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A Chance With Her Ex Boyfriend

A Chance With Her Ex Boyfriend

Lili Brenda


Lorelei Wyatt's relationship with Rowan Emmett ended years ago, but the memories of their time together lingered in her mind. Even though she had a new boyfriend, Ethan, her thoughts constantly drifted back to Rowan. When Rowan turned out to be her new neighbor, Lorelei was faced with a difficult choice. She loved Ethan and didn't want to hurt him, but her physical desires for Rowan were undeniable. what happens when Rowan sent her a blossom letter for a nightstand with her? MATURE CONTENT {R18}

Chapter 1 Dreaming About You

I began to open my eyes just a little as I felt something touch my legs and crawl inside my bed. Still half asleep I didn't really react. Not knowing what was going on.

Suddenly I realized I wasn't alone. I opened my eyes and to my surprise it was Rowan Emmett, my ex boyfriend. He was kneeling in between me, completely naked.

"Rowan! What are you doing? And how did you get in here?” I asked, my eyes bulging out. Rowan and I have been apart for two years now, and to see him right in my room at this time of the night, is a big surprise to me. I was scared, angry and happy at the same.

"Shhhh." He gestured as he grabbed on to my wears and begin to pull them down. " Don't you miss me Honey?"

" Let go of me!”

"Just relax and close your eyes Lorelei. I want you badly. I'm dying for it." He said and I tilted my head and looked at him in awe. Deep down, I was drooling for him already, as I stared at his nakedness.

I watched as his dick sprung up from under his shorts, already hard. Still in complete shock, I watched as he reached for my hand and placed it on his dick. His thigh pressed upwards against my throbbing secret passage. I tried to push him away, but my body betrayed me as I ended up arching upward, to meet his touch.

"Ugh" I moaned and gasped as his tongue slowly licked my earlobes and then he sucked my ears making wet sucking sounds. The sensation was so intense that I opened my eyes wide just to see his handsome face and his eyes burning with desire gazing back at me.

" You're grinding your pussy against my leg," he teased, and my body froze at his words.

" I know you miss me, that's why I'm here." He kisses my neck, while I slowly jerk his dick back and forth, looking up at his face to gauge his reaction. He tilted his head, enjoying my warm hands stroking his dick.

"Oh Lorelei, you’re so good at it. That's why I love you."

" But you left me. Ohhh.....!" I moaned loudly as he inserted his hand into my pussy.

" We will talk about that later. Get up and go on your knees." He ordered, and like a little lamb, I got up and went on my knees immediately.

Rowan has been my dominant, and I've learned to obey him a long time ago. So even though we're no longer together, I still feel like it's my duty to obey him. He laid down on the bed and spread his legs, then began to stroke his cock. Come on!" He said and Immediately, I understood what he meant.

I scooted on my knees closer to him and he watched as I moved my face towards his dick. I opened my mouth wide and placed the head of his dick inside my mouth and closed it.

I began to suck on his dick back and forth, swirling my tongue around the head every time I pulled out.

"Do you like it that way? I asked, focusing my gaze at him.

"It feels amazing Lorelei, please keep going."

Without hesitation I closed my eyes and put his dick back inside my mouth. I had plenty of saliva in my mouth as I sucked it, making his dick glide in and out with ease. A familiar feeling started to rise within me. A strong feeling of desire. Nothing was on my mind, than a need of getting fuck roughly by my ex boyfriend.

" Fuck! I'm cumming." He moaned and without losing a beat, I bob my head up and down with his throbbing cock ready to explode in my mouth.

“Faster baby. Damn! It feels so good."

I felt a rush of blood through my body and my toes curled as I felt my body rising. I suck harder, and sloppier, with saliva now dripping off his dick and down my chin.


He moaned as his back arched off the bed, pushing his dick as deep as he could into my mouth. He started releasing, with each pump filling my mouth with his hot cum.

I never stopped sucking throughout his orgasm. I grabbed his shaft with one hand and started to jerk him while my mouth still wrapped around the head of his dick, to absorb every last drop.

Finally, he stopped cumming and I lifted my face and looked right at him, my mouth still filled with his semen.

Without further hesitation I gulped and swallowed every last drop that I had unloaded down my throat. A smile spread across my face.

"That was amazing. I can’t explain to you how good your dick felt in my mouth."

" You always say that everytime." He responded.

" I think about it everyday too." I blurted out, but it's already late when I recollected myself. In order to change the point of discussion, I said. " You still haven't told me how you got into my room."

" Well, I got the keys!" He raised it up to show me. " And, I've come to stay."

" What do you mean?" I was confused.

" I want you back Lorelei. I can't deal without you."

" Excuse me?" I furrowed my brows.

" Look, you’re soaked already. Let's get down to it, we can talk about this later." He said and sat upright, while I looked down at my glistening pussy. I was completely drenched, and my juices string between my thighs. But his words really went deep into my heart, and I needed more explanation no matter how I was feeling at the moment.

But surprisingly, he ran his fingers through my clit, until it's covered in my cum. " Row.... Fuck!" I tilted my head as the sensation overpowered me.

" You want this badly, and I'm gonna give it to you. Trust me baby girl, you know what I can do., right? Hold on for me, okay?" He kissed me, stood up from the bed and squats down, then brought out a chain from under the bed. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bed.

" I have a question." I said as I found my voice.

" You can ask later." He responded.

" But......"

" Your hands." He said with a stern face, and I gulped down and raised my hands to him. Just as he's about to handcuff me, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned swiftly to the direction. Only to open my eyes and see Ethan staring directly at my face.

I was shocked.

I quickly sat upright and glanced around the room. A while ago, I was with Rowan. Then how come that I'm beside Ethan now? " Oh!" I exclaimed as It finally dawned on me that I am still lying on the bed, right beside my boyfriend, Ethan, and it clearly means one thing. It was a dream.

" Are you alright?" Ethan asked curiously, his eyes not leaving my face.

" Yeah! I'm fine. Let's go back to sleep." I said and pulled the blanket over my body, but he stopped me.

" Are you sure?" He asked and I raised my brows at his question. " I heard you moaning, and you're moving your body like........"

" I was just dreaming, a very terrible one. But don't think about it, I don't think it's important. Come on, let's sleep." I grab his hand and wrap it around my body and lay down, urging him to do the same.

Finally he did, and I shut my eyes slowly and began to think about what just happened.

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