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The Alpha's Enemies And I

The Alpha's Enemies And I

Lili Brenda


Ava Robertson, a lady of 22 years was kidnapped by a wicked Prince of Aalliguma Kingdom. It started when she had a contract with the devil's son. One day, the devil's son disappeared and was nowhere to be found, leaving the poor lady in the hands of the wicked Prince. The Prince has vow to torture her on behalf of his enemy. He gave her a cold smile and said, " You are my slave. My sex slave and my property. From now on, you belong to me and no one can change that. You will surely pay on his behalf." He stated curtly. Pure hatred, coldness and victory was clearly showed on his face. What will be the fate of this innocent girl? Don't miss this ride with me!

Chapter 1 CONTRACT

Ava sat on a chair in her room with a sad face. She was sweating profusely dew to the struggle she had with the new dress her aunt bought for her.

Her hips we're big and her cleavages were exposed. " This dress is tight." Ava muttered to herself as she stood up and walk to the mirror.

Just then, her aunt walked in and handed a shoe to her. " Put them on, I will be back." She said and walk out again.

Ava looked at the shoes. They marched the colour of her dress, and there's shiny beats around it, adding more to it beauty.

She put on the shoes and got up, to check out herself on the mirror again.

" Wonderful!" She exclaimed. " I look like a princess."

" Are you done?" Her aunt walked in and she turned to her immediately.

" Yes aunt!" Replied Ava. " But what is so special about today? You've never been like this with me before." Ava said In surprise.

" I am happy that you grow fast Ava." Her aunt began. " You see....." She drawled. " One day I won't be in this business again, and you will be the one to take charge of it." She paused to read her reaction. Then continued.

" You can't waste this......" She grabbed her shoulder and turned her around. " Figure of yours. You have to put it into use." She concluded.

" I don't understand aunt." Said Ava, confused.

" You will understand when we reach outside." Said her aunt. " Come with me, he's waiting for you." She added.

" He is waiting for me? What does she mean by that?" Ava said within as she followed her aunt.

When they reached the sitting room. A young handsome man was sitting on a chair. He seemed to be enjoying himself as he kept his eyes fixed on the TV.

Ava's aunt cleared her throat and sat down, in other to draw his attention. The young man turned to her, and immediately his eyes darted to Ava, who was stepping down from the stairs.

" Good day sir." Ava greeted as she stood beside her aunt, but the man seemed lost staring at the beauty before him. He couldn't say a word.

" Ava please sit down." Her aunt instructed and reluctantly, Ava sat down beside her.

She wasn't comfortable with the way the stranger was staring at her.

" Mister Arthur." Her aunt called and the young man seemed startled.

" Yes! I'm......" He drawled and chuckled. " I mean....she's good." He complemented.

" Yeah! I told you." Said Ava's aunt with a smile on her face as she glanced at Ava.

Ava widened her eyes in shock, cause of the voice of the man. It was so angelic that if she's blind, she would've thought it was a lady.

" Here." Her aunt said handing the paper to him. " 29 days right?" She asked.

" Yes." Arthur replied as he took the book from her.

" You will surely like her." Her aunt assured. " She's very tight." She added and he chuckled.

" What are they talking about?" Ava asked herself.

While the man was signing the paper, Ava whispered to her Aunt. " Who is he?" She asked.

"He is your man." Her aunt replied.

" My man?" Ava almost yelled, but her Aunt cautioned her.

" Shhhh......" She warned.

Arthur finished signing the paper and returned it to her Aunt. " Sign here." Her aunt directed Ava to do the same.

Ava signed the paper and her aunt signed as well as a witness. " Thank you very much Mister Arthur." Said her Aunt.

" You're welcome ma'am." Arthur replied. " She's ready now right?" He asked.

" Sure she is." Her Aunt replied.

Arthur stood up and hand her Aunt an envelope. " Have this in the meantime." He said.

" Oh! Thank you." Said the woman as she received the offer, with a wild smile on her face.

" Let's go." Arthur said to Ava.

" Huh!" The lady widened her eyes.

" Go with him and make sure you're a good girl." Her aunt advised.

Ava drew closer to her and whispered into her ears, " Aunt, I don't even know him."

" Shhh......" Her Aunt cautioned again. "When you reach there, you will know. Don't keep the young man waiting."

Ava's heart began to beat fast, as she glanced at the man. Yes! He's handsome, but she felt nervous. " Why is Aunt doing this?" That was the question she asked herself as she walked sluggishly to him.

" Thanks." Arthur said to her Aunt.

" You're welcome. Nice doing business with you." Replied the lady.

Arthur took hold of Ava's hand and together they walked out of the house.

As they reached outside, a guard opened the door of the car for them and they went in.

Few minutes later, they drove off.

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