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My heart

Chapter 3 The lady in black veil.

Word Count: 2008    |    Released on: 11/07/2022

i as she recall the slap that was given to her

ly and held tig

ess and... Well .. hum she would like to see you." Sai

n and Ma Rui walked out of the offi


her teddy bear that she failed to notice the presence of both her parents and the doctor. She hum a soft lullaby that she learnt from her mother. She wore a pink kneecap flower gow

er daughter and place kisses all over her head and hands. Her eyes were

itement on her face she just smile

n you told us not to get near the ocean! " Lied Su Mei through her teeth as she tried to cover Su Ming up. Because she knew clearly that if her mom were to found out t

r dad so he wouldn't scold you. Okay?" Whis

g didn't bother to confront them. He smile so

roper nursing for her to regain her consciousness but I would like to ta

ly and continue " right now Su Ming need proper nursing because her life is still not out of danger. So I'm afraid it would be impossible to chan

ford to put his beloved daughter's life at risk. He walked straight to his wife an


ice chair when a lady suddenly barged in without knocking. The lady

t to breath. His mouth went dried and his forehead became sweaty

s once! You have been keeping her away from me for a whole seven years. You won't even let me

ement when the lady in black sent a slap straight

child in his lifetime then I wouldn't have -... You know what? Just forget it!" The lady in black let out a deep breath and sat on a sofa that was placed on the right side of the office "jus

approvingly and grab hold of the lady in black shoulder angrily "just listen here you snake you can do anything you want but I would n

his comment and release h

nything for your daughter but it seems to me that you don't care about her not even a little bit! You know, I've even brought a picture of her with me but since you can't do this little favor for your daughter then..... You don't

resident Su daughter dead. Right!? Then just consider it done. I swear on my daugh

the photo of her daughter in her red bag. Within a second she brought out a little photo of

anger due to the fact that the little girl face in the photo w

!!" Bai Liang clenc

t she doesn't wake up. " With that the lady in black walked out of the office casually with a victorious smile as she thought to herself ' I'm sorry Huo Mian but I just coul

ack profile couldn't help



ading his documents when he saw his cell phone ringing. Looking at the caller ID he felt reluctant to pick up the pho

i had regain her consciousness so I want you to pick Huo Xing up from sch

to a smile. He couldn't believe the fact that after

h Huo Xing in a few minutes." After saying that he immediately hung up the phone with a smile

ave his wife given birth again? '

ife pregnant? Impossible! Maybe his

ssiping won't feed you or your family" said Huo Shan personal assi


ream mountain. When Huo Mian and Su Feng first brought this piece of land.Huo Mian had given specific instructions to plant cherry

was a crystal lake. The scen

daughter, Huo Xing hand and wen inside. The head Butler came and greeted them. "

he butler " I'm well! We're

en! While young miss

firmly and instruct the butler to take Xing t

e butler knock firmly and su Mei

su Mei and gave her a tight hug. Seeing her action, Su

sister almost killed you! And looking at you now I

your mom is the one who keep spouting rubbish everywhere she goes!! " The six years old Su Mei c

Su Mei ponytail angrily as she shout

ng ill-fated" retorted Su Mei as she p

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