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The Billionaire’s bride

The Billionaire’s bride



“Three rules!” He says icily. I open my eyes at the tone of his voice. “Don’t touch me! Don’t touch my things! Don’t talk to me!” He gritted out, eyes staring me down as though daring me to speak, “W-what?” I blurted. He quirked an eyebrow up. “Listen, this thing that happened today,” he gestured at the space between us, a look of irritation flashed in his face. “This is just a business deal! Don’t expect anything from me. Don’t think of me as your husband. We are only needed to keep up our appearances outside here, afterwards that’s it. I don’t want you touching, speaking or even looking at me. You’re merely a waste of space in this house.” His words pierced through my heart like a dagger, eyes brimming with unshed tears. 22 year old Annabel Steven’s has always known her husband will be picked for her but what she didn’t know was her soon to be husband is Nathan Richardson. The country’s golden boy and Annabel’s crush. Cold hearted, arrogant and supercilious Nathan Richardson who hates the idea of marriage especially to the over pampered, grandiose daughter of the Steven’s.

Chapter 1 One


"This is it."

A grand celebration of me finally leaving the Steven's mansion disguised as a wedding.

A grand celebration of them being freed of the responsibility of having their weakest and most undesirable daughter off their hands.

A celebration of me being sold off.

The grip around my arm tightened the more, I am sure it would leave bruises in a few hours.

"I don't want any complaints, Annabel. Do your job as a woman and provide an heir for the Richardson's. That’s the only way you can guarantee your place as the 'Madame'. I trust that you will be able to do that? At least, that’s what you were born to do. Reproduce and nothing else."

He leaned back, his fingers ghosting my right cheek. A sick but sweet smile laid on his lips.

"Take care, Annabel. Your mother and I would miss you terribly." He smiled although we both knew it was a lie, if anything, they would be ecstatic to be rid of me.

"Of course, say me well to mother if you may." I replied, gathering the length of my gown in my arms, managing a tiny smile on my face. Everyone had left after the party but I was still here while my husband? Waited outside the house

for me.

"Excuse me, father." I made my way out of the house, ignorning the loud squealing inside the mansion being made by the people who brought me to life.

"Let me help you with that ma'am." The blonde haired man standing by the car said, smiling politely at me as he helped carry my bags into the car.

“Thank you.” I whispered, getting into the car at once.

I felt my breathe hitch upon finally seeing my new husband.

Nathan Richardson also known as the golden boy. Everyone’s heart rob, well he is mine. Never in my twenty three years of living did it ever occur to me that my family would ever score me Nathan. Me? Nathan? At that time it seemed like a very impossible dream but right now, it wasn’t. Nathan was here in the flesh and is my husband.

Nathan is someone I would’ve thought my elder sister would snag in an instant, considering he is exactly her type. No matter how close our families were, which wasn’t much by the way. Nathan’s father and my father were involved in a business deal which actually lead to our marriage. Yes, it only a business deal.

I’ve met Nathan exactly three times but I developed this crush on him in those three times. Yeah, he might not know me, after all I was always the scrawny, hideous and weird kid. While Nathan socialized at every function I met him, I’ve always stayed in a corner, silently watching him and everyone. Imagine my surprise when my father barged into my room one day and announces my engagement to the same Nathan.

Nathan who I’ve been crushing on. Nathan who I was contented watching from afar being the famous and successful person he was born to be. Nathan who I knew I had no chance to even speak to.

“I’m sorry I kept you waiting. My father had somethings to tell me and so he-“ I didn’t get to complete my words as he raised his hand, silencing every word that would’ve left my lips.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, folding my hands on my thighs and looked out the window. From one bondage to another, doesn’t seem like you’d ever be free in this lifetime, Annabel.

Nathan who doesn’t care…

I sighed, deciding to keep quiet all the same. Today has been a long day already and I’d rather not piss him or myself further.

Few minutes later we arrived at his house. I tried not to openly gape at how magnificent the place looked. Yes, I might have grown up in considerable wealth but the Richardson’s have always been more wealthier than my family and this is a proof.

Nathan got down from the car, not sparing me a glance as he walked into the lobby. I scurried out of the car, trying my best to match his strides even if it was futile. I have to run to catch up to him and he didn’t seem like he was going to stop anytime soon.

He arrived at the elevator, throwing a glance at me over his shoulders then looked away, taking a step into the elevator. I rushed towards it only to be stopped. The elevator doors were closing up and Nathan stood in it, eyes on me but didn’t seem to care, not in the slightest.

I took a step backward, watching the elevator door shut and waited, gnawing at my lower lip as I wondered. Is this how my married life starts? I know of his reputation but I was at least expecting a bit of courtesy. A bit of concern but here, standing by the elevator made me realize just what I was dumped into.


