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No more stitches to mend!

No more stitches to mend!

Anna Love


"Time and again you trappled on my heart, but this time..." she breathes heavily, feeling suffocated. "...this time the will be no more chances!" The was only so much she could do to keep her teeth from chattering. she knelt on the empty tarred road screaming into the violent rainstorm. After a few minutes, she collapses while holding on to her knees tightly and tasting the saltiness form her tears. "At least you won't see me cry." she whispered before embracing the darkness that had been calling out to her. Scarlet Frost the number one beauty in New York is in her 20's and is everything a proper lady from one of the three most elite families ought to be, unlike her her name suggest she's a combination of warm and cold. While Vince Neiman, the Young Master of the Neimans is her fiance thanks to a marriage alliance and her former close friend. The two get into a contract marriage with a duration of two years to please the elders but Scarlett hopes Vince will learn to love her eventually. Unfortunately, she endures two years of ridicule just to realize that Sarah; his ex-lover will always hold the strings to his heart and she pulls them to any direction she wants. Afraid,hurt and set-up she breaks her ties with him and ends up under the protective wing of Seth who seems to be more than the stranger who saved her life, Vince's arch-enemy! Sparks fly and feelings grow but can she bring herself to marry him when Vince returns for her?

Chapter 1 Caught!

"I see a girl!" Comes a haggard voice close to Scarlet's hiding place. Why did they have to find her? Wasn't it obvious she didn't want to be found? What the hell happened to the twenty four hour missing person's rule? Couldn't they have done so in her case too! All this questions rushed through her head as she trembled behind the tree.

She didn't like the feeling of ants crawling up her feet neither did she enjoy the hoots of owls and the other intimidating sound from the forest she was currently seeking refuge in. But it was better than going back home, that place meant nothing to her and the constant torture she had to endure from her Aunt and Uncle made it a lot worse.

"Why did you leave me mama? Why did you both leave me papa?" She hugged her legs tightly to her chest talking softly in the sense forest. She was sore all over from falling out of the window of the attic she was locked in and to make matters worse she had sustained other injuries while escaping through the forest.

"Miss are you okay?" The voice from earlier asked a lot closer and that only increased the tears pouring out of her swollen blue eyes. She bites her tongue hard pretending not to hear but the policeman just won't stop. She almost felt angry but was overwhelmed by her miserable state.

"I would probably scare him with my appearance." She thought to herself as she runs her hand over a bruise that had begun to blacken.

"After fervent prayers and a drum of tears shed she was still foynd and there was nothing she could do other than weakly feigh gratitude. Heaven knows she was counting the minutes until her impending doom! Only this time she was certain the cold attic would be a haven compared to whatever dreadful place they'd pick out this time.

"Will they lock me up again in the creepy basement?" her eyes widened as saucers when that thought crossed her mind.

"I don't want to go back there!" She croaks answering her own question. Last time she was locked in the for a week with nothing but crumbs to nibble on, it's pungent smell is still quite clear in her mind not to talk of it terrible appearance.

"On the bright side I learnt to not be scared of mice." She consoled herself but even couldn't warm up the chill in her spine.

"Miss!" She's jolted out of her nightmare when she feels the strangers rough hand on her shoulder.

"Are you okay? Do you feel pain anywhere?" He asks softly on feeling her uncontrollable shivers. Too bad he doesn't know it wasn't the fact that they were half way deep into an unfamiliar forest but from the retribution that awaits her at home.

"I'..i'm o..okay sir." She stutters hugging myself like her life depended on it. The cop she presumed to be about the same age as her Uncle smooths her hair and holds on to her reassuringly, using his touch to illuminate the way back. After many slips and scraps from the large trees they manage to climb out of the Forest. What greats them is a group of police cars lined up on the road.

As soon as they return her partenal Aunt Sandy rushes to her and hugs her tightly, whispering words of assurance to herself. A perfect performance

"She's was worried sick about you." Comes her Uncle Stan's voice, his concerned tone cannot hide the cruel glint of anger bubbling behind his brown eyes causing Scarlet to gulp nervously.After a few checks by the paramedics they're finally allowed to head home and all the courage she had managed to muster up evaporates into thin air.

"Sir?" She calls out frightened to the kind police man with a lovely smile who had escorted me back out. His kind eyes promised genuine love and care, something she had lost after her parents accident years back.

"Yes dear," he replies immediately. His furrowed brows create more wrinkles in his face and she feels the need to continue.

"Is something wrong?" He asks concerned. Tears pool out of her eyes and she take a wavering step forward towards him but suddenly a hard grip on her shoulders halts her slalk shaky steps.

"Is something wrong dear? Please tell us." Her Uncle grits out.

"Keep them away from me! They'll hurt me!! I'm scared!" That was what she was prepared to tell out at the top of her lungs but her Aunt's twisted features are enough to cause her to bite her tongue in an attempt to suppress the cold dread that invaded her person.

"I..I.. I just wan..wan..wanted to th..thank you. I was really scared!" Take out the "was" and add "are" to it please? She begged God desperately like every other night when they would hit her but just like her prayers went unanswered Everytime, this time is no less, for it hits an empty wall again today.

"My pleasure, do take care of yourself and get some rest. Sir,Ma'am we'll be on our way now." He smiles before getting into his patrol car causing the others to follow suit. Scarlet just stand the sniffing in the cold and holding on to the blanket that had been draped on her shoulders earlier in the forest. She can still hear the faint sound of the sirens when she's knocked to the wet tar.

"That's going to leave another bruise." She sighs to herself sadly before blacking out.


"Let me out of here... please" Scarlet cried desperately as she watched hundreds of millipedes slowly approach her. To the slow-witted girl they looked like smaller snakes with thousands of feet.

"I'm sorry little Mr millipede, I really didn't mean to dis..turp you and y.. your friends." She stuttered. She quickly grabbed three empty barrels and after quickly placing them on each other, she stands on a big hug and climbs on the unsteady barrels

She was well aware of the fact that her Aunt and her cousin Michelle where on the other side of the door but it was no use.

This was not the life she wanted. What happened to all the care they had shown her when her parents were alive? Scarlet wondered for.the millionth time tearfully.

"Please let me out, I beg you." She cried, but little did she know that was the beginning of the punishment that awaited her.

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