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His life wasn't a bed of roses, he wasn't born with a silver spoon, but yet he was still a very happy kid, living with his dad, the only family he has. His dreams was to live a peaceful and happy life alongside with his Dad. But his entire dream and life got shattered on the very night his dad was brutally killed by Paulson Morgan. His soft and tender heart, became the heart of a stone, and the only thing he had in mine was to get back at Paulson for killing his dad. But the table turns around when he met Anna Mutiby again. Anna Mutiby happens to be his crush during High school days. His old feelings for her gradually came back to life, and he fall helplessly inlove with her, and he sees himself always wanting to protect her. But the question is *Will he be able to protect her forever, since Anna is so clumsy and crazy at the same time?.* *What if he gets betrayed by one of the persons he trust the most* *And what if Paulson uses Anna against him, knowing the fact that Anna is his only weakness*????

Chapter 1 One

Jesse enters the house, and the it was quiet and calm, he looks around the sitting room and sighs.

"Is dad not back yet, why is it so quiet in here, Dad!". Jesse said as he went inside the room, but his dad wasn't there".

"He is not here, where did he go". Jesse muttered and walks towards the kitchen.

"Dad". He calls, as he opens the door of the kitchen, and sees his dad Cooking.

"What are you doing dad". He asked.

And Edward turns to face him.

"Oh Jesse, your back". He said with a smile.

Jesse's eyes scan the food items on the table and then to his Dad.

"Dad, what are you doing, why is there so much to cook".

Edward looks at the food items and smile.

"I was going to surprise you Jesse, but it seems you already caught me in the act".

"Why do you want to surprise me Dad".

"Have you forgotten, why do you always forget about it Jesse".

Jesse rolls his eyes and asked.

"What are you talking about dad, what did I forget".

"Your birthday Jesse".

And Jesse opens his mouth in shock, he didn't even remember today was his birthday.

"That right Dad, today is indeed my birthday, I forgot about it again".

"Well, is no longer a surprise, you Came back home on Time, than I expected.

Jesse smiles and said.

"I will take it back".

"Take what back".

Jesse smile again and walks up to him.

"I will pretend I never saw any of this, I will go and take a shower, then you can show me your surprise later".


"Yes Dad, I Never saw this, so continue with what you are doing, I will be waiting for my surprise". Jesse said with a smile and quickly leaves.

"That little Rascal, I always cerebrate his birthday every year, how could he still forget about his birthday". Edward muttered with a smile and continues cooking.


Edward arrange the food on the table, alongside with a cake, drinks, and desert too, he smiles after seeing the things on the table.

"Is all set, Jesse, Jesse, come out, am done cooking".

Jesse enters the dinning room, and when he sees the things on the table, his jaw dropped in shock.

"Dad, you made all of these". He said looking shock.

"You don't have to pretend to be surprised Jesse".

"No Dad, am really caught by surprise, I didn't expect so much on the table, where did you get the money for all of this Dad".

"I got paid at my work place Jesse, so I thought of preparing all of this, even if is just the two of us".

"But dad, isn't it too much".

"Of course not Jesse, is my only son's birthday today, you deserve it, come on let eat together".

Jesse smiles and sits with his dad.

"Make a wish Jesse". Edward said presenting the cake to him.

Jesse smiles, he closed his eyes, he made a wish, and blew off the candles.

"Happy 13th birthday Jesse". Edward said clapping his hand and smiling.

"Thanks Dad".

"So what did you wish for".

"Wishes are supposed to be kept secret right".

"Come on Jesse, tell me what you wish for, who knows I might be able to Grant that wish for you".

"Really you will".

"Yes I can".

Jesse looks at him and smile.

"Well my wish is for you to always stay with me forever, I always want someone to always remind me about my birthday...you are the only family I have ever since mom died, I can't live without you Dad, will you be able to Grant me my wish, will you stay with me forever, and never leave my side".

Edward smile and caress Jesse's hair.

"Of course I will Jesse, where will I go...am always going to be by your side always". Edward said caressing his hair smiling.


"Cross my heart to die son, let eat Jesse, and you shouldn't be wearing a sad face on your birthday, dad will always be here for you". Edward said.

Jesse looks at his dad and smiles.



Jesse sits with his friends in the classroom, T-chatting with them, since the homeroom teacher went on a leave.

"You're so lucky Jesse, at least you have a dad who still reminds you about your birthday, as for my dad, he doesn't care if I exist or not, all he cares about is drinking and getting drunk". Dre said.

"My dad is the best Dad in the whole world, and that why he is so important to me". Jesse said smiling.

"But he is not the only one important to you right". Sam asked smiling.

"Huh, what are you talking about, my Dad is the only important person in my life, no one else".


"Of course Dre, who else is important to me apart from my Dad huh!". He half yells.

And Anna Walks in with her two friends, T-chatting and laughing, and Jesse looks at her glups down nothing, admiring her beautiful she looks.

Her eyes were the prettiest eyes he has ever seen, her face was round and small, her smiles were one in a million, no wonder she was the beautiful queen of Florence High, Jesse thought within himself, as he continues looking at Anna, and he could feel his heart beating like a drumming drum.

Dre waves his hand near Jesse's eyes, but he didn't blink, his whole eyes and brains were fitted on Anna, who was still T-chatting and laughing with her friends.

How could she be so beautiful, is she an angel from heaven, that might have probably come to Earth to live among humans.

Sam pinch him and he quickly came back to the land of the living.

"What was that for Sam". Jesse asked.

"Looks like you finally came back to life, it seems you were dead a while ago, I knew it, your Dad isn't the only important person in your life". Dre said laughing.

"My Dad is the only one important to me, do I need to say it a hundred and one times, before it get stuck in your ears."

"Then what about Anna". Dre asked pointing at Anna who was so forcus talking to her friends.

"Huh". Jesse muttered.

"I know you have a crush on Anna Jesse, you are always staring at her, but you both are world aparts, she is rich, and you are poor, we only attend this school because of a scholarship,,I guess that why you can't tell her, you have a crush on her". Dre said.

"I don't have a crush on Anna Dre, I might be poor, but Anna is not my type of girl,why will I have a crush on her, she so full of herself because her dad is Rich".

"Whatever then,but I know you still have a crush on Anna". Sam said with a giggle, and leaves the class with Dre, who was also laughing too.

"You both are so annoying". Jesse said to them as they left the class.

He turns his gaze at Anna, and she was still T-chatting and laughing with her friends, flirting with her hair.

"She is so beautiful". Jesse muttered with a smile, but the moment Anna looks at him, he quickly looked away, pretending he was so forcus in his book.

"Why is he always so shy to look at me". Anna muttered.

She looks at him again and chuckles with a smiles.

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