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Her Sophomoric Partner

Her Sophomoric Partner



Audrey, a self-made millionaire, finds herself in a loop and in need of a spouse. Henley an international celebrity, finds himself in a scandal that could end his career, when the press catches him kiss a popular actress who’s already married. Audrey and Henley are childhood friends, Audrey still remembers Henley because he was her first love, she seize the opportunity and proposes marriage. Audrey soon finds out how Immature and arrogant Henley really is, will she be able to survive a relationship with a sophomoric man?

Chapter 1 Her lifestyle

I groan as I get out of bed, getting on my feet I stretch my skinny body, I put on my pink robe and immediately take the glass of wine on top of my dressing table, I take a sip watching myself in the mirror, I twirl the glass smiling at my reflection.

"Is it morning already?". A masculine voice groans, I turn to see the half-naked man on my bed, I roll my eyeballs

" What does it look like to you dummy?". I snap "Jeez where did I get you from?"...

"Fantasia club, remember?".

I caress the back of my head, I need to stop bringing random men home, it's becoming a bad habit "Uhmm.." I snap my fingers continuously trying to remember his name


I lean on the table " Ah, yes, Michael, look we had a fun night, I mean I don't remember, but I believe it was, so, uhmm. yea bye". My eyes widen as I take another sip

He nervously scratches the back of his head "I don't have any money with me".

I shake my head " Of course you don't" I drop the glass on the dressing table as I walk towards the bed, I reach for my purse which is next to my bra, I take it and bring out money "How much is your transport home?".

" I-I don't know".

I close my eyes trying to calm myself, how do I keep attracting idiots? "You know what? just take everything" I throw the money at him.

My bedroom door suddenly burst open "I've been trying-". Maria pauses as she sees me and the naked man, she places her hands on her hip and the other on her face indicating disappointment "I should be used to this by now". She mutters

The stranger awkwardly takes his clothes and the money as he leaves my bedroom.

Maria starts complaining " Miss Audrey, when will you stop this careless lifestyle!".

I look at her and gave a brief smile "Never" I giggle

She rolls her eyes at me "I'm not joking, hookups aren't going to fill the emptiness and loneliness you feel, you need to settle down and-".

I jump in "Yea yea, I've heard this way too many times, it's starting to make me feel dizzy, maybe it's the wine".

She lets out a sigh "You need to get ready, we have a lot scheduled today".

" Of course, just give me 10 mins" I walk to the bathroom, I reach for the handle to open the door when my tummy suddenly makes a funny noise "Make that 20mins". I open the door and enter.

I was sited in the back seat while Maria drove " And after that, you have an appointment with our new model".

I rub my forehead "We are doing all this today?".

"Yes". She replied with her eyes still focused on the road

" I thought being a CEO meant I could do whatever I want, less work, more money, that's why I have staff".

She chuckles "You are funny ma'am, being one of the youngest self-made CEO sure isn't easy huh? Audrey's cosmetics is still the best seller, for three years in a row now, you should be proud".

I fold my arms "Of course, I'm not complaining", I bring out my mini mirror from my purse, and looking at my reflection, I observe the make-up I had on " Do you think I overdid it with the red lipstick?".

Maria peeps through the rare view mirror "Looks fine to me" she goes back concentrating on the road "It brightens your look with your one-handed black dress, and-whats your hair colour called again?".

I giggle "Beeline honey".

" Yea, that".

We finally arrive at the company, someone quickly opens my door "Good morning ma'am". A masculine blonde greeted me with a bright smile, as I come down from the car

I throw my bag at him, he catches it " morning Simon, how are you doing today?"

"Good, good". We enter the building

Pictures of different cosmetics taken with models were decorated all over the walls, different busy people walking up and down, and a gigantic lipstick statue in the middle of the hall

I enter the elevator, Maria pushes the button, and we go up

We stop at the fourth floor, where my office is.

We enter and I take my seat on my big executive chair "Okay, let's get to work"

Simon places a file on my desk "I need you to sign this".

I take it " What is this?". I open the file

"It's an agreement, that you allow Beauty villa to distribute our products on their market"

"Beauty vila? What's that?".

" They are a big online cosmetics corp".

"okay then". I take my pen and sign " Anything else?" Simon takes the file from me

"Yes, there is, it's a problem".

My eyes widen " What problem?".

Maria suddenly gasps "We have a problem".

I hit my desk with my fist catching them by surprise "Someone just tells me what going on?".Maria gives me her phone, and plays a video " What is this?".

"Well, you know our former model? Elizabeth Martin, she recently posted a video of her face being infested with pimples and aches blaming the products we made her use while shooting".

I scoff "She's just an immature girl, because we terminated her contract she plans on dragging us down, it's no big deal" I give Maria back her phone, and she takes it from me

"It is a very big deal, Elizabeth is a very big deal, she has a massive fan base, and soon we'll be the talk on social media".

"Too late!" Simon exclaims, we turn to him "We are already top five most searched on the web now"

I shrug "Maybe it's because of the new product we are launching soon".

" Nope, it's about Elizabeth's video"

I instantly wear a frown "To think this morning wasn't going well".

"What do we do ma'am?" Maria asks concerned.

I sigh "I think we should avoid it for now and focus on our project, we are launching a new product in 3 months, we don't need drama now, soon the Internet will forget about it".

" Are you sure?"

"Of course, now let's get working".


"Are you really sure you want to do this?" I asked with a concerned expression on my face

"Yes, there's no reason for me to live anyway". A lady replied with a blunt expression, she was standing over a bridge, she had on a plain white dress, her brown curly hair tied to a bun, and she had no shoes on

I scoff as tears slowly rolled down my eyes "You really can't think of anything?". She slowly shakes her head "So, I mean nothing to you?".

She looks at me with her emotionless expression " I'm doing this, so you wouldn't have to hang on to me, it's for your sake".

"Bullshit!" I exclaimed, "You are just being a selfish brat!'". She looks down the bridge and closes her eyes, she takes in a deep breath when I suddenly grabbed her hand "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't leave me.....please". She forcefully removes my hands from hers and jumps "No!". I cried

" And...cut!". The director yelled "Good job both of you, you had me in tears".

I smile at him "Thank you, sir".

My manager runs to me "Good Job".

" Thank you, Ezar". He gives me a big jacket "Thanks". I put it on, and Ezar hands me a cup of hot tea " Thank you".

We walk to our executive van, I take a sit at the back and groan "I'm so tired". I take a sip of my tea

" You must be, especially with the rumours circulating, there's nowhere on set they aren't talking about you".

I take a sip of my tea "I don't see why people don't get it's a big misunderstanding".

"Dude, you were caught making out with Austin on camera"

I squeeze my cup of tea angrily as it pours away, slowly burning my hand "How many times do I have to explain I was helping him with a button!"

"What of the one you looked like you were sucking his dick?".

I angrily throw the cup at my manager who manages to dodge " I was helping him with his zipper! I was trying to be nice".

"Sure sure". Ezar turns to Henley "You know you can open up to me right? If you like men...I'm really okay with it".

I glare at him "I'm thinking of getting a new manager, how about that?".

He nervously laughs as he faces his front "There's no need to be vicious, I'm just messing around" he starts the car and we were off.

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