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She had every reason to hate her twin sister. Su Ming rumored to be ill-fated from birth. She wants nothing but to be loved, every heartbeat of her fragile heart only yearn for pure love from her parents. She keeps wishing and hoping that one day her parents will love her just as much as they love her twin sister Su Mei. But what happened when her hopes and wishes turn into a neverending nightmare.

Chapter 1 The Beach.

The rainy weather in August always brought a drizzle of happiness and to some others it brought sadness to their life.

In the beach two couples hold hands together happily starring at their kids with the cold sea breeze blowing their hair. The couples Mr. Su Feng and Huo Mian stare at their kids, Su Mei and Su Ming playing happily near the sea with their red beach ball.

Mr. Su Feng a wealthy business man in H- city who screams nothing but wealth and power. He owns a lot of companies and hotels. Mr. Su Feng is the first and only son of the Su family, the Su family has a very strong background and connections both in the business and underground world. The Su family was established by Su Feng father, who struggled and brought the Su family to glory and later passed it on to his only son, Su Feng when his lovely wife Guo Ling died in a car accident.

Su Feng being the only son of the Su Family and successor established the Su companies and brought fame and wealth to the Su family name.

Su Feng is a tall, light toned man with broad shoulders, short black hair and brown eye lens that qualifies his skin tone and made him look outstanding.

Su Feng met Huo Mian in a blind date that was set up by his mom, Guo Ling who was eager to have grandkids. Huo Mian is a tall, slim, fair in complexion girl who is as white as a porcelain doll, with long blonde wavy hair and butterfly eyelashes which compliment her black eye lens. Huo Mian being the only daughter of the Huo family was pampered by her parents and two brothers. The Huo family has a very strong background in the underground world. Huo Mian is a very intelligent and independent young lady who refused to use the Huo Family connections for herself.

Huo Mian lost her father two years after her wedding with Su Feng due to a cardiac failure. Huo Mian and Su Feng fell in love and later on gave birth to twins, Su Mei and Su Ming.

During the winter season when Huo Mian was in labour, Su Mei was given birth to without any form of complications or delay. While Su Ming was given birth to with complications, difficulties and through surgery and also in An inauspicious time because that was the same day Guo Ling lost her life in a tragic car accident.

Although Su Mei and Su Ming were twins, they were given birth to on different day. Su Mei has blonde hair, black eye lens and has a strong resemblance to her mother. While Su Ming has a black long hair and looks more like Guo Ling.


As Su Feng and Huo Mian carefully watch their daughters playing happily with their red beach ball, Su Feng would occasionally glanced at Huo Mian and would once again get attracted to her round rosy lips and long eyelashes. Huo Mian wore a blue bikini and a beach hat while holding a coconut milk juice in her hand.

"Hubby don't you think that our daughters look so lovely and beautiful? Especially Su Mei I know she's going to be a heartbreaker when she grows up! "Said Huo Mian as she take a sip of her coconut milk juice and blink her beautiful doll like round big eyes at Su Feng who was busy typing non-stop on his cell phone with a frown on his well defined face.

" Yes, yes! Our Su Mei is really pretty, just like her mother! Please excuse me for a sec"

Su Feng said as he placed a kiss on her rosy cheek and went a few feet away from Huo Mian and his kids to answer a business call.

Immediately as Su Feng left, Huo Mian sigh to herself and started chatting with her best friend ' Ye Fai ' on Weibo, when she suddenly heard splashing of water followed by the ear piercing scream coming from Su Mei and Su Ming.

Huo Mian, feeling annoyed immediately stared at the sea angrily and was shocked when she saw her daughters drowning and was at the edge of death. So without thinking twice, her mother instinct immediately kicked in and she rushed to the sea not caring about the fact that she was still inexperienced in swimming.

At this point Huo Mian wished that she would have followed her father's advice and learned Swimming when she got the Chance to.

When she rushed to the sea, Su Ming who was closed to her screamed out "Mommy!!" But Huo Mian ignored her and swim to Su Mei who was further away from her. At that time the drowning Su Ming felt a mix feeling and emotions.

As soon as Huo Mian got hold of Su mei, she hugged her tightly and was about to swim out with Su Mei when a ferocious wave hit and caught her without warning. Su Mei gulped a mouthful of saltwater as she was little with this sudden assault.

"Hold tight Su Mei, mummy got you!! You too Ming'er !!" Shouted Huo Mian as she tried to reassured her daughters while trying to draw Su Feng attentions.

When Su Feng saw that the weather had suddenly became bad and the network is very poor, he quickly disconnect the phone call with a frown and put it in his back pocket. Turning his attentions back to his wife and kids, he was utterly speechless to find his beloved family drowning and his heart immediately skip a beat, so without wasting time he quickly ran towards the sea.

On his way to rescue his family he was face with a dilemma, as he stared blankly at the sea with his aching heart "I can loose a daughter but not my whole family" so after pondering for a brief second he dived into the sea and rescued his wife and daughter.

