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Siera Montero and Kyle Anderson reunite after a 10 year gap of separation. But Siera isn't the sweet little angel he was knew instead she evovled into a cold hearted CEO of the most reowoned perfume company "The sweet fragrance." Will Kyle be able to win and soften her heart like he did ages ago?, find out in the series Don't let go.

Chapter 1 The Anderson Mansion

Siera got out of bed feeling rejuvenated for the day at the Anderson mansion much as she hated the work, it's what put food on the table , paid for all the bills at home not forgetting her mom's medical bills.

Freshening up, she wore her pitch coloured skirt that always brought out her small curves and white blouse.

Looking at herself in the mirror she said "you can do this okay, it's just a matter of time till you graduate and apply for the scholarship."

Tears streamed down her rosy cheeks but she rubbed them immediately with the back of her hands, it was to early to be sobbing she scolded herself inwardly.

Siera scampered downstairs only to find her mom preparing scrampled eggs and cheese.

"Mom, you shouldn't have woken up so early to do this .......Tracy can handle."

"I don't see anything wrong with it besides the doctor recommended me to do some exercise," she said with an assuring smile.

That smile there was her weakness "only for today mom i don't want to see you tiring yourself out we need to preserve all the energy for the chemo, i won't be able to take it if something bad happened."

"You are overreacting dear, here drink this it will make you feel better," she said handing her a cup of hot coffee.

After two sips she put down the cup and kissed her goodbye.

It took her 35 minutes to arrive at the mansion.

Siera was a very hard working beautiful young girl her vigilance and diligence made her the favourite amongst all the maids at the mansion and they envied her for it.

"Siera, young lady what took you so long to get here?" asked a stern voice once she was in.

"Sorry miss Camila it won't happen again i promise," she winked at her.

"Oh child you are really a pain in the neck sometimes, have this and go clean up the the room on the third floor," Miss Camila said.

Camila was the head maid and despite her sterness she held a soft spot in her heart for Siera.

The room on the third floor had never been used before why was Camila asking her to clean it up she wondered and she didn't know when she got it out her mind to words.

"But why Miss Camila?"

Apparently the son to the masters will be returning from Japan today so he will be using that room.

"Aaah that explains why everyone has been so industrious more than the usual."

"Quit blabbering and go clean up."

So Siera headed upstairs to the third floor and when she was done tiding up she decided to take a brief nap on the nice comfortable bed.

The softness of the silk bedsheets calmed her overworked muscles and she heaved a sigh of relief and slowly drifted to sleep.

Outside the outstretched courtyard of the mansion was a family that had just arrived and their presence tensed up everyone as they all stood in a que in a more royal like manner.

Looking in line Camila wouldn't catch sight of Siera.

"Where on earth could that girl be now?" She asked inwardly.

But she shoved it and immediately bowed down her head to greet the masters.

"Your welcome Mr and Mrs. Anderson."

The rest welcomed in unsion with their heads hanging low.

"Its alright Camila no need for all this formality," said a gentleman in his early 40's and his voice held a warmness just like the morning breeze.

It was Mark Anderson the master, he was the epitome of kindness unlike his wife, and he hated it when other's got too formal with him.

Just as Camila was about to reply a scorning voice jumped in "it's her job my love, hope you got every thing inorder Camila our son needs a quiet comfortable sleep."

Speaking of getting things inorder Camila was uncertain if Siera had completed her task but at this point all she hoped for was that she did or else they would all lose their jobs by today.

"Yes Madam all has been impeccably done."

With that the family gained acess to the interior of the house.

"Kyle honey let me show..........

"Mom I'm not a kid anymore i can take myself upstairs," he interrupted her speech.

"Just let him be." Mark jumped in.

Tears welled in her eyes as she watched him head up "Oh my love it's like he's grown so distant from us i honestly regret taking him to Japan," she said with a downcasted face.

"Sophia you need to understand that our son isn't the young boy we knew 10 years ago, 8 years have gone down the road and he's now a grown man its just a matter of time till we get grandkids running round the house," Mark laughed at the thought of the little ones.

"Oh please stop that hog wash Mark, my son is still a child and quit joking around it's not funny you know," she almost pouted out her lips with the last words.

Sophia adored her son and that love had turned him into an arrogant snob.

Opening the door Kyle was taken aback by the girl lying cosily on his bed seeing the way she was dressed up he knew right on that she was one of the maids.

"How dare she lay her filthy sweaty body on my bed," he said through clenched teeth.

Closing the door behind him, he hasted towards the bed and yanked her off.

"What do you think you're doing lying on my bed with you're filth?" he sounded anguished.

Being yanked off the bed and called filth all felt and sounded like it was part of a dream that she had to be awoken from.

"Pardon me!" She said trying to grasp the gist of his rudeness with her blurry vision.

Kyle couldn't believe the nerve of this lowlife he just caught snuggling in his bed.

"You sure do have the audacity to ask for a pardon, save that for the street's."

Just then it hit her that she'd gone against rule number 10 "never sleep on the master's bed."

She gasped and said "please no sir it wasn't intentional i don't even know how i got to this point please don't fire me."

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