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My heart

Chapter 7 My heart

Word Count: 2248    |    Released on: 03/09/2022

side. Their were many children carrying their school bags as they prepared to go to school. But looking at

we passed by seems unwilling to go to

atement as she tighten her sh

nue when he saw that he got no reply " these little children her all unwilling to go to school becaus

ned against the car window it was past 7pm the pedestrian in the road were in a hurry, they

way forward, not caring about the children in the car . She increase the speed


with you

to cause an acc

!! It looks like the perso

overtake. After all they are also in a hurry

ever drive like this!! But

t that my mum was the craziest woman i

um is still as


at the entrance of Roya

school in the whole of H city. The school is best known for their s

g, Youyou and Su Mei. Youyou was the last to get o

ith his head slightly down as a sign of respect before quickly runn

o the kindergarten. Because the kindergarten had already started f

ng for the two girls was

st be Xing Xi

bent down to look

their guardian! I brought them h

could call me Ari or Mrs pearl and I

and extended for a handshake which Yun Shishi took

and had black shoulder length hair. She was wearing the uniform of a ki

ishi turn her attention to the teacher who was

parents or maybe you can just call me directly! " Said Yun Shishi as she brought out a pi

irls I will tell the driver to pick y

th Su Mei and Xing Xing wave


the children in the kindergar

bell rang, Mrs pearl took Su Mei and Xing Xing

alphabetical posters, beautiful Prince and princesses status, there were lots of toys, mornin

like this she could only think of one thing ' how do the school expect the kids to learn

school bags and locked it in the locker t

ge rectangular table. Seven or e

d up and stared at bot

cheerfully "Mrs pearl who are these little p

g blush at the litt

e joining our class! They will learn and play

e children looked up in curi

e introduce yourse

d not show any signs of stage frig

very big mansion and I'm sure that my bathroom is bigger than most of your

d at Xing Xing back as she walked calmly and sat on the fron

ed at the teacher who nod her head indic

ei was different she stood anxiously in front

Mei and I'm looking forward to

arted clapping their hands together

don't you seat with the

hen she heard

re only one perso

'm sorry dear but the other group are all p

hing she just walked d

o su Mei as she passed her row. But Su Mei ign


s your little

to the class the whole clas

stared at the bald boy that suddenly b

she is my.. M-my little cousin

ture in the mall... The one that state ' coup

t was a blo

e is not my girlfriend!" This time Youyou was frustr

e! I bet you like it when she hugged you!?" Said a

ds the whole class excla

eacher for not doing his homework and now when he thought it was all over the whole clas

s!!" Threatened Youyou as he form a fi

your girl.. Fr

t as Youyou was about to hit the bald boy, the English teacher walke

in with Youyou and t


hat v-neck red gown!! Your beauty is to die for!!!"

. She wore a red v-neck lacey long floral gown, her hair was beautifu

n in half of the country. And she is best known for

w us what you

ile confidently and give the fashion p

ass of water given to her by her assistant. After her break was over she stood up tiredly and was

Royal height private sch

n Shishi gave her a bottle of wat

tell me what the

forehead before saying " little Youyou

ime Youyou was caught in such a act. She wanted to go to her son but she know she couldn't lea

ring the person in the other s

mportant meeting!!! Don't you love your life young lady!! " The voice of the man was

little trouble in school!! So I need



the call quickly and



the principal office

are?!?! Are you trying to give

is face was flushed red from ang

led your mom and I'm sure she w

l empty threat. He tapped th

mom will just blind the eyes

mid-air when he saw a face

he words spoken from the man were simple b

ouyou voice t


I will be making a fe

itely dead!! Dea

incipal let out a

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