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Confined To Mr. Billionaire.

Confined To Mr. Billionaire.

Joshua Short


"Curiosity killed the kitty Miss Jackson. My body tensed. I turned slowly around to find Mr. Parker standing in front of me, hands in his pants pockets. I bit my lower lip. I expected him to be furious when I glanced at him. His expression was emotionless. He then began heading toward me, and I stepped back. This continued until my back collided with the door. Then he put one hand on my side and leaned forward, close to me. "Miss Jackson, what was rule number three?" His face was so close to mine that I couldn't breathe. Why couldn't I answer his question? Because I was more concerned with the space between us. "I had a question for you, Miss Jackson." He said it once more. "T-that t-there are forbidden spots i-in the home where I shouldn't g-go." "You seem to recall the regulations. This is one of those forbidden regions. So, the next time you get yourself into trouble, think again." I gazed at him. I became caught in those sea-colored eyes. Mr. Parker is the only man who has ever had such an impact on me. I feel anxious when I'm near him. I'm not sure what this emotion is, but it's distinct. A sensation I've never had with anybody else. "Understood?" he inquired one again. I agreed by nodding. "Certainly, Mr. Parker." ***************** Liam Parker is a billionaire who is 25 years old. The only thing that matters to him is his kid and his profession. He is arrogant, attractive, and cruel. Anna Jackson is a 24-year-old simple and joyful girl who lives in an orphanage with her Nanny. What will happen when Anna arrives as Liam's son's babysitter? Let's see what happens in the story.....

Chapter 1 Everything Is a Mess


Speaking of my life, it's a shambles. I was two years old when my mother, or maybe someone else I don't recall, abandoned me in an orphanage. I was raised in an orphanage. The orphanage was modest, with just myself and perhaps ten other children. They all despised me because Nanny loved me more than everybody else.

If you're curious about Nanny, she was the person in charge of the orphanage, and let me tell you; she's fantastic. She is getting older, yet she still thinks she is youthful and has more vitality than me. She is my life and my soul family. I adore her. You're probably asking why I said 'used to,' since everyone at that orphanage was adopted, leaving just Nanny and me. Nanny warned me many times, but I refused to be adopted by anybody. I wished I could live with her. So it's no longer an orphanage; it's just Nanny and me now.

I was working my regular shift at the café. I was standing behind the counter, watching the people. When you're bored, you have no other choice.

That guy over there, why is he gazing at the coffee as if it were his first time seeing one?

This is how old people are. You are powerless to intervene. My conscience informed me.

Oh, and that man over there, he's not even looking at the sumptuous meal; instead, he's staring at that blonde doing her makeup.

Guys nowadays. UGH!!

That youngster is adorable. Looking at the coffee while clapping his hands, Huh! At least one person is content.

He is just a child.

Oh my goodness! What exactly is that dude doing there? Is he going to use the fork to kill the cake? No! Don't you dare to destroy it; I baked that lovely dessert.

Oh my God! How will he eat it if he doesn't kill it?

That is not my concern.

And he assassinated my cake.

It was all for nothing. I could assassinate him as well.

It will help if you put an end to your illegal beliefs.

"Hello there." A voice spoke out. I returned from my dream world.

"Ma'am, welcome to 'The Hideout.' What can I do for you?" I inquired politely and sweetly.

"Cappuccino," she grumbled.

I despise individuals like this.

"How many, ma'am?" I inquired gently again.

"Is there anybody else with me? Are you insane or what? Just hurry up and deliver it. I don't have the whole day available to me."

She then proceeded to take a seat.


I immediately prepared her a cappuccino and went to deliver it to her. "Enjoy your coffee!" I remarked as I placed it on her table.

She sipped and then spat. "Eww! Do you even call this a cup of coffee? This tastes like crap."

Okay, I understand. Her taste is terrible. Because I make the greatest coffee in this house, that is something everyone says.

"Go ahead and create another."

What the heck happened?

"All right... and I'm very sorry." I promptly made another one, tasting it as I did.

Yep! It's ideal.

I'm fantastic.

I approached her again and placed her coffee on the table.

"Here is your Cappuccino, Ma'am."

She tried it again.

Ha! Say bitch now.

I patted myself on the back inwardly.

She spat the coffee out of her lips once again.

"You have no idea how to brew a basic Cappuccino." She stood up and yelled in my ear. "Do you get paid to stare at everyone that walks by? You're such a waste of time."

I gazed at her, stunned.

"Please excuse me?"

"Oh! As a result, this garbage now has a hearing impairment."

"Ma'am, you are a client, so I respect you. You cannot speak to me in that manner."

"Oh my goodness. So, how do I approach you?" She then shoved me aside.

"Huh? Please tell me."

"Come on, garbage; I'm out of time." She pushed me once more.

That's it, babe.



You've got a job. No!

Screw the job.

The man who had killed my slice of cake was standing in front of me. I grabbed the cake and smacked it in her face. She was taken aback.

"Tell me, ma'am, who is a jerk." With the same grin I had previously, I said.

She gave me a look before heading in my way. "YOU'RE A BITCH!!"

I locked her hand behind her back and yelled, "Don't even think about it. It's not my responsibility if you have a bad sense of taste." I then let go of her hand and pushed her forward.

