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Realm of love and sacrifice

Realm of love and sacrifice

Säïñtëë Wrïtës


Apparently there are epic stories that would carefully depict natural disasters compelled by negligence and ignorance of acknowledging its cure Many atimes when really acknowledged the responsibile cure turns out a feat Definitely the capability would be there But the belief may have withered or fate gone or their strength strength unabated over time With proof to advertise the ability of her potential shoved her to an incongruous realm along with her friend The parable of the ten maidens depict the chaotic world of ten maidens and some other people and their unabated strife to fight through obstacles the Archeglors Hores Azones Princess of Dagon not eluding the Queen of the Charistahores. Realm of love and sacrifice also showed up some romantic relationship with their ominous states and their fight to fall into Sheer normalcy Out of destiny comes not a choice Aidan with trampled fate sutured it up to brace up and face up the challenge to return to the human world encompassing his massive sacrifice compelled by his sudden love and affection Not twice nor the millionth time he had tried out with his effort to prove his innocence.

Chapter 1 Fame hunting

The Moonwark has it all blades, spinning to diverse dilemma of dilapidated incidents. Not even the tribunals could diktat a concession, other than a bow to the embraced catastrophe..

But perhaps new centuries kept concealing the ally with the goddess of ancient authorities and commanded a digital world.

Christianity as well as numerous religions made it all a simple lifestyle. You wouldn't know the craving. The light beneath the sky puts out darkness, so we can only see the heavens, and not the other enternity.

Obviously, the government's realm proved it was supreme, not any other, be it spiritual, because the Moonwarks believed in reality other than spelt out scrolls.

But there were lots more to discover about the dark forces! However, as the academic world kept dominating, it also proved a massive strength. One in Moonwark, Generation high school, technically foretold of a new world.

The space class had its wonderful class of students, but however, more of the ladies. Aidan would think he was more of a rockstar in G.H.S. The few boys in class were massively effete in commanding fame, just like Aidan would. God knows he would have smiled to all girls in class, if not Mrs. Bridget, whom he called Christ-stuff teacher.

It was really a tight dream to his belief at his first day in class.

"Good morning, Mrs. Bridget." Layla, a student in class greeted, as Mrs. Bridget smiled at her, scampering to her desk.

"Um... I'm really sorry, I'm late." She apologized.

"Yeah, what would you think about the commuters?" Mr. Harway would match all classes to have a confirmed data of the staff's punctuality. Even though, the school's administration had told him to do that weekly, he rather preferred walking through all classes, with his big red flying tie, perhaps big pants, each day.

Mrs.. Bridget would chuckle at all times, and say "Jesus loves you."

"Heard lots of that shit." He would wave away.

Ever since Aidan knew Mrs. Bridget, Jesus had always been so prevalent to him.

"Hey boy, do not do that! Do you not know that Jesus loves you?" She would ask each time.

"Oh please, make good grades and don't forget that Jesus loves you." Still Mrs. Bridget.

"Hi Aidan, get to my office. Do not disobey because Jesus loves you." She would emphasize forever.

Aidan sat hot on his seat, he wouldn't forget the teasing, and all the stuff for girls.

"Hi Aidan." Harper giggled, sitting closely.

"Um, hi." He looked at her expectantly.

"Ah.. I'll be holding a party at my house." She announced to him, beaming with smiles.

"Party... party." Aidan hummed strangely.

"Yes, party, at my house." She added, throwing back some hairs.

"House... house." Aidan consciously hummed again.

"You're invited!" Harper gladly announced once more, pissing off as she dropped a card.

And just after she left, Manson sauntered in with a card on his hand.

"You wouldn't believe it!" He said happily, with clenched teeth.

"What, man?" Aidan was struck.

"Harper is throwing up a crazy party tonight." He surely replied.

"What? Is it a thing?" Aidan confusingly asked with raised brows.

"She's rich, her family is so rich, her puppies are fuckin rich! I'm gonna eat some Larja." Mason whinned

"Larja?" Aidan asked, with bit closed eyes.

"That's my naming." He said, standing to leave. "Get some crazy pants for the crazy party." Manson yelled, excitedly.

