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Maggie, a fresh college student, witnessed a murder and had to run for her life because she was being chased by the murderer. The murder that took place was a result of the ongoing struggle for power and recognition in her school between the LGBTQ community, and the local vigilante association in the school. The vigilante, seeing the recognition that the LGBTQ community were having in the school, sought to eliminate them from having their presence on campus, with claims that they were dangerous to the collective interest of the school. Edward, Maggie's best friend's brother, who also had a liking for Maggie was the head of the LGBTQ community and the one that ordered the hit on the lawyer that had just gotten murdered. A murder that his love interest Maggie witnessed. Maggie was also friends, turned lovers with her best friend Macy, yet she secretly liked Edward. In a bid to protect Maggie, Edward and Maggie started to date each other officially, and they also had to hide their relationship from Edward's sister and Maggie's best friend, Macy. Eventually, Edward had to run away from the city were the murder happened because the police and the law could not catch up with him, but the angry president of the vigilante group of the school, who had lost the fight to the LGBTQ community was after Edward to take him out by all means.

Chapter 1 Murder was the case

Maggie stared ahead of her in horror; was she losing her senses or did she just witness a man strangle his victim to death? His victim was a woman; she looked very well in her forties and had just stepped out of her car, headed into what Maggie felt was her apartment when a strange man showed up from the dark and strangled her to death.

Maggie was going home from a meeting with her fellow ex-drug and alcohol addicts, she had to turn up for this meeting three times every week. It used to be every day when she first quit taking cocaine, but she was getting used to staying away from it so she opted to go three times a week.

Maggie stood glued to the ground in shock while she watched the middle-aged woman drop to the floor, lifeless; the man who had killed her ensured that she was dead, and then he looked towards Maggie's direction all of a sudden; Maggie took to her heels.

'Hey, come back here' The murderer said, chasing Maggie frantically; that had to be the most memorable and adventurous night for Maggie. She had never been in such a situation as that before, and never in her did she think that she would be in that sort of dilemma. Maggie ran frantically through the neighborhood; luckily the incident happened close to her home, so the area was familiar, she could easily navigate her way around and get the murderer missing. At one point during the chase, she wanted to go home and bang the door for her family to come out and save her from the man, but on second thought, there was no way she was going to let a murderer know where she lived, so she ran passed home. Soon enough, the murderer lost sight of Maggie.

Maggie hid for as long as she was sure the man was not trailing her again, and then she slid back into the street and headed for home.

'You are later than usual; I hope it's not what I'm thinking' her dad said to her; he was the person to see her first because he was always stayed on one particular seat in the living room by that time of the day until he fell asleep;

'Why are you breathing so hard? you look sweaty and sick' her mom said when she showed up from the kitchen, cleaning her hands on a napkin.

'I told you there's no trusting her to completely quit; she's gone and had some with those good for nothing friends of hers' her dad said; Maggie shook her head and started up to her room: if only they knew what she had just witnessed, they'd shut the hell up, especially her dad. As soon as she was in her room, she shut the window.

The paranoia that was heavy on her didn't let her think anything other than the fact that the man that committed the murder had seen her go home, and would show up in her room through that window; no matter how high it was; he was a murderer, after all, climbing up a window would definitely be the least of his problems. she heaved a deep sigh and sank into the cushion in her room.

'What the fuck is going on in my life?' Maggie asked herself; it was as if she was always found where the trouble was at; in school, if there was a fight; Maggie was usually called out as a witness; if there was this bad thing, or that wrong thing, Maggie was always there trying to prove her innocence.

'Why always me?' she muttered while she made her way into the bathroom for a hot shower. Flashes of what happened in the neighborhood next to hers didn't leave her mind, it haunted her as if she was the one that was being killed or as if she knew the murder victim. That night it was difficult for her to sleep. Maggie tossed and turned on her bed as if she was having withdrawals from doing drugs, she lost count of how many times she looked at the wall clock with hopes of the morning being around the corner, or how many times she placed her ear against her window, listening to see if she would hear anyone trying to break in. Eventually, the morning came.

It was the start of the weekend that morning. Maggie only managed to get some sleep when it was a couple of minutes after 4 AM. By the time Maggie opened her eyes, the sun had started to blast through a crack on her window, right into her eyes; she sat up and stretched, only for her to remember what had happened the previous night; her eyes shone and she jumped out of bed and went for a shower to start her day.

'See you later mom; I've got to be at Macy's for something important, I'm late already' Maggie told her mom while she hurried out of the living room;

'You haven't had breakfast Mag; did you even have dinner last night?' her mom yelled behind her, but Maggie was long gone out of the house to hear or give her mom any reply;

'I told you; she's doing drugs again; she can't wait to have another dosage; she can do without food now, right? the drugs have taken its place' her dad told his wife, Maggie's mom.

'Oh, give the girl a break, she might have said the truth: she doesn't have the same energy as when she's on drugs; I know when she has taken in something, and it was not the same feeling last night; she must have just been running home or something' her mom stood up to her dad for her. Maggie's dad shrugged. Because of how understanding Maggie's mom always was concerning Maggie, her dad often blamed her mom for enabling Maggie to get addicted; he said she always encouraged Maggie indirectly by being so soft on her.

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