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Violence of the days

Violence of the days

Voracious writer


Nick been the only child of Mr. And Mrs. Albert and the savior sent by the gods of the land. People see her as a nothing but a witch. Read to know the end of Nick and the villagers.

Chapter 1 Nick and the suitor

The people of Muga were saved by their god from the land of slavery. And since then they have been worshipping him. They named him Lanai which means:" savior of all". Lanai showed them love and gave them everything they ever needs.

He gave them lands with resources and beautiful places. This people really loved their god. They lived in peace, no war, no calamities, no diseases, no problem.

But this people suddenly changed, they neglected Their god because they had no problem. They have forgotten that he saved them all. The elders of Muga then led down a corrupt culture for people. They kill and make the innocent stuffered and put their lives in pains.

Lanai then decided to destroy this people but he still love them so much. He never want anything bad to happen to them. So he sent a message to Priest Suchi, the only priest in Muga. Saying: " a savior will be born and she will save the land of Muga. She

Smile on the Poor's face and move the people back to their god. She will save the innocent from the wicked culture.

This prophecy was into the house of Mr. and Mrs. Albert.

A wealthy family, they were popular both within and outside the village of Muga. They lack nothing. They had a lot of savants, maidens , lands, farms, money, and labourers. Mr. Albert's house was like a palace. It was mor beautiful than that of The King of Muga. But they lack of thing, child. They had no child, they have tried all their possible best before the prophecy came.

Now they don't even know how Lanai will do it but they believed that he will surely do it for them. This prophecy began to happen when Mrs Albert got pregnant. She felt the child should be born sooner. She had set up the baby's room with beautiful colours and flowers, doll house filled with a lot of dolls from different villages.

She was cleaning wnd arranging the room when she felt cramps. The cramps were so severe, she could barely sit up. The pain continued, seizing her in a vise that reached around her stomach to her back, shortening her breath. She gasped, unable to even call out for help, not that there was anyone who would hear her.

For a short minute, the contraction reduced. Drips of sweat trickled down the side of her face. Her bossom rose and fell with her heavy breaths. Another contraction began and then she felt the warmth leaking down the inside of her thighs.

The sensation sent an electric shock up her spine and into her heart. Slowly she raised her head and ran her fingers crossed her leg. When she looked at fingers, she screamed. They were covered with blood.

" Honey!" She cried. And struggled to sit up.

" Erlone!" She screamed for her maid's name. The blood continued to flow. She tried to walk, but the cramps were so severe, she had to double up and put herself back on the bed.

With all the strength she could muster, she screamed again.

" Erlone!"

Silence followed. Where was she? Another contraction came, but it was of a shorter duration. It was followed by a longer respite and then the next contraction was bearable. She took her washcloth and cleaened off the blood. It seemed to be easing now.

" Erlone! Erlone!" She called.

" Madam!" Erlone said, she went straight into the baby's room. When she was her , she went busting into the nurse's house exclaiming her Madam's predicament.

Another contraction came rushing through her, tightening so quickly this time, it felt more like a punch in her stomach. Her lungs hurt. She tried to take a deep breath. The room began to spin and she lost her balance, stumbling to the right. She fell sideway, landing on the doll house, splintering and smashing it with the heavy weight of her body. She managed to break her fall a little with her extended right hand. But the contraction was so severe, she couldn't get up. She lay there, sucking in air.

She could hear commotion below. Footsteps followed by shouts and exclamation. Mr Albert's voice, the voices of servants, Erlone and then Nurse Peggy.

When Peggy saw what happened, she knew Mrs Albert will be having a premature baby.

" What's that supposed to mean?" Mrs. Albert asked Peggy.

" The baby is been stirring a lot. She want to be born sooner, madam."

" Is it going to happen right now?" Mrs. Albert asked.

" It's hard to say exactly when, but maybe very soon". She replied. " Maybe very soon."

She said and one of the servant helped her to her room and placed her comfortably on the bed.

" Peggy". She said. "It's starting again."

" Push when you have contraction. This way two forces, the contraction and your pushing, combine to move the baby and save you some energy."

She did as she said and soon she began to feel the baby's movement.

" She's coming!" Peggy announced and followed by thecry of the new baby girl.

" How pretty! She's a damsel!" Peggy said has she clean up the baby.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert were filled with joy. The prophecy come true. Priest Suchi named her Nick" the great child".

To complete their joy, different villages, tribes and religion came to celebrate with the family. What more could they have wished for if not for having this beautiful and wonderful baby girl.

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