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Things got complicated when Zhu Cheng hired Scorpion; a notorious drug lord, to take out his cousin; Jesse. Jesse narrowly escaped after he was shot. He was rescued by Amelia who was a nursing student and Scorpion's ex-girl-friend. Scorpion soon found out about Amelia's involvement with Jesse. He showed no mercy when he realized Amelia was pregnant and Jesse was responsible. He abducted her and used her as a bait to lure Jesse in. On the other hand, Jesse found out that Amelia was Scorpion's ex-girlfriend and thought Scorpion was responsible for Amelia's pregnancy. He also thought both were working together to capture him. Despite his suspicion, he threw caution into the wind and walked into the fire to save Amelia when she called him in her distress. It was a payback for saving his life. Who is responsible for Amelia's pregnancy? What's next after saving her?

Chapter 1 Something In The Rain

It was almost midnight. 'Standing tables' as her friends called it, was one of Amelia's multiple part-time jobs.

Tonight, she wanted to fling her fatigued body under a comforter and sleep like a baby.

"I won't make it into midnight today, just deduct the pay for the remaining minutes," she said to the bar manager.

"You are jeopardizing your job as a part-timer here. You are only concerned about your pay. You should have pre-informed us... You can't just barge in here and disrupt the normal schedule!" The bar manager blurted out.

"I am so sorry for informing you late... I think I will just wait for tonight. It's almost midnight already," Amelia said. She bit her lips as she bowed and walked away.

Despite her tiredness, she could not afford to lose any of her jobs. She knew with the changes in her body, she might not be able to keep her numerous part-time jobs and still meet up as a nursing student as usual.

"It is too early to give up now, I still need to save up more money," she told herself and made her way to welcome another patron.

Amelia served till past midnight. She checked the time repeatedly as she waited for Katie who was supposed to take over from her.

"Sorry, I am a few minutes late... You should leave already, it might rain," Katie's voice suddenly boomed from behind.

"What took you so late," Amelia mumbled. "Anyways, thanks for the concern, my place is just a stone's throw," Amelia responded happily and made her way to get her wages.

She soon emerged from the manager's office with a smile plastered on her face. "Good night!" She called out to her friends and made her way out of the bar.

The night was cold and eerie. Amelia pulled on her jacket and secured her neck with a muffler. It was dark and it took some seconds to see through the darkness. She had left her torch while in a rush to make it early to class in the morning.

"This is bad," she mumbled and rubbed her eyes hard.

The waters in the skies darkened the darkness. Lightning and thunder fulfilled their courses and soon the earth echoed with splashes and lashes of rain. The water poured so hard and Amelia ran as fast as she could.

She was just a few steps away from her cabin when she stomped her feet hard and fell. She laid there and laughed so hard at her misery. The rain showed no mercy either.

Suddenly, she stopped laughing and examined her body. Having ascertained that there was no mishap, she bursted into another gust of wild laughter till she tasted salt in the rain water that coursed through her mouth.

"Hmm, hmm, hmm...." Sounds of groaning loud enough to be heard over her laughter and the downpour filled the air. Alas, she wasn't alone. The hair on her back stood up and goose pimples covered her body. She spiked up like an arrow, all misery replaced by alertness and defense. Then it was all still again except for the downpour.

Lightennings spiked and Amelia screamed at the sight revealed before her.

A full grown man was laying motionless on the floor. He was drenched in blood, rain and soil.

Amelia realized why she fell. She must have stumped her feet against him. 'What the heck!' she thought and shook herself off the mud.

Without thinking, she leapt towards her cabin. She almost unlocked the door but she turned around hesitantly and found her way back to the unconscious man.

She squatted beside him and checked for his pulse. It was strong and normal.

Suddenly, the man grabbed her hand. She let out a cry but the man went limp again. Amelia took to her heels. She ran into her cabin and bolted the door.

After she had calmed down, she changed into dry clothes and made her way to the bed.

She stopped mid way and peeped out through the window. It was all dark and still outside. She closed the window forcefully and flung herself on the bed.

'He needs help, who is he? What if he dies? Won't I be investigated? He is right in front of my door. What if he is a dangerous man? What if he is not?' Her thoughts ran wild and she remained wild awoke.

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