"AAHHH!!" She yelled.

"What happened?" someone said from behind me, and I recognized the voice right away.

Manager, fuck!

I'm screwed!

I turned around and looked down.

"Look at what she's done." The bitch said, pointing to her face.

"Anna?" the manager inquired.

"I didn't want to, Sir." I began, but he stopped me short.

"What in the world did you do? You have no idea how to interact with a consumer."

"Sir, she spoke horrible things to me and-" he cuts me off again.

"That doesn't imply you'll do such a crime."

"I apologize, Sir; I became enraged and-"

"You've been fired."

"What?" In disbelief, I inquired.

"You must have heard me. You've been fired."

"That is not possible, sir. I'm very sorry, but-"

"GET OUT RIGHT NOW." He yelled.

I forewarned you.

I walked inside and gathered all of my belongings. I was ready to leave when I saw the bitch sneering at me. It enraged me even more.

I've been sacked.

Ya! You certainly are.

That's OK.

You are now free to do anything you choose. I'm not going to stop you.

I marched up to her table and tossed her the Cappuccino on the table.

"Have a wonderful day, ma'am!!" I remarked with a grin.

With that, I exited the café. I could hear her yelling and the manager apologizing. I took a stroll to my residence.

Jesus! What should I do now? I'm out of work.

I spotted Nanny seated on the sofa when I got home, clutching a paper. I approached her, knelt in front of her, and removed the form from her grasp.

"What exactly is it, Nanny?"

I went through the newspaper. "What the heck happened?"

"They want to build a hotel on this site, Anna. My kid has spent the rest of my money on gaming. Anna, what are we going to do?"

Her son is an alcoholic and a gambler, so he constantly causes us difficulties. Nanny has lost everything she has due to him, and this home was the last item she had before losing it. I embraced her.

"Nanny, I swear we'll find something out. I'll get us home shortly."

The issue is, how?

I also lost my job.

We have a week to get this place vacant.

I don't see her sobbing. I have to take action.

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Other books by Joshua Short

Confined To Mr. Billionaire

Confined To Mr. Billionaire



"Curiosity killed the kitty Miss Jackson. My body tensed. I turned slowly around to find Mr. Parker standing in front of me, hands in his pants pockets. I bit my lower lip. I expected him to be furious when I glanced at him. His expression was emotionless. He then began heading toward me, and I stepped back. This continued until my back collided with the door. Then he put one hand on my side and leaned forward, close to me. "Miss Jackson, what was rule number three?" His face was so close to mine that I couldn't breathe. Why couldn't I answer his question? Because I was more concerned with the space between us. "I had a question for you, Miss Jackson." He said it once more. "T-that t-there are forbidden spots i-in the home where I shouldn't g-go." "You seem to recall the regulations. This is one of those forbidden regions. So, the next time you get yourself into trouble, think again." I gazed at him. I became caught in those sea-colored eyes. Mr. Parker is the only man who has ever had such an impact on me. I feel anxious when I'm near him. I'm not sure what this emotion is, but it's distinct. A sensation I've never had with anybody else. "Understood?" he inquired one again. I agreed by nodding. "Certainly, Mr. Parker." ***************** Liam Parker is a billionaire who is 25 years old. The only thing that matters to him is his kid and his profession. He is arrogant, attractive, and cruel. Anna Jackson is a 24-year-old simple and joyful girl who lives in an orphanage with her Nanny. What will happen when Anna arrives as Liam's son's babysitter? Let's see what happens in the story.....

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Confined To Mr. Billionaire.

Chapter 1 Everything Is a Mess



Chapter 2 One Night Stand



Chapter 3 A JOB



Chapter 4 Getting to Know Ryan Parker



Chapter 5 DUMB ME



Chapter 6 Does He Have a Girlfriend



Chapter 7 Friendship



Chapter 8 Plan No. 1



Chapter 9 My Child



Chapter 10 An Apology



Chapter 11 An Apology Contd.



Chapter 12 Confused



Chapter 13 Confused Contd.



Chapter 14 Marry Me



Chapter 15 Marry Me Contd.



Chapter 16 Nanny, I adore you!



Chapter 17 Nanny, I adore you! Contd.



Chapter 18 Complaining About Him



Chapter 19 Complaining About Him Contd.



Chapter 20 The Big Day!



Chapter 21 Jerk!



Chapter 22 Jerk! Contd.



Chapter 23 Bipolar Disorder



Chapter 24 Bipolar Disorder Contd.



Chapter 25 A Movie Not Too Exciting.



Chapter 26 A Movie Not Too Exciting Contd.



Chapter 27 He's Not All That Bad



Chapter 28 He's Not All That Bad



Chapter 29 His Secret Room



Chapter 30 His Secret Room Contd.



Chapter 31 Persuading The Devil



Chapter 32 Persuading The Devil Contd



Chapter 33 The Amusement Park!



Chapter 34 The Amusement Park Contd.



Chapter 35 Panic Attack



Chapter 36 Panic Attack Contd.



Chapter 37 Difficult



Chapter 38 Difficult Contd.



Chapter 39 Soothing Her



Chapter 40 Soothing Her Contd.