Later at night, the party was extremely crazy, just as Manson described. The ladies screamed at every shouts of the wine pop, as all danced to the heart beating music.

Just after a cheer up, when Harper Stepped in with her little sister, she was really heart filled.

"Oh my god, this is going awesome." She said, as there was shouts in the air.

"Um, it wouldn't have been a day like this if not my mum, my family, my friends, everyone. I thank you all for honouring my invitation to celebrate with me as I turn..... turn what?" She asked with so much humour, looking at her little sister, who whispered to Harper's ears "Fifty is great!" Unfortunately, that had sounded aloud to the audience through the microphone Harper held, as there were coughs of laughter in the room.

The dance went on after a while, and Harper, with a friend of hers, inched to Aidan, where he sat with the talking Manson.

"Hi Aidan." She said, waving and smiling equally.

"Harper, happy birthday to you." Aidan said, as Manson chopped in "....and happy fifty years." The girls laughed, except Aidan who starred at the girl with Harper.

"Um, who's she? Never seen her before." Aidan finally said.

"This is Ava, she would be joining us in class." Harper told Aidan, holding Ava.

"New school girl huh?" Manson sipped a cup of drink.

"Yes. Actually, I've gotta scale around, see other people." Harper said, almost hopping away with Ava.

"New school girl..." The two boys hummed. The both looked at themselves furiously, and walked away.

Manson at school, wouldn't want Aidan's understanding of luck, refrain him from getting to Ava, while Aidan would just think of Manson, wasting a hell of time.

Manson was at school already, and sat by the extra chair in class, hoping it was Ava's. Luckily for him, it was. She walked in, "Not even a hi?" Manson quikwitted.

"Hi." He said with a pink face.

"Hey..." Ava replied, looking down to get dust, off her shoe.

"Ah...seen this face?" He asked, with an index finger, pointing at his face.

"Sure, at Harper's." She replied, feeling too common with it.

"I guess this didn't work." He bit his tongue.

"Look who's here!" Harry spat, as all cheered, while Aidan put off the glasses, Swinging his hair with a conscious focus on Ava.

Manson would scratch his fingers in anger and jealousy. He watched Aidan inch to Ava, slapping her desk, and then. "Hey you." He nodded.

"Hi." She smiled. This got Manson pissed.

"Seen this face?" He asked.

"Sure, Aidan." She chuckled. " Harper told me lots about you." She replied.

"So?" He asked, sitting closely on her desk.

"They are silly enough, this I can tell." She giggled, as all heard stomps of Mrs. Bridget's hilly shoes, and dispersed to their chairs.

She stepped in, not alone, with a guy.

"Hello, please Ava, come up." She ordered, quickly dropping down her bag.

"Everybody, these..." She dropped her heavy hands on their shoulders. "...are new students of space class." Mrs. Bridget announced, as they made noisy applause. "....their names.."

"Ava." Ava smiled.

"Ravana." The guy said swiftly.

"Love his voice." Aidan heard Avery, whisper to Diana.

"He's super cute!" Diana replied.

It was really a start-up war for Aidan.

"You mean, I've gotta fight to get this crazy girl? C'mon, she's already smiling at his words." Aidan was all day, pensive.

Well, Aidan had resolved not to be so injudicious about it. First, every one focused on the Russian guy, Ravana. His coily-spiky hair got the girls so crazy.

"Hey you." They would say to Aidan in the morning, and a noisy welcome by the boys for Ravana, and all pretense of the ladies.

"Hi." Ravana walked up to Ava and Harper.

"Hi." Both chorused, while all girls incessantly tore their lips into some crazy smiles.

"I learnt you're new in class, just as I am." He said, as a thought ran across Ava's memory. "I know this ascent!" She smiled, in love with it.

"Oh yes! I am, it's cool." She giggled, flipping through pages of her book.

"Yeah, um, so where were you schooling?"

"It's so creepy you don't need it " Ava chuckled.

Aidan was getting all done with the lame conversation between them.

"Oh, I see." He smiled, and retired back to his seat.

Both Aidan and Manson's nerves were on edge. Manson bent with soaked eyes, over his loss of Ava.

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