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My heart

Chapter 2 Ill-fated.

Word Count: 2036    |    Released on: 27/06/2022

ies as she thought about Su Ming. She couldn't bear to see her die. After all she is a mother herself and she would not be

sgrace and abandoned her all because she had a child out of wedlock. Although it

the house, she later find out that she was pregnant and because she knew nothing about the child father except the fact that he was a little bit feminine, she wanted to abort the child. At that time she was

that little girl?" Jing-Sheng asked wi

thout even thinking twice! I mean how could the world be so cruel to this little gi

t her. I guess even death doesn't care about age group. They

inds you of your past. But in some situation you just need to have a little faith and pray for this little girl soul to rest in peace. And you nee

truly lucky to have him in her life. He took good care of her and even gave Xiaomi a fatherly lov

d we need to deliver her dead body to her parents. And then we will t

g wheel and was about to drive off when they heard

n the backseat apart from Su Ming who was already dead. So Pei Ling got out of the car and went

see Xiaomi hiding in the backseat while eating choco

Su Ming was the one who let out the cough. Her hope of Su Ming st

hid in daddy car? Don't cry mummy... Little Xiaomi is sorry! Mummy pl

eng got off the car and pic

Xiaomi hiding in the backseat. Now tell me did you caught a cold or something? Why di

till coughing. I've tried waking her up but she just keep saying *daddy and mummy d

ords, she quickly get into the car anxiously and star

ain came from her forehead. Her head felt like it was splitting, and the pain was so great that even opening her

le happily and placed a kiss on Su Ming forehead while o

diately placed Xiaomi on the front sea

n promptly to her ward. Mr Su Feng feeling over the moon, strode happily to Pei Ling and Jing-Sheng with his eyes filled with tears. He couldn't believe his ears

estioned pei Ling w

hat have Fifty million. To than

a smile as she rubbed Xiaomi head affectionat

who was feeling a little bit sleepy " Now you would used this card to take very good care of yourself and your mom" After saying that he shook Jing-Sheng h

h helplessly and Jing-Sheng drove of


in the hospital for a month with no sign of waking up.

but..... Your youngest daughter Su Ming... " The doctor let out a f

heard the news. He took a step backwards as his

ad regain her consciousness and is good to go home now. " S

n wore a blue kneecap flower gown with black heels whi

r. She had an average height and a high pitch voice. And also o

that that girl is ill fated. And I think you should keep her far away from Su Mei.

"Hun, I heard that Su Ming went into a comma. But is okay! We still got Su Mei.... We could just take her home tomorrow evening along. And don't worry about Su Ming we could just take her

Mian a warm smile before walking out of

s she snapped at Huo Mian "And what was that all about? Why didn't you tell

Look at him Ma Rui he feel so guilty about Su Ming condit

ught her back to past, when she was pregnant with the

an could still clearly remember when the fortune teller told her that Su Min

the fortune teller but when she saw how her mother in-law, Guo Ling died on the same day and time of

nage home alone but she knew if she abandoned her then the Su family would

her to a boarding school or maybe I would just send her to leave with her grandma. I guess mom woul

ian were long lost friends " bravo Mian! Bravo, you are really a great mother. And by the way don't feel bad about what you are doin

mplete her statement when

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