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Bad Boys Gang__( No Room For Love)

Bad Boys Gang__( No Room For Love)

Lili Brenda


He's got the perfect figure to call him,handsome,cute,hot and sexy all at a time. His hot looks isn't a waste. He's a p**sy f**ker,a crazy bad boy. He's got countless girls around him ready to give him their bodies any f**king time he want it. His name is Byung-ho. A guy of 25 years old who grew up in the streets of Las Vegas. He's picked by one of the richest men in Las Vegas, whose name is Dae-Seong. Byung-ho on his 20th birthday was initiated into the Bad boys gang by Dae-Seong, the leader of the gang. Byung-ho and other members of the gang were sent by Dae-Seong on a mission to destroy the family of Hyun Kang-Dae, the man who killed his son, and took his wife from him. Byung-ho and his colleagues were able to k*ll Hyun Kang-Dae, and three other members of the family on arrival. But Hyun Kang-Dae three daughters, Seo- jun, Mi Yung, Chinsun, and wife Angela, were able to escape. One year later, Seo- jun, and Mi Yung were admitted into the same school Byung-ho is attending. What will happen when he finds out who the two sisters is?

Chapter 1 Doing what I have to do

" Byung-ho!"

" Byung-ho!"

" BB!"

" Oh my gosh so cute!"

" My crush!"

" Just smile a little please!"

The students kept screaming as Byung-ho stepped out of the car with his friend Chan-woo.

" Doesn't they get tired?" Byung-ho said as he kept walking, with bodyguards behind him.

" They seem not to." Chan-woo said with a chuckle.

They kept walking, avoiding the students screams, and effort to get closer to them, until they got to the lecturers office.

One of the guards quickly pushed the door open for them and they walked in.

" Damnit baby girl!! Fvck!!!" The lecturer moa*ned loudly, as the girl kept sucking his d*k.

Chan-woo and Byung-ho glanced at themselves, then Byung-ho brought out his cigarettes, and Chan-woo threw him a lighter.

Byung-ho light his cigarettes and returned the lighter to Chan-woo, who received it quickly.

He blew out the smoke and turned to the lecturer, who's still groaning in pleasure, holding on to the girl tightly.

Byung-ho walked to him, and grabbed the girl's hair, pulling her away from him.

" Ouch!" The girl screamed in pains and her eyes widened in shock when she came face to face with Byung-ho.

" Holy shit!!" The lecturer muttered and tried to cover himself up, when he saw the people Infront of him.

" No need to that Mr Cosmos." Chan-woo said and moved towards them.

" That was a great suck!" Byung-ho said and blew out the smoke into the girl's face.

" Please let me go." The girl pleaded, shaking in fright.

" Not so fast." Byung-ho said and grabbed her breasts fiercely.

" What do you want?" Mr Cosmos said, after putting on his dress.

" Is this what you've been doing?" Byung-ho asked glaring at him.

" It's none of your business!" Said Mr Cosmos. " And it's wrong for you to barged into my office without the permission to.

" Really?" Byung-ho said and glanced at Chan-woo.

" You should know that we don't do things with permission." Chan-woo said and brought out his cellphone.

" You see this!" He winked at him.

" How did you get that?" Mr Cosmos asked.

" We didn't come here to play Cosmos!" Byung-ho said and pushed the girl to the table.

She winced as she hits her and made to get up, but Byung-ho stopped her.

" Not too fast!" He said and placed a knife on the girls belly.

" What are you doing?"

" What are you trying to do?"

Mr Cosmos and the girl said at the same time.

" Trying to spill out blood if you don't consent to my request." Byung-ho said and Mr Cosmos gulped down his saliva.

"Is it about the file?" Mr Cosmos asked.

" Get down to business if you know what brought me here." Said Byung-ho.

" But........" Mr Cosmos was about to say something, when Chan-woo brought out a gun and pointed it at him. "Wait!" Mr Cosmos said and bent slowly to the locker.

He brought out a file and handed it to Byung-ho, but he signalled Chan-woo to take it.

" Is it complete?" Chan-woo asked.

" Everything is intact." Mr Cosmos replied.

" Good!" Byung-ho said and returned the knife to it place. He pulled the girl's leg wider and tore out her pants.

The girl quickly covered her p**sy, but he glared at her.

" Please don't hurt me!" She pleaded and took off her hands slowly.

" Not good to my thirst though!" Byung-ho said and inserted his four fingers into the girl's p**sy.

Mr Cosmos watched in despair. He couldn't help the poor girl.

" Please!" She pleaded, but to no avail. He kept putting it in and out, until she started bleeding.

He removed his fingers and stared at it.

The girl was already in tears, cause of the pains he caused her.

" It will be so enjoyable now. Continue from where you stop." Byung-ho said with a smirk and walked closer to Mr Cosmos.

He took his hand to his face, and rubbed the whole blood stains there. Cosmos kept silent and allowed him to do whatever he wanted.

" What is your name?" Chan-woo asked as he got closer to the girl.

" My name is... my name is Eleazar." She stuttered.

" Let's go!" Byung-ho said and dragged Chan-woo away.

They opened the door and walked out.

" Shit!!" Mr Cosmos cursed and roughed his hair. " Am done! How will I explain this? How will I........?" He said in frustration.

" You will surely pay for this Dae-Seong! You'll regret this!" He kept saying, not minding the helpless girl on the table.

Eleazar got up from the table slowly and managed to walk to the door.

She opened it and walked out, shutting it back gently.

" Mi Yung! Mi Yung!" Eleazar screamed and the girl quickly turned to the direction of the voice.

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