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The president son and i

The president son and i

Buzz library


A story of a girl who somehow found herself in the president house. Where the president son is not close to been friendly

Chapter 1 The president son and i

Episode One

*Rose POV*

" Mum, am ready ",I said and carry my head back,I was given scholarship to one of the best school but not even the best but the expensive school,I was happy. I have waited for this opportunity where I will go and study free and go.

I went downstairs to spotted mum smiling sadly, "mum cheer up " I said pecking her in her cheeks. " This dress..... am scared..and have heard a lot about the school. They are rich and popular and the president son is there . They should have...",she didn't say it finished when I cut in," i don't complain" I raised my eyebrows ,she nodded.

" Mum bye " I waved to her," wait "she ordered while I groaned, "please you know everyone is rich there, please be careful "she warned." I will and don't forget am coming back home, save that advice when am back,I love you" I said pecking her cheeks,I dashed out.

Actually,I too am feeling nervous,but am always strong when Dad left us,am strong,I sighed heavily and entered my car.

I started the engine but is not doing,I groaned, please this my first day, don't disappoint me" I cried out while the car refuse to reply.

" Is the car not working ? " Mum voice broke out," yes mum " I replied, " you should take mine "she said, " lorry?I can't believe this,I rather trek". I slammed the car door and there was tears in my eyes.

It takes me some hour to get there,I was welcome by the huge building and beautiful car, latest car, expensive car , people are walking in,I looked at everywhere, there is nothing familiar,I rushed to the administrative, " good morning sir" I greeted,he looked at me from head to toe, " how did you get here?" He asked ,I was confused. " As how?" I asked, " how did you manage to be here ?"He shouted," sco...lar..ship "I stuttered,he laughed," so stinky "he said typing.

" Sorry? I asked,he didn't talk but place a file on the table for me to pick. " Go to the reception and give him, don't come here again and I don't expect you here anymore".he waved me down.

Tears blurred my vision,who knows how the receptionist will behave? " You can't greet " he smiled at me looking more handsome. "morning" I muttered, " welcome to Advanced model college " he said shaking my hand,I smiled fully, " thank you sir " I wanted to explain myself when a student burst in.

" I need my laptop now " The boy stared hard at the receptionist,I looked at the boy,he did not button his shirt showing his white singlet,the shirt was ironed that it may have got burnt if it used more than one seconds again, dipping his hand in his pocket.

" Rose,nice meeting you " The receptionist smiled ignoring the boy,you are welcome in this school" he said again,"thank you" I smiled back, "are you sort of crazy?. I told you I need my fucking laptop,all you have to do is to talk to this stinky girl, give her money let her go". He said with fierce look that can kill. He brought out money and stuck it to my chest. " Can you go or I should made you go?" He glared at me.

My eyes dropped. I wanted to say am the new student, please be nice to me. Mum have said I should behave, can we be friend? Or even ask what is your name but all I could do it to picked the money that is hanging on my chest and shoved it on his face. He find it amusing and laughed. He took the money and used it to clean his shoe. My eyes widened. How much will that be?. He looked at me before looking at the receptionist," Williams ,you are really playing with your job".he held the man in his collar bone. Before break send my laptop "he said and looked at me ,"slut "He called me,I just want to talk back at him but something hold me back. He walked away .

" Sorry"The receptionist apologize while I nodded.

"That is too rude of him" Uncle Williams " I said,"yes it is "he said and gave me my timetable,I thought he will tell me who he was but he didn't .

I looked at my time table,I have English,I straighten my hair and looked at the man, not far from here and walked to the class.

I entered while people stared at me, someone walked past me ,the rude student,he did not even greet the teacher with his cold eye ,his hand in his pocket,he went to the back crossing his leg , earphones in his ear,so rude.

The teacher looked at me ,"am really happy for you and I wish you will win for our school in the upcoming competition "She giggled at the end while the student started mumuring, "thank you ma" I said ,"Go and sit with Rex" she said ,I was confused Rex? "With that boy "she pointed to the rude boy,I breathe in when I heard "playing with your salary "Rex said while they giggled," am playing with my salary not yours" She reply back while Rex glared at her,wow... I love this teacher,He laughed evilly "count yourself fire then". "very good ".The teacher said while the student burst in laughing again.

"Come here "A musical voice said to me , I looked at the person ,a beautiful girl with long eye lashes, " thanks "I muttered before sitting down.

" No more sack letter Baby "Rex said but the teacher didn't talk but face the board although the student is still laughing except a boy who is sending glares at Rex,I wonder who the boy is to Rex.

" Am Melanie" She giggled making me jump out of thought,"am Rose" I replied smiling,"is your own flower or what? "She joke while I laughed,I can see that Rex is still looking at me ,I was surprised that people are chatting and talking still she is explaining,the bell rang for another period.

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