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šŸ„ŗ INBETWEENšŸ„ŗ .....conditions made me choose WRITTEN BY RHEA āœ PROLOGUE Sometimes, being perfect has its ups and downs.....you can be praised, and at the same time, you can be schemed against. This is the story of a young girl who happens to be an epitome of perfection. Ivory West, a nineteen years old lass who is in her final year in highschool, turns out to be a victim of such circumstance, both in her love life and social life. Cheated on by her boyfriend over and over again without knowing....the acts of her unfaithful boyfriend gets revealed by a certain good looking stranger with the demeanour of a bad boy. How will things unfold between them as they plan for the prom and graduation ceremony? Who will Ivory end up with? What will become the lot of her so called best friend??

Chapter 1 Return Of The Goddess

Episode 1 : The Return Of The Goddess

" seriously mom? Why does she have to be the one all the time??!.....i can cook too!" Ivory's younger sister whined and glared at her.

"Nia, you'll cook when it's your turn. After all, you initiated this method"

their mother tried to coax her..

"but still.....you compliment her food more than mine" she sulked making Ivory chuckle while serving their dinner.

" Nia, as a good sister that I am, I'd rather do the cooking. You should enjoy me now that am still here"....

Nia glared at her sister before smiling evilly

"of course dear sister, I have to enjoy your presence while you're still here.......which means you have to increase the time you spend with me, the money you spend on me....." she rambled on and on

Ivory's mother- Maurice- Laughed alongside her daughter while rubbing Nia's head affectionately "just so you know young lady, your sister will be leaving tomorrow "


The next day

"waaaaaaah......wuuu wuuuu....I...can't believe you're leaving today!!!! again!!!!!" Nia wailed as she hugged her sister like her life depended on it.

"my dearest sister, please don't cry" Ivory whisperd to her while she held back her laughter.

"hold on.....so if today is Monday, that means yesterday was Sunday!!! wuuu wuuu wuuuu......you're such a bully!" Nia feigned anger as she raised her mango sized fist to hit her chest.

Nia West who happens to Ivory's younger sister and the last born of their parents. Fifteen years of age with a sharp mindset when she's outside but a childish character whenever she's with her family.

After the whole shoe, Nia finally accepted the fact that her sister is moving away from them.

"oh c'mon sis!! I'll just be away for a few years" Ivory said as she moved away from the clingy koala girl and dashed for the cab that'd take her to her new school.

Nia stood transfixed as she glared at the receding vehicle that has her sister in it.

She faced her mom and asked timidly with tears filled eyes "is she really leaving.....for a few years? a few years!!!!!!???? how many few years os she repeating!!!!!?????"

Her mom placed her hand over mouth to avoid laughing loud .....

Nia gulped down an invisible saliva and started wailing

"waaaaaaaaaaaaa.....wuuu.....a few years is a long time! why do I feel like my life is place on repetition!!!! waaa wuu wuu wuu

......mom they'll bully my sister!!" she pulled her mom's hand "let's go!!"

Maurice couldn't contain her laughter anymore as she burst out laughing

"she'll be back after a year"

The wailing Nia stopped abruptly and glared at her mother who had an "am innocent" look on her face....

'you despicable woman!!!!!!' she thought and dashed towards her mother.

* * *

Nia stared at the road ahead of her in silence.

She let out a chuckle unconsciously as she remembered how she had teased her sister before leaving.

'it's gonna be a long day'

she thought before drifting off to a peaceful nap.

After four straight hours of sitting in the cab and munching on her home made snacks......they finally arrived at Marigold High.

Ivory alighted from the cab with a smile on her face as she imagines the look on her boyfriend's face when he sees she came without informing him.

"bye uncle Ken!" she bid the cab man and made her way to the schools main entrance.

Welcomed by the view of freshly trimmed Marigold flowers and rose flower beds, she slowly made her way to the receiving hall.

"isn't that the goddess?" a hushed female voice sounded as she pointed toward the direction of Ivory.

"oh my gosh!!! she's the one!!!! I can finally get to view her closely!!!" another girl squeaked in excitment as she and her group of friends made their way to her.

The sudden commotion dragged the attention of other idle students toward her...... and soon after, Ivory became surrounded by her group of admires both male and female.....

"goddess please let help you with your luggage!!!" a blonde nerd guy said bashfully as he tried to get a hold of her purple travel box.

"yea goddess Ivory!! your slender hands are only fit for passing exams!!!" another guy added.

In the blank of an eye, many of her school mates started arguing on who would help her with her luggage.

Ivory felt an headache coming as she rubbed her temple with a sigh.

she managed to raise her tiny voice to pacify her "fans" without causing a fight.

"umm please, you don't have to do this......am not a celebrity you know?" she laughed nervously. As soon as she said that, everywhere became silent. The people surrounding her gawked in disbelief with one thought running through their minds "did the goddess just speak?????"

Thinking that the commotion was over, a sudden shriek alarmed her as she turned to the direction of the voice with a raised brow only to find a male student had collapsed!

The crowd went up in an uproar.

"her voice is soooo heavenly!!"

"who said the goddess had a toad voice??!! her voice is a soothing pill!!"

"goddess please speak more!!"

the crowd alongside the noise was beginning to make her feel uncomfortable. With everyone surrounding her, she was bound to faint. Suddenly, she heard a masculine voice that thundered in anger towards the crowd.

She can never forget that voice......the voice of her beloved...... Juan Krew. The president of the student Council. A top notch student that excelled in Mathematics and physics. Every girl's dream boyfriend, with the perfect physique, a height of 167cm, defined face, thin but yet kissable lips, a pair of deep brown orbs and a not-so obvious mole by his left chin adorned his matured face.

He angrily made his way towards them with his entourage, a group of council excos with unapproachable auras. As soon as the students saw them, they paved way for them with their head hung low.

As soon as Juan saw Ivory, a charming smile graced his handsome face. Just a nod from him, the rest of his entourage took her luggage and headed towards the students council block.

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