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BROKEN VOW: Loving you was wrong

BROKEN VOW: Loving you was wrong

Lili Brenda


Johnson Bretford is one of the richest men in the city of California. He's tall and handsome, and he's married to a beautiful woman name Justina. It's been fourteen years after their marriage, but the couples has no child. Johnson seems to find pleasure in his secretary Miss Amira Hazwani, to the extent of impregnating her. Amira has made it clear to Johnson that he must divorce his wife, before she can fully be his. Not her alone, but the child she's carrying as well. Johnson finds this situation difficult to handle. He's truly in love with his wife, and she's been there all through his up and down. And without her help, he wouldn't have been who he is today. But then again...... He has no child, and luck really shone on him through Amira. What would he do? Divorce his wife and bring in Amira, or let Amira and the child go and remain childless?

Chapter 1 Trouble in paradise


I was in my office checking some files when the door flung open and and Amira walked in with a deep frown on her face.

She dress sexily as always and I couldn't take my eyes off her.

" Babe! are you alright?"I asked and pushed the files aside.

" How can I be alright?"She asked walking closer to me.

"What is it? I don't like to see you looking this way. what is the matter?" I asked and she sat on my lap and rolled her eyes.

" It's as if you don't want us Johnson. why is it so difficult for you to consent to my request? I am carrying your child Johnson. what does that fruitless woman done for you?"

" No don't say that." I cut in.

" I am tired of all this and I came to tell you that since you don't need the child, I am planning to flush it out."

" No..... You can't do that to me. No! Tell me you're joking right. That's my child you are talking about." I said.

" If truly you want this child Johnson, then do what I say! I give you 3 days! 3 good days! Have a nice day." She got up gave me kiss, pecked my cheeks, and walk away heading to the door.

"Amira Amira!" I called repeatedly but she refused to answer. She opened the door and work out leaving me in a dilemma.

How will I go about this? Why would I file a divorce when my wife has not done anything wrong to me?

This is a hard decision to make. I love my wife so much but I also need this child. I can't be childless! Who will inherit all these riches? I heave a sigh and shook my head


When I reached my office, I met Benjamin waiting for me. Benjamin is my boyfriend and also my colleague.

But he has no money compare to Johnson. Mr Johnson is good in everything, but I can't let go of Benjamin because he has done a lot for me.

In fact, if not for him I wouldn't have gotten this job. He's is a good man, but he lacks money and cannot carter enough for a woman like me.

" Hi Ben! how are you today?" I said and kissed his cheek then went over to my chair and sat down.

" I couldn't stop thinking about my angel, so I decided to pay a visit." He said and I smiled.

" I really like that." I said and push my computer to my side.

" You know I always feel like spending all my days with you." He said.

"Yeah! Same here!" I chuckled. " But it's so unfortunate that we are stuck with work." I added.

" Ahhh! That's true." He exclaimed and nod his head, while I laughed.

" I'm telling you." He said with a smile. "But that can't stop us from being together." He added.

"Definitely." I concurred.

" Are you free tonight?" He asked.

" Hmmm....." I drawled and look at the ceiling trying to figure out if I have anything tonight. But unfortunately I couldn't get an answer, cause I don't know if Mr Johnson, my boss will want to see me; and I don't want any problem between them.

" I don't know yet, but I'll give you a call if I'm free. You know it's been long since we hung out together. This job is really killing me. But I can't help it." I said shaking my head negatively.

" It is what you wanted. There are lot of people out there who are looking for this, but they are not opportune." He said and got up from the chair and move to my side.

" That's why I'm working hard." I said.

"An proud of you baby. That's why I don't usually disturb you." He said and I smiled again. He kissed me softly on my lips, while I shut my eyes and allow the sensation.

" I love you." He said after pulling out.

" I love you too." I muttered and he pecked my cheek and walk away.

" I'm expecting your call." He said and push the door open and turned to me.

" Yes boss!" I said with a smile and we chuckle before he walked out.

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