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Paige came back to the city where she had her heart badly broken a year after. She wasn't expecting for Jared, the man who was responsible for her broken heart, to be there too as soon as she was back. A night to reminisce and a night of mistake. What's going to happen to Paige and Jared next?

Chapter 1 Hello!

I was waiting for my friend, Reid, to pick up my call while I was exiting the university. It's been a year since I graduated and flew away from this city to leave everything behind me and start anew at a faraway place. It has been my plan since my eight-year relationship ended just before graduation.

It took me a year to come back in this city and get my transcript and other important university documents. It also took me a year to muster up my courage to meet again my long time friends.

"Paige, I'm sorry it took me long to pick up.. Are you done processing your credentials? Are we meeting now?" Reid picked up finally after a few attempts.

"Uhh, yeah. I'm actually on my way now to grab a cab." I told him, "where are we meeting again? Can you send me the address, a lot has changed in a year huh.." I tried to sound excited when I was really nervous in actual.

I don't even know why I felt nervous, I was just meeting a friend. The friend I'm about to meet is Reid, the only friend I tried to keep after I moved out in this city.

Reid and I shared a different kind of bond. Reid was my ex-boyfriend's friend. They were so close and that's how I got close to Reid as well. He is a decent guy and has always been so genuine towards me.

When my ex-boyfriend and I broke up, Reid and their other friends, Kyle and Dylan, took turns on looking after me. I really didn't ask them to do that, I was sure my ex-boyfriend didn't too. They've always come to visit me in my apartment, tried to cheer me up by taking me out to dinners and sometimes just stayed with me for no reason. But I felt those actions are useless at that time. I was so broken. I was cheated on. I didn't know how to go on with my life.

We were on our last year in the university at that time, everything was crucial. It really didn't felt like I got my heart broken at the time, I was always busy and I like how I was always occupied without even trying.

I hailed a cab and showed the driver the address that Reid has sent me. The cab driver said it'll take at least 20 minutes to get to the restaurant Reid chose and I said it was fine. I let Reid pick the restaurant and told him anywhere he likes works for me so he picked somewhere that's near his workplace because he only has an hour to come and meet me.

While I was in the cab, on my way to meet Reid, I got a call from him.

"Wassup? I'm on my way. It'll be at least 20 minutes though, says the cab driver." I told Reid as soon as I answered my phone.

Reid was silent on the other line.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"There's a little situation though, Paige. I'm sorry I didn't let you know beforehand." Reid seems nervous. Why was he nervous about something so little? This man got me nervous too. What the hell is happening Reid?

"Oh, what is it? If it's just a little situation then tell me, Reid." I think I got a little irritated. My voice says it all.

"Well.. Jared's here, too."

Jared? My ex-boyfriend who cheated on me after being together for eight long years? Why would he be in the same city with me? From what I know, his house is two cities away from here. It's at least an hour drive. And he's here today? What kind of sorcery is this?

Reid spoke on the other line. "I'm sorry, I didn't know he'd be here today. He just showed up at my office and asked if we could've lunch together. He always calls whenever he visits. I'm not sure why he didn't today. Paige, I'm so sorry. You can cancel if you like.."

"Does he know?" I asked Reid.

"That you're here?" I could here Reid's huge sigh. "I used a lot of alibis so I could never have lunch with him.."

"Does he know I'm here, Reid?" I was annoyed already.

"Yes, Paige. I told him. I told him so he'll cancel but he said he'll be happy to join us."

WHAT? Will I be happy if he joins us? Will I be happy to see him? After all that has happened, this man has the audacity.

I was excited to see the place where I lived for four years, I was excited to be in the cab for twenty minutes at first but after my conversation with Reid on the phone, the rest of the ride seemed blurry to me.

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