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His Masquerade Princess (Love Under Illusion)

His Masquerade Princess (Love Under Illusion)

K. Jarsdell


Lucius pressed himself more into her delicate little body, enjoying the warm sensation radiating from her, not caring about blood oozing out from his arm. While Night's heart tingled looking at those deep grey eyes. The sensation was delightfully fucking with her mind to slam her lips on his and kiss the shit out of him, forgetting all the fire bursting and shouting happening around them. "I love you." Out of all the things Night's lips chose to speak out these three words, earning a suppressed growl from Lucius. "Fuck! I love you too! If we are out alive from this, promise me, you will never stop saying those words to me." His husky voice excited her like crazy between those long slender legs, biting her lips hard she nodded. "I promise, Mr Wolfe." And she slammed her lips on his, taking themselves in the electric sensation of love and desire. ****************** Night was tired of being obedient to the forced decisions of her family, and when her marriage has been fixed with the infamous business tycoon Xavier Kingston, who was beneficial for their family business. She could not endure anymore and run away from Mexico to America, disguising herself as a silent male. However, her journey started with an accident, which threw her directly on the feet of the most powerful and mysterious Lord of the whole American dark world, Lucius Wolfe. ****************** With the verse of destiny, Night got the chance to hide on Lucius's private property. The price was a lost memory and male disguising. But, with her top-notch acting, Nothing should be gone wrong there. But, a lie is a lie and one lie costs many more with high compromises. Because, when the 'hot as hell' mafia king was closer, things had to be heated up between them. And it was not done yet! When on the way, an insane fiance and an enraged tycoon were waiting for them, along with a secret admirer Night earned for herself, she finds herself wrapped up in a terrible mess, questioning her life choices. A perfect blend of crime, emotion, love and war, with the touch of dark and sultry sensations. The story of a sinful love and a disguising identity that leads to the whole other level of sexy adventure, waiting ahead of you.

Chapter 1 The Witness

Hotel Orlando, one of the famous hotels in New Orleans. The seven-star heaven for the rich and powerful people. On the ground floor of the hotel, lies the huge kitchen area where chefs were busy preparing expensive dishes for the guests and in all of it, there was a petite boy at one corner, standing with his head lower and hearing scolds from the manager.

He just broke a set of glasses a minute ago which brought him to the position. If one could look at the past, anyone would know it was not his fault to break it. But, no one would listen to him even if they know.

"I will deduct the amount from your salary." That was the last word that came from the manager and he was gone the way he just appeared after the glass set was broken.

Rae sighed inwardly. It happened to him all the time. Even things came up on him when it was not his fault at all. Sometimes, he wanted to leave the job desperately but then stop himself from doing that. At least he could earn something from it, otherwise, he had to starve to death. No one would give a job to a mute boy.

"You okay, Rae?" Stacey, his colleague and roommate asked quickly in her rush hour. She was the only one who would care a bit for him. He nodded as usual with a soft smile.

Stacey returned the smile. "Take care." And again got busy with her work.

After the hectic day, it was time to go home. Ivan went to the changing room when everyone was out. He looked around carefully then went to a slightly dark corner, where his locker was and open it. Taking a clear look once again around him, he brought out a small brown packet from a secret side of the locker. He checked inside and brought out a birth control pill in its place. Without wasting a moment, he take one pill, gulped water and kept the pill inside the locker safely once again.

Rae looked at himself through the mirror and slowly his fingers touched his straight nose. However, suddenly with a Flick, he removed the prosthetic nose, revealing a celestial-shaped one. He didn't stop, his hand travelled up to his hair and once again in a swift motion he removed the wig, bringing dark wavy hairs into the light. And in an instant, the boyish feature changed into a beautiful girl.

Yes, a girl. Night Val-de-Marne was her name. A twenty-three years old dark-eyed beauty. Calm and calculative woman, who always lived her life just to taste a little bit of liberty and get none. Dark hair, dark eyes, high cheekbones, celestial nose and those plump cherry lips always give her a Goddess-like look. With the verse of destiny, Night was bound to act as a mute boy.

Sighing, she changed her clothes and kept the uniform safely in the locker. And once again, she wore her wig and the prosthetic. "Let's go night. This is your life now."

Night came out of the hotel from the backside. All the staff of the hotel use this part.

It's the first day of November. The night was chilling cold and foggy. Pulling the long coat more on her petite figure, she started walking towards the direction of her apartment. Very careful with each step as if scared of something or maybe someone? She lived with a female roommate in the same apartment. She didn't want to share but the shortage of money forced her to share. So, she always kept her birth control pills in the locker, avoiding all the eyes. It was not because of sex but to avoid her periods every month. This was her darkest secret and she could not take any risk of being found out by anyone.

