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The Surrogate Husband

The Surrogate Husband



An African lady, Zara Kampala began her journey into dark waters when she was unexpectedly saved in her attempt to commit suicide. Travis Kai; a Korean-American was her saviour. Zara was afterwards offered the best deal that could make her prolonged existence worthwhile. She grabbed the opportunity and soon she became an expectant mother as she nursed the seed of the Swayers. She got entangled with the Swayers' intricases and had to watch her back as different attempts were made to take her out. She had to hold onto the life that she had once thrown away. Why was she attacked? Will she be saved? Find out in this amazing work of art.

Chapter 1 Prologue

It was late in the evening. Attorney Ashley Swayers eased her car into the parking lot in her compound. It was an hectic day at work and her mother did not help matters either, she phoned are all through the working hours.

Ashley picked up some files from the car and ensured the doors were locked. She took few steps away when her eyes caught a brown envelope laying on the floor at the back seat of her car.

An eerie feeling ran throgh her as she rushed to the other side of the car. The door clicked opened and she pulled it wider. She settled in and dropped her hand-bag and files as she retrieved the envelope. It was exactly like the previous ones. She sighed shakily and tore the envelope opened. There in was a neatly folded paper addressed to her. She unfolded it and read through.

*How can the public trust you as an attorney when you can't even uncover your father's murder? It is obvious you know well that your father's death was staged, it wasn't a simple death. Your father was murdered and you know it but I wondered why you keep quiet about it. Are you possibly afraid of what you will find if you dig in? What if there is someone out there who knows about the chairman's death? We will come get you after our deal with the killer expires hen our deal with the killer expires.*

Ashley yelled as she tore the paper and the envelope into pieces. It was the third time now and all effort to narrow down who ever dropped the envelope has always been unproductive. She had turned in the previous envelopes but no finger print was found on them. The dashcam of her car also did not record any intrusion either. "Could it be a ghost or something?" Ashley smiled at her silly thought and waved it off.

"Father died of heart attack... Why this threat just a year after his death? Is there really something to investigate or is someone just out there looking for trouble? I am just getting over father's death. Anyone that fuck with my emotions will be adequately dealt with," Ashley muttered and dragged herself into the house. "What if it's indeed a homicide... No, it can't be," Ashley muttered and shook her head vigorously as she made her way in.

"Welcome honey," Logan, greeted Ashley as she walked in. He hugged her warmly and kissed her repeatedly. "What's up? Was work hectic? You look fagged out and cold," Logan complained. "I can say the same about you too, you look stressed out. How was work today?" Ashley asked. "It's fine and hectic as usual," Logan said within a grin.

"Mother did not cut me some slacks through out the day. She kept making appointments with every gynecologist she knows. I am fed up! It's not like we are not trying enough." Ashley complained. "I understand mother. She is concerned about preserving the family's heritage." Logan responded and winced. "Isn't it too early to be concerned about that? We are just married for five years," Ashley responded. "Common, isn't five years a whole lot of time to make babies? It's high time we got serious about making babies too," Logan said cozily and drew Ashley to himself. "You're tensed baby... let me ease your tension," he said and kissed her on the forehead as he zipped down her gown.

He made the gown fall like a heap over her ankles and walked her out of it. He ran his fingers over the length of her back in quick successions as he gave her a massage. Ashley leaned in and crushed his chest with her breasts. Logan moaned and extended his hand to capture her buttocks.

"Can't we try to get a surrogate?" Ashley asked hoarsely. "Hmm... Surrogate? It never crossed my mind... But mother was against adoption, Do you did she would support that? I think if we try harder, we can make this work," Logan said and undid the hook of her brassiere. "We can indeed make the surrogate work... We can get a surrogate and I can disguise like I am pregnant... Mother will never find out," Ashley said and Logan stopped his excursion through her body.

"Ashley? Are you that desperate?" "Yes I am more than desperate... I believe can make it work," she responded and broke away from Logan. "Father picked on you until his death. You've been mother's favourite. I don't want to mess up the sweet relationship we all have now... We could get someone who is non- indigenous to do it for us and after the whole thing we send her back to her people," Ashley pressed.

"I am your plug. You know I will do anything for you. Travis is on a business trip to Africa, he could get someone, you know..." Logan responded and Ashley threw herself into his embrace, she showered him with kisses.

Logan responded with passion but Ashley broke away immediately. She picked up her clothes and walked down into her room.

Logan watched her leave and retired into a sofa. "Am I that disgusting? Instead of making an effort, you preferred to deceive your mother and go for a surrogate," what a messed up family," Logan thought and helped himself to a glass of wine. He knew Ashley never loved him. She only married him to redeem her so called promise to her father. He never cared either, he has chains of girlfriends who satisfied his sexual desires. Apart from his he has his mission and until his mission gets accomplished, he would hold it in.

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The Surrogate Husband

Chapter 1 Prologue
