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The Billionaire's Adopted Twins

The Billionaire's Adopted Twins

Precious Greene


Elena Brown absconded Prescott valley for New York to start a new life away from her abusive husband with her kids. She vowed to focus on her twins and not allow any distraction. Noah Smith, a billionaire vowed never to marry any other woman since the woman he loved, died years ago. However when these two met, sparks flew between them and they started a relationship. Clara Dalton, Noah's ex plotted some schemes against Elena which sent her back to Prescott. Will Noah and Elena survive these hurdles that come on their way to love? Read this beautiful romance novel to find out

Chapter 1 Angry Jerry

"Ouch! You're hurting me, Jerry. Please… . please.. stop, I beg you. I won't do it again, I promise. Just let me go, please."

Elena whimpered in severe pain. She tried so hard to break free from his strong firm grip as he towered over her in rage.

His face was contorted in a grimace and he had a sinister look. This was who Jerry; the father of her kids was. An angry beast who always abused her at the slightest chance he got.

"Why the hell didn't you pick up my calls? Haven't I warned you never to ignore them? I will teach you an unforgettable lesson today" Jerry shouted while tightening his grip on her wrist.

She had been sleeping when he called but he would not have it. Jerry moved to strike her on her face once more when a noise stopped him.

Jemma; one of their twins made a sound signifying that she had woken up. She was a light sleeper. Jerry's noise had woken her up.

Elena heaved a sigh of relief. She was happy. Maybe, just maybe the noise would stop him from hitting her this time. "Leave me alone before they walk in on us" she begged. He sneered at her.

" Please Jerry"

Jerry let go of her and walked out in fury.

She didn't want her kids to see such a violent act. They were too young for such. Elena quickly faked a smile at her daughter.

"Hey, baby. You're hungry right?" She bent to ask her with concern etched on her features.

"Yes mummy. Why are your eyes red? What happened to you?" Jemma said before she noticed a red scar on her mommy's wrist.

"Mummy, who hurt you here?" Jemma inquired with piqued curiosity while she held out her hand to assess the bruise.

"Come let's go have something for lunch," Elena said, drawing her attention away from the scar.

It was much easier to draw their attention away from these things now. However as they grew, what would she do? She couldn't keep it from them for too long.

In some years, they would know how devilish their father was and that the scars on her body were not ordinary marks. They were caused by him.

"How about an apple pie?" She asked her while they walked towards the kitchen.

"Yayyy I love it" Jemma grinned. She loved them so much. Apple pies were her best snack.


"Laura, I'm leaving him. I can't cope with this anymore. He batters me at the slightest chance. What if he turns on the kids anytime? One day he would hurt them too. Since I wouldn't be able to bear it, I have to leave before then."

Elena confided in her best friend with tears flowing down her eyes like a river. Jerry tormented her almost all the time. It became worse when her father, Gerard Brown died.

Laura had come at Elena's request. She wanted to tell her of her decision. Her friend would be angry with her if she left without informing her.

She had no choice but to leave now. She would have left years ago but then she had discovered that she was pregnant so she stayed back so the twins could have someone to call father.

"When are you leaving?" Laura asked her with piqued interest.

"We will go tomorrow. He goes to work very early. We'll be gone before he comes back. I called you to say goodbye. I'm sorry it's impromptu. I have to get out of here before he starts hitting the kids too. I won't be able to sit back and watch by then" Elena said, cleaning off her tears with a blue handkerchief in her hand.

"Alright then. I'll miss you. Please take care of yourself and the kids. Don't forget to keep in touch." Laura said with a fake smile as she rose to leave.

"Are you leaving already? What happened? Why not stay a little longer? Who knows when we will see each other again?"

"Any problem Laura? Why are you being panicky? Is everything alright?" Elena stood up and placed her hands on Laura

Elena was surprised. Her best friend was supposed to be all over her telling her not to go. What was going on? Something wasn't adding up. Laura didn't always behave like this.

However, what Laura said next calmed her fears.

"I need to visit my mother at the hospital. It is almost time for visitation. It's been a while since I saw her so i have to be there very early" Laura said as she looked at her watch frantically.

"Oh, that's true. My regards to her. Take good care of her. I'll miss you" Elena said unsuspectingly as she hugged her and saw her off to the door.

"You don't have to see me off. One of the kids might wake up wondering where you are. I don't want them to be scared. Call me when you get there. Bye Elena" Laura insisted.

"Alright then. Bye. Someday we will see each other again." Elena hugged her again. Laura faked a smile once more and left. Elena closed the door after her and went to sit down on the sofa.

Something was up with Laura she was so sure. There was something else she wasn't saying. Was Laura keeping secrets from her already? Since when?

"Maybe it's the thought of her mother's sickness" She wrapped her thoughts together. Just then Jonathan came running in from the rear of the house.

"Mummy, Look what we found while we were playing." He said while rubbing his eyes and holding a gun. Jemma came running after him. Elena's eyes widened and she gasped in utter shock.

What was a gun doing in their house? How did it get there? What business was Jerry now involved in? Her heartbeats thumped in her chest. Had Jerry gone to this extent? "Oh! We aren't safe anymore. We must leave" she moaned inwardly.

Laura hastened her footsteps on the road. She had something very urgent to do.

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