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Entangled With The Billionaire Player

Entangled With The Billionaire Player



•Victoria Ford- A nature-loving girl, an A-grade high school student, and someone who used to be always surrounded by the perfect company of 3 best friends who meant the world to her. She is a highly optimistic person with a love for happily-ever-afters running in her veins. Keyword: Used to be. Tense: Past. She was a highly optimistic person. What could have possibly gone wrong causing her life to take a 180° turn? Five years later, now all that matters to her is the business her late grandfather left behind for her. Victoria is aware Aaron has motives so she actively avoids him. But who would have thought that he is too persistent!? •Aaron Atkinson- An arrogant magnate, 25 years old and a perfect partner– be it in bed or business. Success is his middle name and anyone who dares go against him, he never lets them off. He is used to conquering everything that comes in his path until he meets someone. His next conquest is the female CEO of the Empire Group of Industries. Cold, cunning, and a workaholic. But who would have thought she is too hard to be pleased!? * * * Entangled With The Billionaire Player: Miss CEO is Hard to Please

Chapter 1 Truly Merciful

"He is begging for your mercy, Boss. He says he has got a family to feed."

"Is he still inside the building?" I checked the time and asked Michael, my trusted assistant.

He has always been there with me, helping me with the business I had to take over years ago.

In a way, he is my mentor who has taught me everything I know and has assisted me to become who I am now.

"Yes, he says he won't leave until you meet him."

I sneered, "Heh, the sheer audacity. Call security and have him escorted out."

Michael nodded and started to go out until I stopped him, "Michael."

"Yes, Boss."

"I don't want any drama."

"Noted, Ma'am."

"And for the last time, stop calling me with words like Boss and Ma'am! You are free to call me by my name."

"I can't afford this privilege, Ma'am. It will be burdening for me." Like a professional, Michael refused. As always.

Sighing, I stretched my arms, feeling a dull ache due to working constantly, "I can't argue with you. Go and settle that Murphy. We can't tolerate him any longer."

"On it." Once Michael was gone, I got up from my seat and went to the glass window which showed the clear sky. No clouds, no birds, it was simply empty and it looked so serene.

However, the serenity was only for some minutes as loud noises started to come from outside.

What has happened now?

When the noise still did not stop, I moved toward the door only to stop in the mid when a figure barged into the spacious room.

"Get away from me. Let me go in!"

He was a bald man with a bulging belly and his forehead was covered with sweat.

Maybe this was the first time he had run this much coming upon the 18th floor.

"It's amazing, Mr Murphy, how you still came here asking to meet me after what you have done," I smirked, "I am truly impressed."

Robert Murphy seemed ready to pass out any minute.

Seeing me laugh, he kneeled, trying to touch my feet. As if on cue, I swiftly backed away. He had nothing but dust to touch.

"Miss Ford!"

"Ah?" I arched a brow. Did he just call me Miss Ford when all the employees here call me Boss?

Oh, wait. He is not an employee anymore.

"B-Boss..." He stuttered.

"Please have mercy on me. You can't simply just dismiss me!"

"Why can't I, Mr Murphy? I make the calls here." Grinning, I inched closer to him, towering over him.

"I have been working here for years..."

"And what did you do after working here for years?"

"I... I.." Robert Murphy glanced everywhere but at me. I could tell he was guilty. Well, he should be.

"I apologise, Boss. He suddenly ran away. I didn't know he was here." Michael arrived at my office, taking deep breaths.

Is my office that high and impossible to reach? It seems fine to me, though.

"I'm... I have always been loyal to this company..." Weakly, Mr Murphy tried to say.

"Michael, display Mr Murphy's loyalty." I smiled. I wonder what his reaction will be.

Hearing my command, Michael brought a light-coloured file in front of me.

Taking it from him, I threw it at the nervous man, my amusement completely gone, and got replaced with a scowl.

Mr Murphy appeared startled as he started skimming through several documents and pages, his eyes popping out and his face started to get paler and paler, if possible.

This very file contained all the records related to Robert Murphy's so-called loyalty to the company.

The people he conned all these years under the name of Empire Group of Industries, selling the company shares to others secretly, the missing money from the company's account.

It is difficult to name every fraud since the list is too long.

"Do you want to say something, Mr Murphy?"

Silent, he did not look at me again.

"I'm already showing too much mercy by not giving you out to the police." I paced towards my desk, throwing one last glance at Robert Murphy.


"Throw him out and make sure he never gets to scam anyone again." Or get a job in the same country as long as I live there.

I did not need to say this much since Michael was capable and understood my ways.

"Yes, Boss." A minute later, three bulky bodyguards appeared and took Robert Murphy with them to escort him out. Cordially, I hoped so. Not.

It was again calm in the room yet the vibes here were not the same.

Damn it. That d*mn Murphy ruined the environment.

Just as I was about to give a call to the staff for my favourite dark coffee, my phone rang.

It showed the name, Kristina.

As soon as I picked it up, I was greeted by a boisterous voice, making my ears hurt.

"There's a family dinner this evening at 7. You must come."

"Fine." My voice came out neutral and the call was dropped.

I still had a couple of hours left, so I started reading the emails I received this morning.

The site we wanted to establish a project on was being auctioned next week.

I frowned.

Was this not already decided that we were going to buy this land? The deal was to be signed two days later this week, I recall.

How come it was going to enter an auction?

Gazing at the pictures on the site, I was determined to purchase it.

The land was an excellent place to start our Million dollar mall project. The land came across as barren and rough at first, but it was estimated by the experts that the commercial value of the land would be doubled and thriving in the next following years.

I was keeping an eye on this for a year and a half and was certain that I was going to be the buyer of it in the end.

The land's value was not known to many people, so I was pleased to have less competition around.

Though the reason was unknown why no businessman ever tried to buy it.

"Check who was managing this." I typed.

Minutes later I got a reply which said, "It was Mr Robert Murphy, Boss."

My eyes twitched.

Robert Murphy again.

It seems I was truly merciful.

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