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A poor nurse and a wealthy popstar, what connection do they share? Some might say a A Nurse and a patient relationship Or They share the same beliefs But this two share some more than that. They share something even more than love and romance. Stacey Jones, stacey Jones, A very beautiful 23 years old nurse. she grows up in an orphanage after losing her parent in a fire explosion. Her life was perfect until she was assigned as the personal nurse of Alexander Davis who she hated . Alexander Davis, a popular singer. He has everything one wishes for. But his life got complicated when an anonymous rumour was spread about him being a gay which then cause scandal in his career. They hated each other at first sight and can stand each other. They swear to make each other life a living hell. Extract from the story " just stay away from me Alex and I don't need your damn proposal cause it no use to me and never contact me again " she warned before walking out. " look, I know you are through a lot and this proposal might help you clear your bills " he shouted to her hearing which make her stop.

Chapter 1 I'M NOT A GAY


What did I just do?

My hands trembled.

Not only to my crew, but to me too.

Something life is not all about cupcakes and rainbows, at times bad things do happens.

Chills tighten my scalp, Pull on my hair, Twist My heart. My stomach churns and bile claw its way up my throat.

How do I convinced them, that the rumour was all a lie. How do I explained to them that the picture surfing the internet was just a misunderstanding.

And then I stared at the clock.

The clock. The hand keeps moving. Minutes pass by. But I feel like the time stopped my heart from beating.

Each minutes that passes causing more doubt to break through and crack my certainty.

The damn unending questions.

The list of people I'm letting down growing with each passing moment.

The world. My fans and especially my Mother.

The hand on the clock continues to tick. Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes I want to take back.

Minutes I wish to take but can't

I let out a sigh, looking outside the window.

The door shoves open. The sound of it banging against the wall ricochet around the room but has nothing to compared on the slamming of my heart against my ribs cage.

I turned to face the door to see my best friend, Kelly and his friend Miles. Both a member of my band.

" Kelly " I called his Name in a shocking plea, but just as soon as our eyes meet, he shakes his head.

I was in shell-shocked. From the events. From seeing them. From having to face what I just did. Before I could process what to say what to say to them, he speak.

" Alex are you truly a gay " Kelly, my best friend asked. His voice reverberated in a small space causing cold shivers down my spinal cord.

" c'mon don't tell me you believe those shit " I mumbled in a calm voice, trying to make him believe but it seems he wouldn't buy its this time.

" what do you expect me to do " he yelled and rubs his finger on his temple " last week you almost Kiss a Male fan at the bar....." he said and I turned to Miles.

Miles shrugged his shoulders " yeah it happened "

' Geez, I'm dome '

" it was a mistake. I was just drunk, no strings attached " I interjected

" well, that what the media are talking. The pictures of you are surfacing the internet and it causing a scandal in our career " Miles screamed at me. His fingers pounded on the desk with each words he say.

" I will get James to remove those pictures from the internet " I considered and Sighed in frustration.My voice echoed around the room.

" is that what you plan to do? " Kelly asked, who was puzzled by my answer.

" you know, why don't you get yourself a girlfriend " Miles proposed

The last word of his statement ring in my head causing my head to spin and vision blurred.

A girlfriend?.

Hell no!!!!!!.

" no, I don't want a girl friend " I protested

" why do you think the world revolves around you. Why are you been selfish. " Miles jeered at me and hit his hand on the desk.

" c'mom guy not now " Kelly yelled at us.

" I don't understand why you don't get to the the fact I don't want to get a girlfriend...." I tried to explain to Miles but he cut me short.

" you're a heartless son of a bitch, you know that " Miles sneers as his hand fist at his side " you know what, bella was right you only care about yourself " he yelled at my face.

" wh..what do just say? " I stuttered as my eyes turned into blood short, my blood boiled like an inferno. I want to punch him really hard at his face but I retained myself.

" what the fuck is wrong with you guys? " Kelly asked as he come between the middle of us.

" Miles do you have to remind him of his past " Kelly queried Miles.

Miles placed his hand on my shoulder " look Alex I'm sorry " he tried to apologise but I shoved his hand away from my shoulder.

I picked my phone and car keys on top of the table and run out the the house.

Maybe I need time to calm my self down.

" c'mon Alex!! " Kelly tried to run after me but before he could get to me I got into my car and zoom of.

" damn you Bella " I cursed

I wish I could go back to time to change what happened that day.

I wish I could have stop myself from going into that room.

I wish I didn't have saw her with another man on the same bed together.

Not just any other man but my favourite cousin.

Bella, my ex-girlfriend was my first love. She was my everything and I was ready to married her, not until she broke my heart by sleeping with my cousin. Since then I started to hate girls. I believe girls are trash which should be use and replace as soon as possible.

I reached the intersections. The traffic lights turned red. I step on the brake quickly, making the tire screech against the pavement.

The car in my front moved to speed that only left a smoke behind.

' jerk '

Before I could turn, the headlights reflected from my window side caught my sight, blinding my vision. I used my arm to cover my eyes as I squinted to take a look. It was too late. The car came rushing into my direction.

What happens next was so fast.

Then a car collided with me

A sickening sound followed.

Everything stay still. It was a deadly silence around me just like the slow-motion action movies.

My breathing held. Then again, followed by an extreme silence piercing my ear.

It was then it came to my sense. It took only a few seconds for me to realise that I was involved in an accident. I also knew that I was still alive as I could now feel the pain. I could smell actinic, burning my throat and gasoline.

Tears filled my eyes. My vision blurred. Suddenly, I was terrified, horrified. My voice wouldn't come out. I was shaking. I couldn't speak.

My heart turned to ice. My eyes felt like fire.

I couldn't breathe. The next thing I smelled was the distinct sweet metallic scent.


Before I blank out.

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