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Janet Clinton was an investigative journalist. A few weeks after she broke up with her fiance; Jimmy Jeff, she realized that she was pregnant by him. Around this time, she also discovered a shocking truth about him. She acted on impulse and worked alongside the police to put him behind bars. What happened to Jane after Jeff was imprisoned? Will she keep the pregnancy? Will she give her heart to Benny Bells who decided to take responsibility for her pregnancy? Will her friendship with her friend; Lisa Peterson hit rock bottom? Will Jeff walk out of the prison a free man? Find out.

Chapter 1 Marie Tanner

One Year Ago

Alexander Peterson drove back home with his secretary. He had left an important document behind and had to pick it up. He was the CEO of Evans Mechanics. He made it into the list of the first twenty successful entrepreneurs in the country.

Despite his success and marriage, one of the luxuries he enjoyed is women. His infidelity was a tale a toddler could tell.

His girlfriends did not mind his marital status. They flaunt their bodies for his fame, looks, social status, riches and possibly a position at his firm. As large as his chain of girlfriends was, he was not the type that made the first move on women but whenever he is done, he moved on.

Alex's secretary; Marie Tanner was one of the gold-diggers who got a position in his company with such motives. After few weeks of flirting she got his attention and had him in her palms.

The afternoon was hot and the weather was not friendly, Alex walked up to Marie and asked, "I would like you to come home with me. I have some stuffs to pick up."

"Oh! Yes sir". Marie responded, she was overly joyful. She knew this was her chance. She had caught him stealing glances at her.

"This isn't about picking some stuff alone...but why his house? He must have liked me so much", she thought and blushed.

Alex pulled over at his residence and opened the door lavishly for Marie. She made her way down clumsily and rubbed her full chest on him. She blew out a subtle apology while Alex grinned seductively and led her in. It was indeed a welcomed invitation.

Once inside, Alex pulled off his shoes and struggled out of his suit. "It is quite hot, the air conditioners are switched off". He complained.

It was a perfect opening for Marie, she drew closer and asked flirtatiously, "Sir, can I help you with that?"

"What?... Oh! Of course, thanks".

Marie walked closer and pulled off his suit with ease, she proceeded to unknot his tie.

Alex held back the tie but Marie did not back down she smiled cozily and slowly dragged down his hand. Alex took the hint and released his grips.

She flung the tie on the sofa and unbuttoned his shirt lazily to reveal well toned muscles laid over broad shoulders. Her fingers sprawled over them and drew circles round his nipples.

"Do you gym? Your muscles are something else." "Yeah! I ... Wow! That feels so good", Alex said hoarsely.

Marie dropped his shirt and teased his nipples with her hands. She brewed fire in his loins.

Her hands ran down and kneaded his bottom. She opened his zipper and flipped the flaps of his pants aside. "I can make you feel good down there", she said and stretched her hands over the length of his dick. Alex moaned. "You sound so sexy", she whispered.

Alex pulled her in and captured her lips for a hot and hungry kiss. He sucked air out of her lungs and both panted. They parted to catch their breath but Marie took his lips into her mouth again.

Alex undid the buttons of her gown and pulled it off at a go. Marie pulled off her under garment to reveal a white laced bra. "I like your bra", Alex said and traced the swellings of each breast through her bra lace.

He fiddled with her hardened peaks through the soft fabrics of her bra. Marie moaned and pushed Alex into the sofa. She followed after him and shifted her full weight on his laps.

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