn't even had time to say anything other than introduce himself. It turned out that the news about the arrogant Clarissa was not a figment. He's really proud. The words she spoke seemed like they were not filtered out. Regretfully Rudi accepted his mother's offer to come and meet Clarissa.

It felt like he was slammed by a just growing adult woman. How could be? He was a successful businessman, belittled by a young girl who just felt mature. So annoying!

Clarissa drove straight to her boarding house. She just got into the room, the phone rang from inside his bag. Clarissa knew who contacted her.

"Clarissa! You are too much. You just left Rudi? I am tired of persuading her parents to let Rudi meet you! He's busy, lots of business. You really give me a headache !!" A loud, furious sound slid into Clarissa's ears.

Clarissa just grinned. He was happy that her mother was upset. It seemed satisfying, making the woman who gave birth to her frantically had to apologize to her colleagues. Clarissa was clearly not going to be a match to anyone. But this is the umpteenth time her mother urged Clarissa to meet a man that she didn’t know.

"So what? I already met him. Where am I wrong? Did he complain about me leaving? What a child!" Clarissa calmly answered as she took off her heels, which were more than 4 inches.

"Yes, but, don't be rude like that, please. Get to know him first, talk to him, not just run away like that, Clarissa!" Still annoyed, my mother's voice feels louder.

"I already told you, I don't want to be married by matchmaking. I don't want to think about getting married anyway. What I'm doing now I enjoy it, Mom. Why don’t you yourself get married? Bothering to know you have dating with your friends!" Annoyed, Clarissa denied her mother.

"Clarissa! Watch your mouth, okay ?!" Rosita was getting angry with Clarissa's words. That girl dared insult her now?

"Alright, Mom. This is the last one, you force me to meet a boy. I can find out for myself who is the right man for me. I just entered college for several months, Mom! If until I am turning thirty and no one wants to be with me, alright, find me a man to be married to. You can be upset then!" And with annoyance, Clarissa turned off the phone from her mother.

Clarissa couldn't understand what was on her mother's mind so she wanted Clarissa to get a mate quickly. She always got the rich one who was thrust at her daughter. But no one made Clarissa want to look at him. Since she was a teenager, this matter has never been connected with Rosita. Meanwhile, Clarissa is also tired of seeing her mother change boyfriends after the divorce. It made Clarissa even more hurt and chose a boarding house outside the house even though she still lives in the same city as Rosita.

Clarissa changed her clothes then sat on the bed, started working on her cellphone, seeing what was the commotion in cyberspace. While having fun scrolling for the interesting posts, a notification appears in the class group chat. Clarissa opened it and saw what info was there.

Clarissa's smile widened. It was noisy, there was a new cool lecturer who would replace one of the senior lecturers who was sick and couldn't continue teaching. Clarissa would see what the new lecturer looked like, so the class became so excited.

That day was the first time the new lecturer was teaching. Clarissa had prepared a surprise for the new lecturer. She had arrived a little late on purpose, with a slightly antique appearance. Clarissa wore clothes in bold colors, orange, and green. The model is slightly quirky which is sure to make people look straight at it. And her hair, she dyed it similar with her clothes at the ends and a few strands of her hair.

The class was just starting when Clarissa stood at the door and casually walked into the classroom. The lecturer couldn't help but turn to her. His eyes widened, saw Clarissa walking without permission, and seemed not to see a lecturer in front of the class.

"Good morning! Sorry, Miss!" The lecturer called.

Clarissa turned to the lecturer in front of the class who was standing and staring at him. Woww ... That's right, handsome. Cool. Nice eyes, lips, chin. Clarissa this time admitted that her friends' type was solid.

"Hi, sorry I am late." Clarissa smiled and slightly raised her hand.

"What is your name?" The lecturer glared at Clarissa. He felt strange about this student. It seemed she didn’t care about ethics. Obviously, she was dealing with the lecturer, but she was acting her way.

Diaz watched from head to toe, this girl was quirky too. Beautiful, quite tall with a smile that was quite charming. But what a magic behavior!

"Oh, hey, I'm Clarissa Josephine. Just call me Clay." Clarissa stepped closer and reached out to the lecturer.

The class was smiling. They really understand how was Clarissa's behavior, she would do what she wanted.

"Sit down. The class has started. And don't be late again." The lecturer did not return Clarissa's helping hand.

"Don't be arrogant, Sir. My hands are sterile, seriously don't want acquaintances?" Clarissa still held out her hand.

"It's study time. Hurry and sit down or I'll tell you to wait outside." The young lecturer was also firm.

"All right. I'll sit down." Clarissa relented. He stepped into the seat at the front, there was still one empty.

"Alright, I continue the class. My name is Wira Diaz Wardhana. Just call me Diaz. I was asked to replace Prof. Ilham who is currently still under treatment because of his condition. Now, as the beginning of the class ..." The handsome lecturer again focused the class on what he wanted to explain.

Clarissa looked at Diaz. He was indeed attractive. Every movement of his movements looks calm, confident, had a charisma that made people want to pay attention to him. Clarissa felt a soft rustle grease her heart.

For almost two hours of class, Clarissa, who was usually nosy, asked questions to make the lecturer nervous, this time just staring at the young lecturer. Something was forcing Clarissa to keep staring at him even though she didn't pay attention to what the professor was saying.

Until class ended, her close friend, Yenny, who was sitting in the back row tapped her on the shoulder, found it strange that Clarissa could stay quiet in class.

"Are you okay?" Yenny asked. His hand touched Clarissa's forehead.

"Healthy, why? I'm pretty with this style?" Clarissa ran her fingers through her hair.

"You looked calm today. Why?" Yenny asked again.

"I ... fascinated …” Clarissa smiled. Her white teeth were visible, the more beautiful. "I'm in love, Yenny."

"To Mr. Diaz?" Yenny glared.

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