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The long nigths

The long nigths



2 part novel A novel written about a colony on the run from their lands into a dark magical world full of war and wonders, men turned into heroes, heroes turned into beasts that rule lands, men turned evil all is possible non the wiser about the truth that lies in this pages, only by reading you will see the truth, so Clear your calendar because you won't be doing anything else but be stuck in this story. Man by the name of Harry will go through life wanting more he finds himself to be a hero to a nation, will he save them or be the reason of their demise, his close friend Billy. A man turned into a creature of mystical powers, lived so long in the shadow of his legendary friend Harry will he be a friend or foe. Amara the most beautiful princess who is torn by love, eroticism and duty. With a king who demands she marry a king, will she deny the king of marriage and start a war that will outlive many kings or will she run break one of 3 men's hearts and start a whole other war that will darken the hearts of heroes make villains smile. What will she choose in a horrible snowball effect reality of her own making. A main character that will make this story come to life with unlimited storylines, a king stuck in the old ways try to change the world to his image will he be a good king or be named the villain. Follow Harry and Billy and enjoy the ride of a lifetime. And then there is this man, a man with many names A creature that was once a man, trapped in a cage for thousands of years. Who destroyed his makers. We know him as Adrienne. A creature who can turn men into beasts by a touch. Underneath a city imprisoned, a king who brags about how he defeated adrienne but there is a twist a brother of adrienne. Who will it be? And what will he do. Part2. A man trapped in a world where he doesn't understand what is is going through, confused with magical powers from a other world. Who is he, is he from this world, why is he here Find out Please send a review and comment this helps me determine if the book needs more details, more dialog let me know what you think it needs?

Chapter 1 Am I Human

A white flash, busy street noises everywhere, I could not see, I could not hear anything besides cars and confused sound overlays and all of a sudden a man died and a new soul came into the life of the same body. Confused and without memory the soul did not understand where he is or what happened to him or who he was. All he knew was that life was different. Confused, he started walking around and all memories from the previous owner begun to take over to fill the gap.

Nothing made sense until it did, he finally remembered who he was, all will be revealed as time changes a person into who you have to be. No idea why it happened to him, al he could think of was to forget what happened and move on. What was a normal man soon turned into a whole other beast, confused who he about who he was. That is what will make him more dangerous than anything in this world.

A couple of days went by, his memory was starting to come back but he felt this uncontrollable feeling and thought that it's not his memories. He thought to himself that maybe he is being hacked in his head which sounded crazy, even for him so he just giggled it away then he heard a man calling out, which felt directly to him. He looked around and saw this young fella running to him and giving him a hug and a woman appeared in his eye sight. Then he looked up for confirmation that this was actually happening.

He saw her walking up to him, she looked angry at him like he did something wrong. That made him feel like he is doing something wrong. He looked at her and said": I'm so sorry I don't know why he hugged me, I didn't asked for it, I'm not a weirdo, I know it sounds crazy. " She interrupted him by saying:" Wtf Dave, what the actual fuck are you talking about, are you on drugs again. Have you sniffed drugs off of a hooker's butt again! "

He looked around embarrassed and confused and he replied" What are you talking about...Who is Dave, I'm Malano, I'm not Dave and wtf lady, who are you?" he looked at her and he saw her eyes grow with anger and her mouth tightening. He took the kid by the arms and pulled him away and started to walking backwards then he felt a hard slap. The sound echoing through the mall and he felt his face burn then he heard the lady yell:" What the fuck are you doing don't you want me anymore, you child! Acting like you never met cold like before, Dave! Even for you, you loser." He looked around and saw a couple walking by, very embarrassed for him. He felt the anger pushing up, overcoming his common senses and he yelled. " Ah! What the fuck are you doing I'm not Dave! For the last fucking time, I'm Malano and I don't have any fucking children! Don't you get what I'm saying, you stupid deaf girl!" Then he stormed off, pushing every person out of the way, wondering what in the hell just happened. With anger driving his actions, he walked into a busy street and he just heard BEEP! He turned around and rises his hands to protect his face from the incoming car.

An electric bolt came from his hand and splits the car in two. Malano yelled:" What the hell!" With complete shock written all over his face. He saw a family in the car burned to a crisp and he looked around seeing the same woman he saw in the mall with the child looking at him with utter shock and tears with her hands covering her child's eyes.

Malano looks back and looks at the family again hearing people screaming in the background and calling the police. With no real answer to his problems he turned around and started to run, his mind was racing with questions and suddenly he woke up in a forest by a lake all alone with no memory of what just happened. He looks around and asks himself :" What in the hell just happened, where am I?" With a trembling voice he asks :" What is happening to me, I don't want to be this, what is this ?" He fell on his knees and cried for hours.

After a while he stood up and looked at the water and then, with red eyes and a hopeless face of regret and self pity he walks into the water to off himself...

Suddenly he wakes up in the middle of a shop looking at the news talking about a supervillian man with electric powers fighting with police and getting away. He looks at the television closer, with his eyes almost touching the screen, to see if you can see his face, with relief he breaths out and says"Thank the lord Jesus you can't recognise me." A man touches his shoulders, with a shocked reaction Malano yelled the words: "Fuck." The man said : "Sorry didn't mean to scare you there" Malano replied :"Well you fucking did" then he smiles. The man laughed it off and Malano hears the police in the background asking the public for any help finding the suspect. He remembered the woman yelling at him. With a shocked face he walked out of the store as fast as he could. He rubs his hair thinking back to what he saw on the news, his eyes were pure white with blue electric patterns but the rest of his face was covered up by smoke of some kind. He shook his head thinking about it, made it feel like a dream but then the reality kicked in. It's not a dream obviously, he didn't know what to do.

So he took a walk and took his phone out and plugged in some earphones and listened to music. Suddenly he was in a house with blood all over his hands. He looked up in shock seeing the young family he met in the mall laying on the ground with their eyes blown out of their head. He screams:" Ah! No no, no, no this wasn't me." He looked down to his hands and legs that were covered in blood. He looks at the two bodies, he saw the legs were ripped off and on their bodies were claw and teeth marks. He then tasted the iron taste of blood in his mouth. He touched his mouth and he felt blood al over his lips. He looks at his hands and saw the blood dripping from his jaw onto his hands. He screamed with anger and sadness and he ran out of the door. Suddenly he wakes up on the edge of the lake, naked and wet. He looks around and he was almost certain he was possessed and that the thing in him just gave him a cold bath.

He stepped out of the water and saw his clothes on low hanging branch. Wet and cold but he wasn't concerned. He put on his clothes and had an idea, to go to a church and get a priest to do an exorcism on him. When he found the nearest church, he walked straight in and told the priests everything then his eyes started to flicker with flashing images. He wakes up laying on the floor covered in blood and body parts. With shock, disappointment and disgust, he jumps up shaking off his body. He looks around and he saw the priest's head laying a few feet away from the body with his eyes clawed out, bite marks on the neck. He closed his eyes and fell to his knees and gave up on fighting this beast.

He yelled "Take over, you nasty fucking demon, I dont care it's yours!" He waited for hours in the blood then he blacked out and woke up in the same lake, clean with his clothes on the same branch. He stopped fighting and gave in completely. He didn't want to be in this reality but nothing took over.

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