Su Ming who still had a little consciousness and strength in her quietly blinked her watery eyes. The poor girl thought "Mom and dad don't like Su Ming..... " cried Su Ming before her entire body was envelope by the huge body of water.

"Huo Mian!!" Su Feng called out to her in a soft but worried tone. The delicate husband lay her on the ground, relieved by her peaceful breathing, before turning to Su Mei whose breathing was faint and skin pale. Su Feng couldn't waste anytime as he feared for the worst, he quickly pick up his phone from the beach sand and dialed the ambulance along with the rescue team number.

Immediately after he made the call, the distant ambulance sirens echoed in the solitude, as the overcast sky had begun to weep.

Both Huo Mian and Su Mei were promptly taken into the ambulance. Su Feng had given instructions to the rescue team to search for the dead body of Su Ming as his hopes of her still being alive were fading. His heart was aching for his wife and child and for the fact that he had failed as a father to Su Ming. With his heart filled with both pain and guilt he sat next to his two dear family in the ambulance.

The ambulance had driven to H-city hospital. One of the most popular hospital in the whole of H city that is meant only for the rich and famous. With both Su Mei and Huo Mian taken to their respective ward.


The rescue team search for Su Ming dead body for about four hours with both ropes and boat before they finally find her lying lifelessly near a rock. Pei Ling, one of the female rescue team placed Su Ming flat on the ground and removed her wet clothes. After that Pei Ling placed a hand on her (Su Ming) chest and compress the breastbone. She pushed down 5 cm, which is approximately one-third of the chest diameter. She release the pressure then rapidly repeat at a rate of about 100-120 compression a minute. After 30 compression, she tilt Su Ming head, lift the chin and give 2 effective breath.

Pei Ling continue it until she run out of breath. Not wanting to admit the truth that Su Ming is dead, Pei Ling tucked her hair behind her ears and gave her mouth to mouth rescuperation. But Su Ming didn't respond so she gave up and leave the case to Jing-Sheng, one of the rescue team and also her fiance. Jing-Sheng then sigh hopelessly and took Su Ming body which was pale and cold to his car. Since Su Feng had ordered him to bring Su Ming dead body to the hospital once she is found.

Meanwhile, at H-city hospital, in the VIP ward, su Feng was busy discussing with the doctor about Su Mei health condition. While Huo Mian was lying unconsciously on the hospital bed with her two brothers, Huo Shan and Huo Shing walking round the room nervously.

Huo Shan is the oldest among them, he carried a proud and intimidating aura but deep down he is just a softie that couldn't even hurt a fly. He wore a black suit as he was in a meeting when he received the call about his younger sister.

Huo Shing is the twin brother of Huo Mian. He is playful and a little bit feminine which made others assume he is gay but in reality he is actually a ladies man. He wore a denim jacket, blue jeans and sneakers.

"Elder brother Shan, what are we going to tell younger sister when she finally wakes up? We can't possibly tell her that one of her daughter is dead and the other one is half dead?" Complained Huo Shing nervously as he let out a frustrated sigh and sat on the left hand side of Huo Mian with his hand gently stroking her blond silky wavy hair.

"What do you think we are going to tell her?!? As you said we can't possibly tell her about Su Mei condition. I don't think my little sister heart would be able to take it! If only mum was here!" Cried Huo Shan .

" Ahhh ... You know you should stop being a mummy boy! And also you should stop wishing for the impossible. I told her not to get married to that man.. but she didn't listen now look how that man family curse is rubbing on my poor sister. Now tell me why did he decide to take his whole family to the beach and he even went ahead to booked the whole place!! Ruining my chances of taking my son to the beach!! That man really got some -"

" You have a SON?!?!?!, But you are not even married! " Questioned Huo Shan with a serious expression.

" Hum.. Hum.. Younger sister you are awake? " Shouted Huo Shing as he tried to distract Huo Shan and Huo Shan being unaware of his tricks, stared at Huo Mian with a confused expression, and seeing that she was still unconscious he draw his attention back to his brother, only to discovered that he had ran away just to avoid the question and without wasting time he quickly took off in the hope of catching up to him.

After the two brothers left, Su Feng stared at Huo Mian unconscious body and he felt his heart begins to warp. His eyes became watery but he breath out softly and hold back his tears like a man.

"How could the world be so cruel? Who would have wish such a ill -fate on my family!?!' it took Huo Mian a whole three years before she was able to conceived a child. At that time they felt happy but when they find out that she was pregnant with twins they felt like the luckiest couples in the world. Even after Su feng's mother died in a car accident during Su Ming birth.

Su Feng sigh hopelessly and murmured to himself "I've already lost a daughter due to my own selfishness now I can't possibly loose my beloved wife. What am I going to tell Huo Mian? How am I going to answer to all her questions? Oh Buddha please hear this selfish father's prayer and save my family for fallen apart!! Please perform a miracle" pray Su Feng as he wiped the teardrop from his eyelashes.

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