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You Will Forever Be My Sweatheart

You Will Forever Be My Sweatheart

Harby Black


Celine was a twenty years old girl who ran away from home because of some issues. She went to the City and became a maid to a rich household. Celine met the young master, the eldest son of the house hold. She became very close with him and she told him many things including bad mouthing the famous Xavier king which was the “young master” himself. “Oh my goodness, you are X....Xavier King?!” she widened her eyes while stuttering. RomComNovel. More than one love story. Romance and Erotic included.

Chapter 1 *

Celine dragged her bag violently in the quiet road, she was almost tearing up as she walked down the road. Just now, her friend had chased her out of the house because she had refused to be a harlot like her. Celine wished she could go back home but, the men she had borrowed money from in the province would kill her even before she reached the front of her mother and grandmother. Celine missed her mother’s cooking a lot and wished she could go home but her mother had told her to run and she would lie to the loan shark that she had died.

Would it be reasonable to go back home after she had been pronounced dead?! Celine blinked her eyes gently as tears filled the bottom of her white eyes with grey iris. She wiped her tears and wrapped her hand around her body while her bag dangled around her small body. As Celine walked farther, she heard some groaning, it became clearer as she walked further. Celine took her face to the side only to see a girl in uniform in a pool of blood. Celine yelled and looked around for anyone but no one was around. She knew she needed to save the girl but she didn't know anywhere in the city. Celine ran to her. She sat beside her, she touched her face and tried to calm her down but it didn't work. At this time, Celine was already shaking very much. She was so scared that the girl would die. The girl had ginger hair and a very pretty face with a small body, she looked very rich as well. Just then, Celine thought that if she could go to every house, she would be able to get someone who would call an ambulance. “I’m coming, please don't give up yet!” Celine panicked and quickly rushed to the streets. After going from house to house, she found someone who called the ambulance. The ambulance arrived within some minutes, they carried the young girl into the car and Celine entered with it. She accompanied the ambulance to the hospital. ^LATEST NEWS!!!! ^^ CHARMAINE LACKADEUX JUST GOT INVOLVED IN A FATAL ACCIDENT, INJURY FROM AN UNKNOWN SOURCE.^^ Mr. Lackadeux (James) ran out of the shareholders' meeting in a hurry after hearing the news, ten bodyguards followed him until he reached his car. His face was frowned and looked worried with his hands shaking like jelly. He entered a black Maybach which sped off and was followed by two cars: a Lamborghini and Lexus. Meanwhile; Mrs. Lackadeux(Melissa) was at the five-star spa and resort with some of her rich friends, they were getting pedicures and manicures. Mrs. Lackadeux’s skin was flawless, dazzling under the light. So many ladies stood beside her doing her manicure and pedicure. Mrs. Lannister who was beside Mrs. Lackadeux suddenly saw the news on her phone and her eyes jolted before she said, referring to Mrs. Lackadeux. “Do you know Anastasia is about to come back to America after four years? I heard she is about to be engaged to the minister's son.” Mrs. Lackaduex also opened her eyes, she said nothing but her expression changed greatly Just then, the news popped up. It was about Charmaine being injured. She sprang up immediately the news came to her hear and ran out while her fifteen bodyguards followed behind her. With her robe, she entered the car already crying and wailing because of her daughter. The Lackadeux is said to be the second richest family in all of the world. They have so many companies in all parts of the world and many houses. They have partnerships with the richest and most influential people and this made their life to be more at risk than that of a celebrity. Any little mistake could cause fatality. This was the first time anything bad had ever happened to one of them excluding the incident with the first son of the Lackadeux. At The Hospital: “Are you nut?!” Yelled the matron as she slammed the clipboard one of the nurses had given her on the floor. “Do you even know who we have in the special ward?! It's Charmaine Lackadeux! Charmaine! Charmaine! How can you even say the special doctor is attending to someone else?! Do you want the hospital to be shut down?!!” she yelled with livid eyes. The nurse shook and picked the clipboard immediately and ran away. Celine sat at the reception and watched all of this happen. Ever since she came in with the young lady, the whole hospital had gone crazy like a reality tv show. Just then, sirens were heard from outside, ten bodyguards trooped in, they looked at the whole place with scrutiny before touching the earpiece in their ears and said; “All clear!” Just then, Mr. Lackadeux walked in. His suit dazzled in mightiness, his skin was more clear than that of a supermodel even though he was a man. He was tall and handsome with psychic in all the right places. Then, came in a woman, she was so beautiful and her skin dazzled with so much money. Although her hair was scattered and she was wearing a robe, she still looked more beautiful than twenty different models. “Where is my daughter?!!” Mrs. Lackaduex yelled. It was like an earthquake because she screamed alarmed the whole hospital. “Is this how rich people behave?” Celine couldn't help but think like this when she looked at Mr. and Mrs. Lackadeux. Celine clicked her tongue before picking her bag to go out, she was almost out when the matron pointed to her. “She brought your daughter in!” yelled the matron. Celine didn't think that she would spend her night in the police station that day until one of the guards of the lackadeux took her by the arm like a toothpick and handed her over to the police who didn't take pity on her at all. “But I didn't do anything!!” she yelled almost crying as she was locked in the darkroom.

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