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No more stitches to mend!

No more stitches to mend!

Author: Anna Love

Chapter 1 Caught!

Word Count: 1086    |    Released on: 08/10/2022

obvious she didn't want to be found? What the hell happened to the twenty four hour missing person's rule? Could

imidating sound from the forest she was currently seeking refuge in. But it was better than going back home, that

king softly in the sense forest. She was sore all over from falling out of the window of the attic she wa

rs pouring out of her swollen blue eyes. She bites her tongue hard pretending not to hear but

ce." She thought to herself as she runs her

han weakly feigh gratitude. Heaven knows she was counting the minutes until her impending doom! Only this time

epy basement?" her eyes widened as sau

she was locked in the for a week with nothing but crumbs to nibble on, it's pung

red of mice." She consoled herself but eve

nightmare when she feels the str

llable shivers. Too bad he doesn't know it wasn't the fact that they were half wa

her Uncle smooths her hair and holds on to her reassuringly, using his touch to illuminate the way back. After many slips and sc

ushes to her and hugs her tightly, whispering wo

t of anger bubbling behind his brown eyes causing Scarlet to gulp nervously.After a few checks by the paramedic

mile who had escorted me back out. His kind eyes promised genuine love

urrowed brows create more wrinkles in his

eyes and she take a wavering step forward towards him but sud

ear? Please tell us."

to tell out at the top of her lungs but her Aunt's twisted features are enough to cause

e" to it please? She begged God desperately like every other night when they would hit her but just li

rol car causing the others to follow suit. Scarlet just stand the sniffing in the cold and holding on to the blanket that had been

r bruise." She sighs to herse


atched hundreds of millipedes slowly approach her. To the slow-wi

riends." She stuttered. She quickly grabbed three empty barrels and after quickly pl

unt and her cousin Michelle where on the

the care they had shown her when her parents were ali

, but little did she know that was the be

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