The night took the dark and quiet alley as the shortcut way to her apartment. A bit scared but it always saves time. Moreover, these alleys were always quiet, so it was more safe for her to hide. Suddenly, she stopped with a loud sound. Her heart lost a few beats.

The sound came from the right side of the alley and what a luck she got, she had to take a right turn to reach her apartment! With a heavy gulp, Night slowly stepped forward, pressing herself on the wall. It was good that she was wearing black, helping her to make a camouflage. She tried to sneak a peek from the dark. As soon as her eyes fell on the alley, she froze in the place with the scene in front.

Two men were holding an almost half-dead man, hanging on his knees and another man was towering over that poor guy. He was back facing Night so she couldn't see his face but from his blurry sight, he seemed a very muscular and well-built guy.

"Where is the other one?" He talked and Night almost let out a cry at how dark and deep his voice sounded. The half-dead guy Said something, which she couldn't hear. In fact, she didn't want to hear. All Night just wanted to leave the place as soon as possible. However, that muscular man has some other plans. All of a sudden, he did something and the man started jerking violently. The other two-man, who was holding that guy left his arms and he fell to the floor. After a few violent jerks, his movements stopped and everything was in pin-drop silent.

Night's eyes widened and a scream was almost out of her mouth. Quickly covering her mouth she gulped the scream. My heart was thudding madly inside the cage, it was not rocket science to understand that she just witnessed a ruthless murder! Night looked in front. Though she needs to take the right side to reach the apartment at the moment, she felt it was wiser to take the straight way. And without a single thought, she took a step forward, of course hiding in the darkness.

But, as always, her luck was not on her side and she tripped on something steel, which made a loud noise in the silent alley. It didn't take any longer to attract those men's attention. Night, on the other hand, stood there like a hard iceberg. Cursing herself in mind because of her own stupidity.

"Hey, who is there?" A rough voice burst into the alley. Night took a step forward, pressing herself in the darkness silently. Acting as a mute boy for whole six months, she became used to silence, yet, at the moment, she didn't know if her skill would be enough to save her! Night has two choices now, either she could run away without caring about the consequences, or, she could just stay where she was, shutting her breath and closing her eyes. Night chose the second option.

However, she was not so lucky on her feet and those men came out more cunning than she could imagine. She didn't understand if they were vampires or something else because, in an instant, they caught her. Night only realised when she felt something cold in her throat. It was poking in the middle. She was so scared that she didn't even dare to gulp. Slowly, she opens her eyes only to find three men towering over her little frame. Her 5'7" height felt like nothing in front of them.

"A little boy, boss." One man said. She recognised the harsh voice from before. He was also holding a sharp knife to her throat. He was the tallest one in the group, somehow giving a hulk vibe.

None of the faces could be seen in the dark, only their huge shadows and voice. "What's your name, boy?" The same man asked.

Night was so scared to even shook her head. She felt the sharp blade pressed on her throat more as she quickly made sign language. *I can't speak.* (All her sign conversations will be in the star mark)

Hulk gritted his teeth "Say loudly."

Night was sweating like crazy. She did not have any idea what to do next. How to save herself. Nor she could open up about her secrets. For one last time, she tried *I can not speak.*

"What the!" Hulk growled. As soon as his hand started moving to slit up to her throat, the man who had just killed a few ago and seemed like the boss of the group stopped him. "Wait, Mad." He took a step forward at Night. This time she could see his eyes. The hazel one with gold flecks and the fiery round border reminded her of a tiger.

"Are you mute?" He asked and getting the chance, Night quickly nodded her head.

"I guess, he can not speak." This time the third one spoke. He was silent all the while. "But, that does not mean we can leave this boy. I think we should finish him, boss."

"Let me do the honour, boss," Hulk said. He seemed very much excited about the murdering part.

The boss was silent for a long time which felt like an hour to Night. And then suddenly he spoke, freezing her once again on the spot. "Take him with us." His cold tone just declared her destiny. Though the other two were not so happy with his decision, they obliged.

Night felt a strong wave of current jolted up on her neck where Hulk was holding his knife. She shivered violently at the sudden shock and the intensity of pain, making her paralyzed for a moment. Black dots appeared in front of her eyes. The dots widened and darkened more as she blackened out immediately, falling to her knees on the street, smacking her chest on the ground.

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