Minutes later, I found myself inside the house with no one to show me where I am supposed to be or what I’m supposed to do. I stood by the door, gripping my gown tightly as I looked around.

“Hello miss.” A frail voice came from behind me. I flinched hard upon hearing the voice, turning to see who it was only to see a woman chuckling. She had a brown long dress on, her hair was tied into a ponytail, wrinkles paraded her face but it didn’t do a thing to diminish her beauty.

“I’m sorry I scared you,” she tells me, eyes raking my build, I felt myself squirm under her gaze, wondering who she was exactly. A satisfied smile made it’s way to her lips once she was done.

“You haven’t gotten settled? Please come in and I’ll show you to your room.” She says, grabbing my arm and dragged me into the living room. I could hardly swallow the gasp threatened to leave my lips. The woman merely chuckled, dragging me through the staircase.

“Nathan didn’t even bother showing you around. I wonder just what I taught him.” She says but it seems more like she’s speaking to herself.

We walked through the hall or rather she dragged me through the hall, still muttering lowly, so low that I couldn’t hear her but didn’t bother to strain my ears. I’d rather just have a bath, get into bed and sleep till tomorrow. I’ll focus on my problems tomorrow.

We arrived at a door and she stopped, a soft smile making its way to her lips as she caressed my cheeks in her hand. “You’re very pretty. I have no doubt that you’d be good for Nate.” She says. I opened my mouth to speak but she had already opened the door, shoving me slightly into the room.

“Go and have a rest, we’ll speak properly tomorrow. I would still be here.” She says and I nodded, wasting no time in stepping into the room.

I stepped into the room, squinting my eyes as the lights came on, taking a look at the room, the first thing that caught my eye was the painting. He painted his room in grey, deep grey. The king sized bed in the middle was covered in black linen and duvet.

I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering just how he could stay in a room so dark. The direct opposite of my room. I glanced around, catching sight of the grey curtain, bathing the room more darker than it was. There was a large black vanity table and chair situated on the right side of the room. A larger painting of a woman sat prettily over the king sized bed.

I couldn’t hold back the gasp that left my lips.

I made my way to the bed, leaning down to touch the linen. A soft smile made it’s way to my lips as I pressed down on the bed, feeling the softness of the foam. I stood up, turning to leave but instead I got startled.

A gasp left my lips, instinctively I took a step back, leg touching the bed frame, cornering me. We were so close that our faces almost collided. I could smell his scent, like a combination of soap and cologne. His scent filling my nostrils, choking my entire being. The warmth of his body vibrated through me. It was electrifying.

Nathan was looking at me, his dark eyes were sharp and accessing, holding my gaze. I couldn’t continue looking at him, his gaze was so strong it was making my knees weak.

“What do you think you’re doing?” His voice deep and hoarse, sending shivers down my spine.

“I- I have to sleep and I came so I-“

“You came into my room without my permission. Touched my things without my permission.” He gritted out, slamming his hand at the wall behind me. I flinched hard, already shaking.

“T-T-The woman s-said I could-“ That seemed to put him off, he stepped back from me, allowing me space to breathe.

“Three rules!” He says icily. I open my eyes at the tone of his voice.

“Don’t touch me! Don’t touch my things! Don’t talk to me!” He gritted out, eyes staring me down as though daring me to speak,

“W-what?” I blurted, He quirked an eyebrow up.

“Listen, this thing that happened today,” he gestured at the space between us, a look of irritation flashed in his face.

“This is just a business deal! Don’t expect anything from me. Don’t think of me as your husband. We are only needed to keep up our appearances outside here, afterwards that’s it. I don’t want you touching, speaking or even looking at me. You’re merely a waste of space in this house.” His words pierced through my heart like a dagger, eyes brimming with unshed tears.

He sauntered towards me menacingly, his eyes held a fire I hadn’t seen it them ever. A cold shiver ran down my spine as he invaded my space. I sucked in my breathe, lifting my head to look at him.

He lifts his hand to touch my jaw, eyes darkening by the second. I felt goosebumps on my skin as his fingers made contact with my skin but that was gone in a second.

He gripped my jaw tightly, forcing my eyes open, a broken whimper left my lips. He leaned closer to me and I tensed up, feeling his hot breathe against my skin.

“Stay away from me, Annabel.” He growled into my ear.

I have so much to say. Why did he agree to get married if he dislikes me this much? Why did he go ahead with the marriage? Why did he say his vows? He could have done this business with any other person so why me? He had the upper hand of refusing but didn’t and now?

His fingers was off me like it burned. I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off as he grabbed my arm, dragging me across the room and to the door.

“W-wait. I have-“ I didn’t get to complete my words as he threw me out of the room.

I stood on the other side of the door, watching as he shut the door close in my face.

The beginning of the end..

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